Week 1

I just finished week 1. I lost 7 lbs in the first week. I was a little over excited. May have pushed too hard. I was looking for more like 2-3 lbs per week. I am trying to eat a little more this week. It should also help with the cravings. 2 things that I did that i am proud of are 6-8 glasses of water every day. Also started with a protein shake twice per day to keep my protein levels up. Seemed to help.
Any Advice going into week 2???


  • Keep doing what you're doing! Well done!!
  • Hi . Just started week one . After 2 days really getting into it as well! Have a mountain to climb- a mere 100lbs to lose . Hope I have as good a loss as yours! Congrats
  • Hi feliscattus and everyone new this week. I just started today and have a stubborn 20lbs to lose. Good luck on the journey
  • Great job on losing 7 lbs in your first week. WOW!!! Good for you. Today is my first day, and already I am loving the tracking. My short term goal is to lose 15 lbs by my 40th birthday which is in 5 weeks. I hope I do as well as you do!