Am I really supposed to eat all these calories?

Hi. I'm a week in and have managed to lose 1lb so far, which is fair enough. However, I am also working out like a demon and earning back lots of calories that I'm having trouble making up for in food. ( I'm eating plenty!) do I have to eat them back? If not should I be expecting bigger losses? I've planned in my gym sessions for tomorrow and have 1000 more to eat. I won't be able to exercise if I eat that much!

Thanks for your help (in anticipation I will make my diary public)


  • Selfmadepsyche
    Selfmadepsyche Posts: 20 Member
    What did you set your daily activity to? Most people set it to sedentary, eat at a deficit and then log their workouts. In this case, you should always eat exercise cals back. Otherwise you are starving your body. If you are having a hard time eating enough, choose more calorie-dense foods.
  • thetq
    thetq Posts: 9 Member
    I'm reasonably active as I'm out visiting clients quite a lot and run a house with all the shopping/cleaning etc it brings. I don't feel like I'm starving, in fact, I'm eating better than I have in a long time and plenty of it. I even went over on Saturday for a treat day.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    If you're working out a lot I'd log the calories and put in the lowest accurate level. I didn't think I was sedentary either, but that is what works most accurately for me with logged exercise.

    You don't (probably shouldn't) eat all your exercise calories back that day. They just have to average out over the week. I often eat more (because I'm more hungry) for several days after a major workout.