Any new moms out there? Need to loose my baby weight!



  • moyafigura
    moyafigura Posts: 140 Member
    I just had my baby 6 weeks ago and need to start loosing all this extra weight. I am breastfeeding so hoping that will help. Friend me if you want.
  • jenn0113
    jenn0113 Posts: 25
    My son is nearly 4 and I joined MFP after having him. I lost all my baby weight (65 lbs) and it wasn't nearly as hard as I expected it to be once I started logging on here and using the MFP tool. After having my daughter in Dec I jumped back on and am planning to lose this weight as well but hopefully much sooner. Last time I was counting on breastfeeding to melt it all away (ha! I didn't lose any weight BFing) and this time its all MFP. :)

    Good luck - it can be done!
  • carriej82
    carriej82 Posts: 123 Member
    I just had my 4th baby almost 3 months ago and the weight is NOT coming off... I seriously MAY BE lose an ounce a week lol

    I had just lost 60 lbs before getting pregnant with the 4th and now I have 50ish to lose :(
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    my 2nd son is 5 1/2 months old. I have a diet plan that i got from a registered dietician 3 months ago and i stick to it night and day even though i don't stopped seeing her over a month ago.

    I work out usually when my baby is awake now and my 3 year old is sleeping. I pop the baby into his swing or jumperoo and put on jillian michaels. sometimes the baby is great and finds my high kicks entertaining and i can do 40 minutes, sometimes i can do 30 and sometimes i can only do 20. I do what i can, leave about 200-300 calories extra a day, and loose about a pound a week.

    the reason i'm successful now is because my diet is easy to follow, i love healthy food anyway, and i love to workout. But i've also learned to not feel guilty when i miss a workout or when i have an extra bite of chocolate. sometimes the best thing is to let go, move on, and pick up where you left off.
  • NicoleC1012
    I have two kids, ages 1 week and 2 1/2 years. Trying to lose the baby weight!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    I have two kids, ages 1 week and 2 1/2 years. Trying to lose the baby weight!

    Congrats on your very recent baby!! Make sure you give yourself time to heal before you jump right back in!!! Good Luck!
  • vickiessecret
    vickiessecret Posts: 119 Member
    Congrats on your new baby! Definitely get the ok from your doctor before you start working out. I also have a almost 4yr old, 2 1/2 yr old & a 11 week old & I am just now trying to lose this weight & I'm very determined to get if off this time :) Good Luck to you too !!