What's the single biggest change you've made?

We've all made changes to our lifestyle in pursuit of better health, but what is the one change you've made to your diet and exercise that's had the biggest impact on your weight loss? For me it was cutting out all alcohol during the week ... now:bigsmile: I want to hear what others have done!


  • curxxx
    curxxx Posts: 16
    I used to drink, I'm not even joking, around 6 litres of milk a day. Full fat too..

    I've now cut back to 1 glass of 1% a day :), sometimes I don't even have that.

    I have to take calcium tablets now though :P
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I've cut way down on the pop. It's still a major work in progress, but I'll keep plugging away at it.
  • tammys_changing
    I only drink water now and exercise 6 nights a week. It's sad to admit but I never did much of either before MFP. :ohwell:
  • jojorocksforeva
    jojorocksforeva Posts: 303 Member
    POP and have been drinking tons of water:D
  • saford10
    saford10 Posts: 24 Member
    I have given up soda's, beer, rum and cokes and coffee. I have promised to do this for seven weeks. I want to see how if effects me in my weight loss before I go to Las Vegas. I am entering week five. I am nine pounds down. However that was the first week. Not much has changed since then.
  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    watching my sodium and increasing my protein. its amazing the difference of how hungry i feel with aiming towards 40% protein vs the 30% i started out with. or even just keeping my carbs at or below 30%...HUGE difference in my appetite.
  • danithegirl89
    danithegirl89 Posts: 203 Member
    I don't stuff myself until I am uncomfortable anymore. Well maybe once in awhile... Like Thanksgiving/special occasion... But I regret it every time. I used to stuff myself this full every single day of my life. I was at a down point in my life and that strategy did not make me feel better! Lol. I feel like every pound I lose, I shed some of the bad/sad stuff and I am a million times happier today than I was back then! I will never ever go back!
  • laurwillbelovely
    refined sugar! I have replaced it with fruit sugar or just cut it out entirely.
  • Weebs628
    Weebs628 Posts: 574 Member
    I've given up fast food except Subway and Panda Express (only when I'm really craving it). I haven't had Wendy's or McDonald's in almost 2 months and I do not miss it!
  • Sthrncupcake
    Sthrncupcake Posts: 79 Member
    COMPLETLY cut out sodas...and I am a Dr Pepper chick!
  • Jemellc
    Jemellc Posts: 308 Member
    I most deff. hate pop/soda........ugh.

    said bye to fast food (even if all i was buying was a salad) I said bye to the name and store lol. I was never a heavy fast food eater anyways :)

    I replaced Doritos. Dislike chips. So bad...... Dont crave them anymore :)
  • SkinnyChemicals
    Cutting down on my calories and not binging every day.
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    I watch my calories eaten everyday very closely and started getting exercise of some sort everyday.
  • Stephanie_Autry
    Stephanie_Autry Posts: 228 Member
    Ever since I quit smoking- I've been able to run longer distances without being out of breath. Before I could barely walk up a flight of stairs at 150 lbs and I would run out of breath. I became home-schooled because I was so out of shape & all I did was smoke and drink. Ever since I quit all that- I've had more energy and been capable of doing things others do now.

    Okay, maybe I still do drink a little... :blushing:
  • stevefarris
    No carbinated drinks,just water with lemons.Portion control, no sugar, and I excercise more than before.
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    Completely cut out soda's(4 months) and McDonalds (July 9)....since July 9th I have lost almost 20 pounds :)
  • AllisonLorah
    AllisonLorah Posts: 12 Member
    I used to drink around 5 cans of regular soda a day and I always had at least 1 alcoholic drink every day. I've cut out both of those things. I still need to have a diet soda every once in awhile, but I'm not chugging regular soda all day now!
  • xPocahontas
    Eating serving sized normal people proportions & recovery
  • Dylex
    Dylex Posts: 15 Member
    I cut out soda a few months back and I know that made a difference. I used to drink soooooo much.

    My next boycott is on coffee & other energy drinks. I've been trying to replace the morning coffee with warm lemon water.
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    I stopped pouring tons of coffee creamer in my coffee and now measure out one tbsp and add stevia packets. Saving myself alot of calories and I don't miss the creaminess that much :)