P90X support



  • brettinlj
    Also added him (Coach Wayne/TeamRipped) as my coach because his site has been invaluable. He also actually COACHES. I haven't ordered any supplement products yet as I'm trying to go natural/whole foods only, but if I do I'll be glad he gets the credit versus the other "fake" coaches described in this discussion.
  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    Also added him (Coach Wayne/TeamRipped) as my coach because his site has been invaluable. He also actually COACHES. I haven't ordered any supplement products yet as I'm trying to go natural/whole foods only, but if I do I'll be glad he gets the credit versus the other "fake" coaches described in this discussion.
    I'll have to check him out too. I have no problem giving my money to people who earn it. I just got to a point where I was done with BB and their coach BS. So many of my friends and I have been using BB products for years and own pretty much every workout and we all have coaches, and in the entire time we've been members at the BB forum not a one of us has heard from our coach and we've sent emails, emails, emails lol and these aren't even successful coaches who don't have the time to get back to us. I don't want that person giving me advice so I just said F it and left BB and came here for a little break. I actually prefer MFP to the BB forum. I think I've been brainwashed a but by BB lol in thinking that there is no other site out there as good as theirs. This one proved me wrong, and it seems way more active over here. Post go unanswered for weeks over there.
    I am totally getting into weight training now and wouldn't mind having a coach, but I want a man. I work better with men and just get along better with men. But some of these male coaches that I like have so many people that they are assigned to that I wonder if they really have the time for anyone else? I suppose if they have an active webpage and a You Tube channel and are consistent than that would work for me too. I don't expect some guy who's got 100 or so people assigned to him to get right back to me, but if they're constantly posting on Facebook and on their website, and YouTube I'm cool with that. I really dig this chick Carey Potts, but she is so busy and has so many people assigned to her but she is active daily on her websites and does a ton of You Tube videos, I would without a shadow of a doubt give her my money, she deserves it. And I like Coach Todd (Midgett) I am going to check out Coach Wayne now and see what he's all about assuming I can find him lol.