My Before Picture

gummibaehr Posts: 143
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I got brave and put on my bikini and took a before picture turn around.

Ugh! An eye opener for sure! :blushing: (This bikini fit me once... Waaah!)

If you have a before picture you want to share, please do! Then we can all come back later when we have some progress and/or after pictures and cheer each other on!


  • 00Angela00
    00Angela00 Posts: 1,077 Member
    looks better than mine! haha, good luck with this exciting lifestyle change! We're our own biggest enemy which is ironic because we're the only one's that can get ourselves to succeed. :-D YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DO THIS!
  • karensp
    karensp Posts: 37 Member
    oh my goodness I would love to have your figure!! xx:tongue:
  • You ARE brave! I applaud you. I took a before pic a year ago (I've gained 5 lbs since) and it was with sweats and a tee on.
  • koriebrownie
    koriebrownie Posts: 23 Member
    Awesome! I think you look great! I wish I would have done that! I still have a few pounds to go. I would have loved to have a picture to refer go back to.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    I hate the way that I look that i do not even allow my family to take pictures of me. I am getting ready to go on vacation in March and have to go bathing suit shopping because hopefully i will lose more weight so that i have to get a new one. I am even tanning every day so that I do not burn. I am extremely fair complexion person. this is the tannest i have been in years.
  • You are so brave! I don't even want my family to look at me! Good for you! What a great way to inspire yourself. Keep posting and checking in-YOU CAN DO IT!:wink:
  • Belle84
    Belle84 Posts: 36
    i have to say WOW you have amazing curves :D mine used to look like that.....still do but under 4" of fat lol x
  • Thank you so so much, everyone! :heart: I've only been a member for a few days, but I already love this community! You're all so incredibly nice and supportive. I want to lose 20 pounds so I plan on taking new photos at the 10 pound mark and again when I reach my goal. I think actually being able to see results in pictures will really help motive me.

    I'm starting a swim aerobics class tomorrow!!
  • Good for you! Maybe I'll get up the courage to post a pic like this, but since I'm a bit curvier than you, so I doubt it :) Maybe if I posted a pic of me in a bathing suit on our refrigerator, it would remind me to eat better!
  • That sounds like a good motivator, Kristie!!

    I went to my first swim aerobics class today.... In this bikini! I felt awkward at first, but all the class members are super nice. I forgot all about my body image issues within the first 5 minutes because we were having so much fun! I signed on for 3 months at the pool. Hopefully by the end this bikini will fit me perfectly again. :bigsmile:
  • How do you post photos? I'm obviously new to this.
  • emilyfh
    emilyfh Posts: 291 Member
    im already in my before picture, cant wait to post a new pic. Yes that was a good idea everyone needs to take a before and after.
  • willnorton
    willnorton Posts: 995 Member
    not too make it better!
  • Wow!! I haven't worn a bikini in....hmmm well lets just say a while. You look like where I hope to be in 6 months! What an inspiration. I'll definitely take a before pic, not sure if it's safe to post - i might blind All I can say is if you believe in yourself and take it one step at a time, you'll do great! I look forward to being successful with ya = D
  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    You look great. As for me, the only before picture I was brave enough to post is my profile picture. And this picture is part of me hiding behind a mini-mouse ear.
  • 004.jpg

    We'll see if this works
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member

    you did it right you just have to change the IMG to img
  • kizzym
    kizzym Posts: 250
    wow i just dont see why IMG and img should make a difference but it does...
  • JessicaT2007
    JessicaT2007 Posts: 553 Member
    I have been meaning to take a before pic.... I will do it tomorrow!

    Gummy-you are a brave soul to post those pics and I will join you soon by posting mine when I take them.....

    Kizzym- gotta love the NKOTB shirt!!:bigsmile:
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