whats the best cereal to have?

I dont really want porridge. Its boring at times.
Muesli? Whats the deal with it?
I want low cal and filling.

I live in the uk by the way.

thanks in advance x


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
  • Zylahe
    Zylahe Posts: 772 Member
    I'm sure ppl are going to ask, "have you tried overnight oats"
    Its a completely different texture to norml porridge. I woul say if you have a pack in the house try it once.
    As for cereal, low cal and filling, your best bet would probably be all bran, fruit and fibrze or weetabix.
    You could try adding some fruit to any of these (strawberries are in season and the Sonata ones are sooooo sweet, but any fruit might help)
    Also don't buy into the WW, type cereal, they often have the same or more cals than regular.

    You can always try non cereal breakfast, smoothies, eggs, salad, toast etc.
  • lisaivette
    Try kashi honey roasted cereal.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    cereal does not keep me full for more then 20 minutes, but I still eat it ,,,, maybe switch to oatmeal, I know that is better for you then most cereal and seems to keep me full for a few hours