I spent yesterday in tears after my weigh-in :-(



  • selig0730
    selig0730 Posts: 509 Member
    6 years ago i went from 240 down to 205 and then over the year i gained it all back. In october 2011 was at my highest 249 and needed a change so cut out pop and then nov 2011 started MFP full time and started a gym membership. now im at 185 and better then ever. im never going back i will stay on mfp if i have to just so i dont gain the weight back. you can lose the weight you gained but you just have to get over the weight gain and just get back on the horse and lose the weight just like you lost it before. remember with mfp you get the motivation from other people.
  • misscarissak
    I went through this as well. Worked hard, lost a decent amount of weight (without ever actually reaching my goal), only to put it all back on again - and then some!

    I think the main thing is that you have now made yourself accountable by jumping back on those scales. That's a big step in the right direction and I don't think you should ignore that. For me the biggest thing was the following decisions:

    1. not to set a goal weight "deadline" - as you only get bitterly disappointed when the date comes and goes without the success you were hoping for. This is a lifestyle change, and so what if it takes me months to get to goal? At least by then my habits will be firmly planted in my subconcious!

    2. weigh in once a week - NO MATTER WHAT. I know that when I have a bad week my first instinct is to avoid those scales so I don't see the damage. Before I know it, 4 weeks have passed in my state of denial and my clothes inevitably are getting tighter. You can undo a week's damage pretty quickly - a month? Not so much aragh. Stay accountable to yourself.

    3. take it day by day. By breaking everything down to smaller, more manageable "chunks" it's so much easier. I hate seeing that I have 26kg to lose. It's easy to be overwhelmed. So, I am just concentrating on the next 5kg. Once that's done and dusted, I'll look at the next 5.

    I too am now looking at a big uphill slog. I admit that there have been times where I have been utterly overwhelmed by that hill. But I'm realising now that by looking at the ground in front of me and just taking small steps, day by day, I can look up every now and then and be surprised that the top is just that little bit closer. Even better, I can turn back and see just how far I've come!

    This is just what works for me (and yes, there are certainly times where I've fallen off the wagon!) - everyone is different and you just need to find what switches that light on for you.

    The thing to remember about those wagons is a) they're so bumpy that you have to hang on tight not to fall off and b) in my experience, they're not going fast enough for you not to be able to chase down and jump back on!

    Hope this was helpful and I wish you the best of luck! :)
  • robin68562
    robin68562 Posts: 116 Member
    Somebody call the Waaahmulance! :laugh:
    Cheer up and don't beat yourself up. I know how it is to fall off and gain it back. I think we all do. But today is a new day. Think of how good you felt when you lost the weight. Think of the reasons you wanted to lose weight in the first place and how good you'll feel when you do. Sometimes getting motivated is the hardest part, but once you get there, the rest is easy. It took me a long time to get motivated, but now I am and it's like the weight is falling off. I'm eating healthier and I don't even feel deprived.
    I don't consider myself as being on diet. I call it a lifestyle change because that is what it is. That's what it has to be or I know I will be continually backsliding.
    You can do it. Just reach into that place that I know is inside you and tell yourself you deserve to treat yourself better. You did it before --- you can do it again. Best of luck to you.
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Definitely been there and done that. You just gotta tell yourself if you don't get back at it now, you will only be going even further backwards. And when you do get back at it, don't let that scale run your indication of progression. Scale don't mean ****. You can lose many inches, gain much muscle and actually gain weight. For future reference.
    To sum it all up.
    Keep your head up, your Shoulders cocked, and keep charging!
  • Casey45
    Casey45 Posts: 160 Member
    One of the women I've become friends with here has a blog I find wise and inspirational. She celebrates in 10 pound increments. Today's blog announced a total of 60lbs.

    She finished with: "Every ten pounds makes a difference. You only fail if you quit.". Her MFP blog is Reesecuptyler's Blog. She has entries for each ten pounds she's lost.

    You haven't failed. It's a set back, so figure out your lessons learned, And move on.

    I know the yo yo experience. 30+ years of being on a diet most of the time ( but never being dedicated to making my health and fitness the goal - just a number on the scale- all I accomplished was gaining weight from 150lbs my starting weight on my first diet in high school all the way up to 212lbs when I finally started doing it right in August last year. At two different times I managed to get up to 225 ( once was post partum, the other time, no excuse.) When I got on the scale in August (like you I'd been avoiding facing the truth throughout the last upsurge) I suddenly realized that if I didn't do something different I was only a few pounds away from a new record.

    Sounds like you are facing reality in more timely manner. You did it before, now start thinking abut LONG term, life long changes and make it happen.!

    You can do this.

    Best wishes.
  • ascott048
    I went through this as well. Worked hard, lost a decent amount of weight (without ever actually reaching my goal), only to put it all back on again - and then some!

    I think the main thing is that you have now made yourself accountable by jumping back on those scales. That's a big step in the right direction and I don't think you should ignore that. For me the biggest thing was the following decisions:

    1. not to set a goal weight "deadline" - as you only get bitterly disappointed when the date comes and goes without the success you were hoping for. This is a lifestyle change, and so what if it takes me months to get to goal? At least by then my habits will be firmly planted in my subconcious!

    2. weigh in once a week - NO MATTER WHAT. I know that when I have a bad week my first instinct is to avoid those scales so I don't see the damage. Before I know it, 4 weeks have passed in my state of denial and my clothes inevitably are getting tighter. You can undo a week's damage pretty quickly - a month? Not so much aragh. Stay accountable to yourself.

    3. take it day by day. By breaking everything down to smaller, more manageable "chunks" it's so much easier. I hate seeing that I have 26kg to lose. It's easy to be overwhelmed. So, I am just concentrating on the next 5kg. Once that's done and dusted, I'll look at the next 5.

    I too am now looking at a big uphill slog. I admit that there have been times where I have been utterly overwhelmed by that hill. But I'm realising now that by looking at the ground in front of me and just taking small steps, day by day, I can look up every now and then and be surprised that the top is just that little bit closer. Even better, I can turn back and see just how far I've come!

    This is just what works for me (and yes, there are certainly times where I've fallen off the wagon!) - everyone is different and you just need to find what switches that light on for you.

    The thing to remember about those wagons is a) they're so bumpy that you have to hang on tight not to fall off and b) in my experience, they're not going fast enough for you not to be able to chase down and jump back on!

    Hope this was helpful and I wish you the best of luck! :)

    Don't think I could have said it better. Did the loss and gain game several times myself. I am currently working on losing the 10 pounds I gained back after a back injury. I basically used that as an excuse to take a break from the gym and turned my weekend into foodie adventures. Yes, I am that girl who plans her weekend around finding the best crepe in Seattle. Which is fine if you exercise and keep your portions small. But this girl made it an event.

    One thing I did not stop doing was weighing myself. I was fully aware of what I was doing to myself with every pound I gained. Ten pound up and I was done! Even trying to lose ten pounds is a bummer for me but I will never reach my goal if I don't put in the work.

    Now I have small goals. Drink all my water. Go to the gym twice a week (used to go four times). Stay at calorie goal. Weigh myself once a week. Try to plan my meals ahead.

    Good luck to you! You can do it, just remind yourself that this is a journey. The ending is what matters most at this point and you are in control of that!
  • MizzTweezy
    MizzTweezy Posts: 250 Member
    Oh yeah was just there not to long ago... I feel off for 5 months and gained 20 pounds back...I fell out of my zone do to issues with others that were affecting my progress, I finally decided I worked to dam hard for what I did and wasn't going to let anyone but me be responsible of my actions... I dropped the 20 pounds plus some already... It is never to late to get back on the wagon.. But you have to really want it and get back into that zone you were in before... I am so much happier in this place this zone than I was that 5 months of letting go of myself... Hang in there, don't look back at your mistakes, remember what happened and take it as a lesson learned and move forward again.. You can do it!!!
  • AlessisMore
    AlessisMore Posts: 179 Member
    Thanks. So much what I wanted to say.
  • Dudagarcia
    Dudagarcia Posts: 849 Member
    Somebody call the Waaahmulance! :laugh:
    Cheer up and don't beat yourself up. I know how it is to fall off and gain it back. I think we all do. But today is a new day. Think of how good you felt when you lost the weight. Think of the reasons you wanted to lose weight in the first place and how good you'll feel when you do. Sometimes getting motivated is the hardest part, but once you get there, the rest is easy. It took me a long time to get motivated, but now I am and it's like the weight is falling off. I'm eating healthier and I don't even feel deprived.
    I don't consider myself as being on diet. I call it a lifestyle change because that is what it is. That's what it has to be or I know I will be continually backsliding.
    You can do it. Just reach into that place that I know is inside you and tell yourself you deserve to treat yourself better. You did it before --- you can do it again. Best of luck to you.

    Well said ^^^^^. :)
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    I don't think it's the same as last time. You begin again, but smarter. You know what works, you know how to eat and how to exercise--that's a lot of learning you don't have to do again. You know your body so much better now; you're better armed for the fight! So go ahead and dive in; you're so ready!

    ^^^ Totally this.

    Just think of all you know now that you didn't know before. I also remind myself of all those folks you've seen who were addicted to drugs and had to keep trying to beat their particular drug of choice. You can do it. Be glad you woke up when you did. Also, Welcome back. :smile:
  • monkeybu
    monkeybu Posts: 34
    Some wonderful words of wisdom here - I appreciate the support guys, I really do! I'm going to take small steps and break it down into little goals and make sure that I set my next goal as soon as I knock one off.

    I'm over beating myself up now - I just have to get on with it

  • jumadey
    jumadey Posts: 60 Member
    I'm sure a lot of us go through this. When we see progress, we reward ourselves and say "this won't hurt, I've been doing great!" But we also don't stay disciplined. You fell off the wagon but at least you want to get back on it! Many people see it as defeat! Work just as hard, even harder actually, and get to your goal weight. You've done it before, and you can do it again. No more crying. :smile:

    couldn't have said it better!
  • TXHunny84
    TXHunny84 Posts: 503 Member
    Yep- Just did this myself... I lost 30lbs....and was only 7 pounds away from my goal....then self-sabotage I guess and gained 10 pounds!.... Now I'm 17 pounds away from my goal....grrrrr Seems I do this every time too.... I completely understand your pain.
  • karenhaston
    karenhaston Posts: 7 Member
    And how are you doing??? (-: