I Got Told Gym Won't Help Me Lose Weight

OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I am so demotivated.
I joined the gym 18th of Decemeber, have had no caffiene and only alcohol on New Years Eve and thr 4th of Jan.
I have been doing cardio at the gym, about one hour either on the exercise bike or cross trainer, and then half an hour on the one I did not do the hour on.

I have been sticking very strictly to low fat, weight watchers food. Despite this I feel no different, feel I look no different (no one has said otherwise) and have only lost a bit of weight.

I was speaking to someone at the gym today who is a personal trainer, and he said my workout will NOT help me lose weight. He said the only way to lose weight is through building muscle - ie- lifting weights. I don't want to do this as it hurts me.
He said what I have been doing for the past few weeks will no have helped me lose any weight.

I thought it was calories in vs calories out. And I burn around 500 calories most times I go to the gym and I go around 4-5 times a week. Please help, I don't understand why he said this workout wouldnt work.
And why I feel and look no different :(


  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The "trainer" is full of it.

    It IS calories in, calories out. (Although weights are great for you, and muscle mass at rest burns slightly more than other body mass at rest. )

    Weight loss happens in the eating. If you're at a calorie deficit (even if you're not exercising at all) you'll lose.

    Frankly, shame on that dude.
  • That is not what my personal trainer said...lol...she said you have to target muscle groups . She had set up a work out regimine for me that does not include wieghts. I go to her on wednesday of next week for my training ( I do every other week with her for excercise and the other for nutrition) I will let you know then what she put me on. I do know you have to maintain a target heart rate to burn fat. If you go to high you will gain wieght because you are building muscle. My target heart rate is 123. you should ask someone at your gym if they can help you determine your target heart rate to burn fat. good luck
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    So you think I should still stick at it and I will lose? Because my scales say I have lost but to be honest I look no difference and my clothes don't seem any different.
    This is so confusing with all this advice coming at me! Maybe he was just trying to get me to buy a training session with him.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    My max heart rate on the cross trainer seems to be 175 at the moment.... I think thats more muscle building anyway, which is what the personal trainer said would help lose weight.
    This is very confusing!
    Keep it up and let me know how you get on!!
  • lcmartin
    lcmartin Posts: 163 Member
    Awe...don't listen to them. While they are right that by building muscles you up your metabolism...that's NOT the only way to lose weight. Cardio is still really really good for you and very good for your heart and burns fat! As far as why you didn't lose...I can't really say. Sometimes that just happens. Seems like everybody is having a "bad" week this week...so it's not just you. I'd like to think that maybe the earth is in some sort of weird rotation and that at this time, everbody weighs an extra 5 lbs! (that's my theory and I'm sticking with it!

    So stick with it. Don't give up!
  • I am so demotivated.
    I joined the gym 18th of Decemeber, have had no caffiene and only alcohol on New Years Eve and thr 4th of Jan.
    I have been doing cardio at the gym, about one hour either on the exercise bike or cross trainer, and then half an hour on the one I did not do the hour on.

    I have been sticking very strictly to low fat, weight watchers food. Despite this I feel no different, feel I look no different (no one has said otherwise) and have only lost a bit of weight.

    I was speaking to someone at the gym today who is a personal trainer, and he said my workout will NOT help me lose weight. He said the only way to lose weight is through building muscle - ie- lifting weights. I don't want to do this as it hurts me.
    He said what I have been doing for the past few weeks will no have helped me lose any weight.

    I thought it was calories in vs calories out. And I burn around 500 calories most times I go to the gym and I go around 4-5 times a week. Please help, I don't understand why he said this workout wouldnt work.
    And why I feel and look no different :(

    The trainer might have been looking for business!
  • How do you know your heart rate for a calorie burn?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    The "trainer" is full of it.

    It IS calories in, calories out. (Although weights are great for you, and muscle mass at rest burns slightly more than other body mass at rest. )

    Weight loss happens in the eating. If you're at a calorie deficit (even if you're not exercising at all) you'll lose.

    Frankly, shame on that dude.

    I agree. Losing weight is about creating a calorie deficit. You can lose weight without working out if you can create that deficit through your diet. Working out, cardio and weight lifting can help you burn more calories. You have not lost a lot of weight, but you do not have an extreme amount to lose. Take some measurements and watch them as you tone up and exercise. Do not let the comments of a trainer like this get to you. Did this "trainer' then try to get you to hire him? Probably trying to drum up business!
  • clankp22
    clankp22 Posts: 38 Member
    I hate to say this, but I think the trainer was just telling you that to make a sale. In my experience, some of the trainers can be pretty sketchy and they are just trying to get you to sign up. If you do decide to get a trainer, make sure their motivation is pure- to help you!

    Hope this helps! Good luck!
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    How do you know your heart rate for a calorie burn?

    At my gym, we have a little metre... when you put your hands on the machine it will read your heart rate and tell you what it is. It will then flash a different colour depending on how high or low it is..
    I think anything above 140 is muscle building/aerobic...
    100-140 is fat burn?

    Something like that I really can't remember.
  • jnikitow
    jnikitow Posts: 334
    I have been doing this for the last year. I have a really hard time with the strength training part of exercising. I just get bored with it. Anyway, so my exercise routine is mainly cardio. I go between the elliptical and treadmill (running), and have lost about 65 pounds.

    Although I did lose all that weight without strength training, I now wish I had done it because I have a lot of extra skin and flab now. My goal this year is to tone.

    So, you will lose weight. I did! Eventually you will want to tone at some point though.

    Hope this helps.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    He did then say, "You need someone to look after you, to look after your diet and make you an exercise program"
    I just said I didnt have the money and figured calories in vs calories out should work in time...
    Thanks for the kind words.
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    Thankyou very much!
    I suppose, I don't htink he had my best interests at heart...
  • OpalFruitJam
    OpalFruitJam Posts: 114 Member
    Thankyou! How long did it take you to see noticeable results?
    I just see no difference yet. Glad to know it will work though. I may try to do a few weights every now and then, but there is no way I can make them my main workout!
    Well done on your weight loss that is very impressive!!!
  • hnlymark
    hnlymark Posts: 191
    Your diary shows that you are consistently around four hundred calories low. That's not so good to begin with. In fact, there was a day there you only had nine hundred. That just doesn't seem like enough. As far as calories in/calories out, I firmly believe that is correct. However, it is good to have some strength training mixed in there. By the way, strength training doesn't have to be painful. Start out super light and once your muscles start getting used to being used, build up to heavier weights with low reps. Some soreness will be there, but it shouldn't be painful. I do believe you can still lose weight with cardio only though. In fact, I bet there are many on here who have.

    It is a long process, losing weight. It happens so slowly you generally won't notice a difference, it sorta sneaks up on you. Be patient and strong. If you are consistingly losing a pound a week you are doing fantastic. Also, understand that its not just about losing weight, but about being healthy and building self respect by proving to yourself that you can do it. And, of course, you definitely CAN do it. You should try eating a bit more though. I have never experienced it, but many experts say your body goes into starvation mode if your caloric intake is too low.
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    Yeah, I have been going to the gym for a year. I use the elliptical, cross trainer, the bike and the stairmaster. I choose 3 machines, and I do around 20 minutes on each machine. I have lost almost 40 pounds just doing this. It has been a slow weight loss for me, but I think that is because I have not been counting calories. I just started counting calories 2 weeks ago, and I have noticed a big improvement in my weight loss. I know that I should lift weights to tone up, but for now I have just been focused on cardio.
  • I know all this can be confusing and I defintiely felt overwhelmed when I started working out to lose weight. You are right that cardio is a good way to lose weight and it is about calories in compared to calories out.
    I think people get scared about strength training and what it is. It doesn't mean that you have to lift super heavy weights and get huge muscles.
    You can do other exercises like squats and lunges holding onto hand weights or body weight exercises like tricep dips and push ups. These are great exercises becuase you don't even need to go to the gym to do them. Even for abs you can do plank exercises and leg lifts. These kind of exercises will tone your muscles and will continue to burn fat for a longer time after you have stopped exercising than cardio will.
    Everyone is different but if you are going to the gym 5 times a week maybe do 3 x cardio and in between alternate with just a small amount of cardio and these kind of exercises.
    I think you will find that they will really help you.
  • ZuniDi
    ZuniDi Posts: 4
    Make sure you are eating enough and do not skip meals.
  • minnesota
    minnesota Posts: 204 Member
    The biggest issue with people losing weight is getting discouraged, because they are not seeing results fast enough. Weight just doesn't melt off and it varies from person to person and how much and where they lose it from. I lost 50lbs in the past and was just like you "not seeing any results," but when I look back I wanted to lose the weight in my stomach, but instead I was losing it in my face, arms and legs first. As others said the trainer may be looking for business. Just keepeat on calorie counting and making sure you are making smart choice and keep exercising. Change your cardio up a lot as your body will adjust to the routine and you won't burn as much as you did before. Push yourself every time and make it a goal every week to go longer, harder or faster the next week.

    When it comes to weights I would always suggest this as it does increase your metabolism, tone your body and burn calories. Try to start to incorporate this into your rountine by doing seperate muscles groups. I will give you an example on what I do for just an idea. I tend to go to cycle class a lot since it burns tons of calories and very intense. I hope some of this information helps and I wish you the best!!!

    Weights Cardio
    MON Back and Biceps Running
    Tues Chest and Triceps Cycle
    Wed Legs Stair Master/ Walking on incline
    Thurs Shoulders Cycle
    Friday OFF Cycle
  • vctkell
    vctkell Posts: 41
    First, I am gonna suggest you send a friend request to SHBoss1673, this is Banks, he is very knowledgeable in these areas. I follow his comments and have learned alot just from him. You do need to combine your cardio with weight training, this will help
    tone your muscles and burn fat while you are at rest. I do weights on Mon & Thurs cardio on Tues & Wed. By combining weights and cardio I lost around 15 lbs and 2 pant sizes. Be sure friend request Banks and here is hoping you have great workouts !
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