+1.... I spit in your general direction, Diet Gods!



  • Wow this is my morning humor for the day!! Awesome post and great insight on how not to panic, but review yesterday's meals to see where you could have went wrong. Have a great day!!
  • LuckyCheryl
    LuckyCheryl Posts: 71 Member
    I loved your story - great start to the day. I took struggle with keeping my sodium in check! Have a wonderful day.
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    haha! Scott, you are hilarious! Keep up the great attitude, and thanks for the morning laugh!
  • SallyRamona
    SallyRamona Posts: 73 Member
    Great post! I needed a good laugh. Also, congrats on sleuthing out that +1 and making a plan to counter it. You will definitely reach your goal this time with that attitude...and humor. :drinker: (that is water in those mugs by-the-by)
  • Chelsrf
    Chelsrf Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks for the laugh, definitely put a smile on my face this morning :smile:
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Hey, hey, hey... Logic doesn't belong here! Our entire self-worth is supposed to be emotionally tied to the number on the scale! :explode:

    Seriously... great post. :drinker:
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Woke up this morning to see that I am up one pound on the scale. Now, if this were one of the 2,483 other times that I've tried to lose weight, this would be my cue (ooh, that word reminds me of bar-be-cue) to say, "oh what the heck, it's not working, so I might as well just binge away" (SCOTT TO ICE CREAM CONE: "Hellooooooo Gorgeous...."). But that just ain't gonna happen. No sir. No ma'am. Not me. Not this time.

    Step One: Review yesterday's food list to find out why this happened. Let's see... Calories? Nope, stayed within allotment. Fiber? Well, I did eat a lot of fruit and veggies and have not yet visited the Reading Room this morning. Sodium? hmmm... let's see... BINGO... lookie there. Started the day yesterday with home made french onion dip made from Fage non-fat yogurt and french onion soup mix. The whole really filling and satisfying recipe only amounted to 250 or so calories (including ribs of romaine lettuce substituting for fritos), but the dip mix had 2,440 mg. of sodium. Why that's supposed to be my entire intake of sodium for the whole day. No wonder I am retaining water. That much sodium should make me as effective at that as the Hoover Damn (pun intended).

    Step Two: So what are you gonna do about it Big Boy? And more importantly, why are you talking to yourself in the third person? This is creepy. Stop it. No, you stop it. NO, YOU STOP IT. Anyway, Step Two involves recognizing that this is a marathon that I am on, not a sprint. I can stop getting on the scale every day. Yeah, that's not gonna happen. Ok, so instead, I can recognize that occasional ups in my downs are a normal part of this process. I can do that. Also, I can begin to monitor my sodium intake as well as I have my calorie and fat intake. That's a good idea. Finally, I can increase my intake of water today to flush out (hahahah... you're funny... no, YOU'RE funny... ok, we're BOTH funny) the extra salt. That's what I'll do.

    Step Three: Stay on program!

    Step Four: Spit in the general direction of the Diet Gods. I refuse to slip on this banana peel (or, perhaps more appropriate, Blooming Onion peel) that you've tossed in front of me to make me screw up. I'm 51 years old, dammit. I'm SUPPOSED to learn from my previous mistakes. So this time I will.

    Step Five: Obtain a very good therapist to help with this speaking in the third person thingie.

    Ok, it's a plan. I'll do all of that.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some scrambled egg whites with green peppers, red peppers, onions, cayenne pepper and gran masala to consume. Y'all have a great day. I am going to prepare to continue for the rest of my succesful marathon.

    Peace out!

    Excellent.!...LOL....I think that this man has nailed the drill!! This post (ie SCOTT'S RULES)should be required reading on MFP for anybody (ie everybody) who ever gets hit in the face with a scale generated setback.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    :-) Good Read! Thanks:laugh:
  • zoombaby
    zoombaby Posts: 14 Member
    After eating peanuts I can gain up 3-4kg up until evening, even tomorrow scale showing more weight then I actually have, it depends are you worried about your total body mass, or total body fat. Because that its clearly water, similar thing happens if your Sodium intake varies. What you should really bean concentrate its how do you look in front mirror, 1 pound + - its irrelevant.
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    As always good writing. I'm proud of you for sticking with it, but you've really got to break the habit of daily weigh ins. I'd cry if I did that to myself every day!
  • It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's a marathon, not a sprint. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    Thanks for that reminder...I seem to need it daily.
  • pennyknipprath
    pennyknipprath Posts: 28 Member

    I bet you gained muscle. I assume your working out.

    I started new blood pressure medicine a month ago and it's has my body reeling.

    I lose three pounds Monday
    Gain 2 lbs Tuesday
    Lose .6 lbs on Wednesday
    Stable on Thursday
    Lose 1 lb on Friday
    Saturday I kick up the exercise and gain a 1 lb
    Sunday Stable
    Monday lose .4 lb
    Tuesday finally drop below 170 and lose a full lb.

    Who knows maybe I'll gain it back tomorrow. Blood Pressure Meds I hope to be a thing of the past soon!

    The idea is the general direction is down.

    Stay the corse. so you don't end up a corpse! Dude!
  • piesbd
    piesbd Posts: 196 Member

    You are funny.... and yes, sodium is a huge contributor to daily fluctuations of weight.

    Remedy: Drink lots of water to flush your system....

    Great job realizing it and being committed to staying the course!:happy:
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member

    I see you've put your thinking cap on this morning ....... so funny, but so true ...... drink plenty of water & you'll be back on track in no time ...... and thanks for sharing !
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Loved your conversation with yourself. You are not alone in this type of discussion. I do agree with you on the soup mix being the culprit. I have noticed that if I use a packaged mix or proccessed food item to round out dinner the scale is not kind. It is the sodium and all the stuff you can't pronounce on the list of ingrediants.
  • gr8grl68
    gr8grl68 Posts: 417 Member
    LOL--nice attitude to have! It's not easy staying positive when things don't go our way, but knowing you can fix it and keep moving in the right direction is the right mindset to be in! Congrats . . . to both of you :laugh:
  • VogtAndrea
    VogtAndrea Posts: 236
    Sometimes it only takes one little (sodium packed) thing to pack that water and everything else that went with it into your system. What is surprising is that when you work that sodium out of your system by eating exactly right and so on.... suddenly you look at the scale and it wasn't just the sodium weight or water weight you dropped. You were about to drop a little when you told your body to hold everything in sight with that sodium rich whateveritwas. French onion soup is a wonderful evil. That little devil has toasted alot of weeks for alot of people.
  • noahsmommie
    noahsmommie Posts: 71 Member
    You rock! I am going to remember this when (inevitably) the scale spites me. Thanks for sharing!
  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    You made me smile for the first time today. :) cheers
  • expoduck
    expoduck Posts: 59
    Oh MAN, I love your posts. Keep 'em coming. :D
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