I'm sure you're all sick of me..but about kettlebells?

The YMCA has them. Whenever I see people using them..they just squat a swing. What in the world is that gonna do? And are there other workouts aside from the "squat and swing"? What does a kettlebell work out?


  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    Google is your friend :)

    I googled 'benefits of kettlebells' and here is the first hit which gives a good overview.

    But there are others, if you are interested, read up a bit.
  • tharrington82
    tharrington82 Posts: 32 Member
    A proper kettlebell swing is a full body workout if done correctly. There are thousands of exercises you can do with kettlebells. My advise is if you are interested in using them, have a trainer show you some moves.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Whenever I see people using them..they just squat a swing. What in the world is that gonna do?

    I'm guessing you have never done a few minutes of proper kettlebell swings....