Another depression post



  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    If you need some support and someone who understands, you are more than welcome to add me.
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    we're all white people. so of course we're depressed.
    I mean what do we have to be depressed about?
    We're white....SMILE!! lol, as Chris Rock says

    Edited to add. I was diagnosed with clinical depression, on a serious note, I know how it feels to be down at your worst.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I suffer from PTSD, depression, and severe anxiety/panic attacks. The depression I've had for a long time, but I'm getting over that, no meds. The PTSD and anxiety stem from a fire I had almost 2 years ago and almost died in with my daughter. I honestly think this is why I've gained so much weight, those reasons, the stress from the fire and being homeless, and insomnia. Of course, I don't blame it ALL on that, I went through bouts of eating so much, then nothing at all, and back and forth. And to top it all off, I've had a broken thyroid for over 4 years and wasn't diagnosed until recently.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm torn, It's nice to know there are people out there that understand but at the same time, how horrible that so many of us have to deal with these issues. I decided at some point in the last year or so that the best thing I ever did was start addressing my issues and I promised myself I would be as vocal as I could about those issues. If one person reads something I wrote and changes their life for the better because of it then I have done something good with my life.

    I feel the same way too. For a long time after the fire, I kept myself shut off from the world. Over the past few months, I'm beginning to get the hell over it a little bit and move on. It happened ,nothing I can do to change it, but I don't need to dwell on it and let it define me either. It is awful, though, and also awful that doctors are so quick to prescribe meds for any depression symptoms. Oh, you cried yourself to sleep 2 nights in a row? Here's some Prozac! Become a zombie... Bleh. Personally FOR ME, meds made me worse off. I know they do help a lot of people, but I strongly believe they are over-prescribed.
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    When I fell off my rocker a few years ago meds were the eventual answer that was thrown at me. Eventually I found ones that work great but finding them almost killed me. I didn't know what way was up for a while. Finally had to quit taking everything and let my system clean out for a fresh start. Now that's hard when you're cycling through panic attacks 24 hours a day. But I'm finally in a good place, after much therapy and good drugs. There is hope. And the more I exercise the better I feel too.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    bumping to read more of the posts tomorrow.

    OP, thanks for your post. Funny how we think we're all alone...and from this forum it definitely looks like there's a lot of us out there experiencing some of the same issues.

    I've been dealing with diagnosed depression since high school, anxiety issues a little later in life...currently warding off some social anxiety which I have never had before--I had anxiety around certain issues, but never about going out and socializing, that's been a recent development, don't know what triggered it....I'm not taking any medications right now but using exercise, diet, and the support of some close friends and it's helping...but I still feel like I have a lot of work to do.
  • jvhall83
    jvhall83 Posts: 35
    Being overweight can definitely bring about these emotions but I'm glad that through help you were able to begin conquering your issues and move forward. You also did it while keeping your life and for that I give you props. It takes a real man let alone person to be able to understand that they need help, get it, and move forward with their life. Props to you man, keep learning about yourself, stay motivated, and make small short term goals. Reach them, then set new goals, then you will feel better about yourself and your situation and know that you are making progress and improvement in all aspects of life. Food used to be my comfort too...i'd get stressed and I would eat...but now I'm recently married, and I cant let my own issues get in the way, I have to conquer them. Regardless of whether you believe in a supreme power or not, I do, you can find the help that you need to find your joy in life. Be blessed man. Keep your head up and keep marching forward. :)
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    All my life I've fought to keep depression from swamping me. There have been times when it has but there were usually circumstances that pushed me over that line and into depression. All the things we do in order to get and stay healthy also battle depression. Exercise, better sleep habits, eating better and building a supportive group of friends around you are all things that you do in order to battle depression.
    My doctor offered me medication and I told him that right now I'm probably the happiest or most contented that I've been in years. My whole family deals with depression in one manner or another. One brother takes anti-depressants and has been trying to find the one that will work best for him over the last 5 years. My other brother self-medicates and stays really active. I've chosen to get back to swimming, eating healthier, getting control of my weight and my life, spend more time with my family who are very supportive of what I'm doing. I also changed jobs to one that has WAY less stress about a year ago. I work less hours but I love what I'm doing.
    Overall, my way is working. How about yours?
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