new to MFP

My name is ashley. I am a single mom of a 2 year old little girl. i am new to the whole losing weight thing. i am severely overweight and would like to lose alot of what i had gained when i had my daughter. i have quit smoking which has made it 100% easier for me to exercise. i have been doing alot of power walking and am slowly adding in some jogging. what have you all done to lose weight when you first began?


  • blondeambyshun
    When I first started, I did kind of a pen n paper version of this site...but it was called body for life. You got down to your scivies and took a before picture. Then, the plan was 6 small meals of a protein and carb. With weight lifting and aerobics on alternate days. Out was great for building muscle, but kind of high maintenance. Now, I eat what I want, but some times cookies and French fries replace dinner. I just try to stay under 1500 calories or so.
  • SkinnierPlz
    Hi Ashley, I am also new to MFP. I'm a mum of 3 under 6yrs. I need to lose about 10kgs but have been on diets before. I aim to get to 60kgs with gym visits 3-4 times a week inc weight training & cardio occasionally. Good on you for quitting smoking! Walking is the best exercise, I miss my walks. Best of luck to you. I am also trying to lose those last kilo's after baby #3.
  • blanketgirl
    blanketgirl Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Im Janet, and a newby from Portland Vic, Australia.
    My son is getting married at the start of December and I really need to loose at least ten kg to look nice for the occasion.
    So hoping this site can keep me motivated and going!
    Have just joined an excersise group too-
    Good luck everyone Hoping we all have great success!
  • parismilton
    hey me Paris from CA, joining a new firm and want to lose some extra KGs look better as my fitness will matter much on my performance.