I spent yesterday in tears after my weigh-in :-(

Let this be a lesson to everyone on their weightloss journey.

Yesterday was a bad day for me. Last year I joined MFP and managed to lose 16kg (35lbs) over 8mths which was halfway to my goal weight. I was soooo pleased with myself and got complacent and fell off the wagon a bit, but managed to maintain my new weight for another 6mths despite eating and cheating a bit and slacking off with the exercise.

Over the past 4mths though I haven't weighed myself and haven't exercised apart from doing a couple of events and some half-hearted walking/jogging. I have noticed my new clothes getting tighter and I knew I had put on weight and had to do something about it so yesterday I jumped on the scales and peeked through my fingers at the number.....

....and burst into tears!! I had put on half the weight I had lost last year and I had noone to blame but myself.

I'm now facing the long uphill slog again even to reach the halfway point and it is disheartening to say the least!

I would love to hear from any people who have experienced this type of setback and what they did to find their motivation again after back-sliding badly.


  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Well you took the first step..coming back..all u can do is start over..today is day 1..no regrets, no excuses..just write it all down and start making baby steps to success. Good luck :)
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I lost 50lbs 3 years ago.

    I kept it off for about... 8 - 9 months (even after not working out and eating not as healthy) ... and then Christmas came.
    I was so busy... I ate so badly for like 2 months up to Christmas and then until after New Years.

    It honestly went downhill from there... I stopped weighing myself... I was on birth control that added weight and I wasn't ever working out and eating horribly.

    Three years later...

    I gained all the weight back and then 30lbs. So I gained 80lbs.
    It sucked and I really wish I never gained it back PLUS MORE. ugh.
  • KettleBellHoe
    i am a yoyo weigher aswell. my weight goes up and down like crazy as i ease up my reigns and be extremely discipline usually its 10lbs i either lose or gain- i weigh myself every few days so i dnt let it go too far but when i drink its maddening,cuz not only do i drink alot of empty calories i get the munchies like mad,
    it is a bit disheartening i agree but if you incorporate begin active as just part of being yourself its way easier to stay on track,.
  • notjustmonday
    I'm sure a lot of us go through this. When we see progress, we reward ourselves and say "this won't hurt, I've been doing great!" But we also don't stay disciplined. You fell off the wagon but at least you want to get back on it! Many people see it as defeat! Work just as hard, even harder actually, and get to your goal weight. You've done it before, and you can do it again. No more crying. :smile:
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    It happens, you know? I understand you are upset but you know why it happened so there would be no value in dwelling on it or feeling bad for too long. You know what to do, it doesn't have to be an "uphill slog" it can be something with more of a positive twist. Make your plan and start again, right now, don't wait for any reason!

    We all have different battles. Some of us lose and gain back everything. You gained half. That's ok, you are still less than when you started. :flowerforyou:
  • raggedyangst
    I don't think it's the same as last time. You begin again, but smarter. You know what works, you know how to eat and how to exercise--that's a lot of learning you don't have to do again. You know your body so much better now; you're better armed for the fight! So go ahead and dive in; you're so ready!
  • AdGalicia
    AdGalicia Posts: 84 Member
    Wow this story is all too familiar for me. Last yr I lost almost 40lbs and loved my accomplishment but now I've gained it all back plus 15lbs. So like everyone else my 2012 new yrs resolution was to lose what I had gained but that didn't happen. I didn't get the ball rolling till about June and it was very hard to even wanna try again. I'm doing alright so far...

    I hope you find that motivation your looking for
  • xiala
    xiala Posts: 50
    Don't beat yourself up! Pick yourself up and go forward!
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Well I started my weightloss journey on 8/20/11 and was 268lbs I got down to my lowest of 177.2 on 4/15/12 and then due to life,my emotions,hubby going out to sea,rearing 3 kiddos under 5 excuse after excuse here I am on my 1 yr anniversary and I am 207.8 as of this morning..still 60lbs down which is great but when I was at my lowest down 90lbs it kinda just sucks...so after balling my eyes out on my husbands shoulders last night I decided okay I can either pick myself up and drop the rest of this weight my goal is 150 or I can keep emotionally eating and not caring and get fat again..yeah NO!!! I don't want that plus I want to fit back into my size 9s again I started out at an 18/20 and am now a 12 I miss my 9s that I could fit 30lbs ago...so every week I will try them on again until they fit and that will to be motivation for me. Plus this is a lifestyle change and for me I have to get it knocked into my head good healthy eating and exercise r what's going to help me continue to lose weight and to keep it off..its a fact of life..either I want to be healthy and get to goal weight and maintain it for life and live longer to be around for my kids or be FAT and unhealthy and I don't want that..U just gotta dig deep think back to why u started losing weight originally your why and goals have to be sooo big its scary and makes u hurl a little..then u know u got it!!;)
  • AbbysMonkeyMama
    I had lost 40 lbs, then basically did just like you...fell off the wagon, but didn't go crazy. I gained 10 lbs back. I knew it, and knew I had to get back on track, but didn't have the motivation. For me, there was no magic motivation or trick. I had to do what I did the first time. I just made the decision to to it. I use Facebook, and I posted a status telling everyone that I had gained some back, but I was back on track. I like the feeling of knowing that everyone can look at what I'm doing. The fact that I have to lose 10 lbs to get back to where I was sucks, but even after one week, I feel so much better than it really doesn't matter. I'm just happy to see the scale going down again. Just make the decision and do it. You did it once before, you can do it again. :)
  • notsothinlizzie
    Big Hugs and welcome back honey.
    I'll throw my sad tale of woe out there too.... Just to let you know you are not alone.
    When I was 25 I lost 90+ pounds in 6 months... I was at goal for 4 weeks. My husband and I went on vacation. I gained 5 pounds... 5 pounds... I was too ashamed to go back to my meeting and face the music... fast forward 20+ years.. 90 plus gained.

    You need to be congratulated for coming back sooner than later and start again.
    You are gonna do it. Stand tall, dust yourself off and lets get this party started!
  • mtinta2000
    Everything is a process and a process has its ups and downs and setbacks. Try not only to lose weight but to make healthy changes in your life. Even if you lose little by little, you will not get it back. So make a change and make it part of your life, then make another. Make a habit of eating mostly plant based food - fruits, vegetables, salads, and walk every day at least 30 minutes. Splurge once in a while in what you like, but if it is too unhealthy, try to find substitutes that will give you the satisfaction without the damage. But more important - look in the mirror every day and tell yourself how beautiful you are. Self esteem is very important - feel good about yourself and do things that make you feel good. No more tears. Turn that setback into a bigger victory. Now you know the mistakes you made. This time it will be easier. Just remember to incorporate the changes into your daily life.

    I haven't gotten where I want to be yet, and sometimes I get lazy, but I am sure I will get there!
  • Cinny91
    Cinny91 Posts: 21 Member
    Heck yah, I've been through the same thing. At my heaviest I weighed over 300 lbs. Mostly due to my job (was always around food and little or no exercise) but realisticly I had given up on what I could accomplish. After a change in my career to a very active job I lost 40 lbs. with no effort or change of eating habits. Then one day it hit me, I WANTED to be healthier, look better and feel better. I worked hard with diet and exercise and managed to get down to 220 lbs. It was fantastic! The last two years I fell into the trap that I didn't have to do anything more, that the weight would magically continue to fall off on it's own. Yah, right! Eartly this spring I couldn't get my jeans buttoned. I cried and crucified myself for allowing this to happen again. But yanno, the self loathing only lasted a day. The next morning I woke up with a renewed attitude. I buckled down on my excercise and started to watch what I ate. Two weeks ago I joined this site and have logged on faithfully every day. Yesterday I bought a treadmill and I love it! The moral of this story...once you get bucked off the horse, find a stepstool to climb back on. MFP is my stepstool and as long as I continue to see my progress in black and white that horse shouldn't buck me off again. But, if it does I'll climb right back on again. Best wishes to you, I hope you can find your step stool too.
  • monkeybu
    monkeybu Posts: 34
    Thanks for you words of support guys - it is much appreciated!

    I have done some hard thinking today and I hope I've got my head back in the game, I think the words "don't look back, just look forwards" might become my new mantra
  • cmcorn26
    cmcorn26 Posts: 253 Member
    But you are back! Think positive, move in a forward motion, mentally and physically!
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    about 9 years ago I lost 70 lbs and kept it off for a couple years. then life circumstances happened and I gained most of that weight back. I fell into bad habits and excuses. this year I decided enough was enough and have re lost 30 pounds of what I gained back *19 of if since joining MFP in June and exercising. it can be very depressing but now that you have realized it you must make the effort to get back into good habits. you can do it! I believe losing weight is not hard but maintaining it is. lifestyle changes have to stick. you cant just lose weight and then when you have go back to eating freely and sitting on your behind not exercising. so just wipe away your tears and put on your walking shoes as soon as possible and hit the pavement or treadmill. log your food daily no matter what you eat. and repeat everyday!
  • ThatBikerChick
    I am sorry that the scale has effect you so much to make you turn to tears. I tend not to look at the scale since I am pretty heavy built and I hate looking at the scale. What I do is take measurements since it is much more rewarding (to me) to lose inches (off your waist for example) over how heavy the scale tell you that you are. I hope you hang in there and find the encouragement you need.

    If it makes you feel better as well, I actually was weighing in at 203Lbs a week and a half ago. Today Im at 194.61 :D Digg deeper and find what you need as your motivation.
  • amuchison
    amuchison Posts: 274 Member
    Know that bottom line u have to change your habits of health...so maybe choose a bad habit and work on taking 22 days to fix it and the bad habit will become a good one...so if u hate cardio do cardio for 22 days and then go from there;)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    At least now you know what you have done in the past and know what to do with the future...if in the future you need a cheat...make it a meal or a day...not 5 or 6 months...you can do it....
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    This time you will go stronger and reach new heights.....you hate this feeling and by no means want it again. You now understand something you didn't once before. Life is for learning. Let's go and finish what was started!