Will I do it this time??

Hello all,

I've been using MFP for just over a couple of months but the past month was a write-off with family and work issues. So, 1 month of comfort-eating later, I'm ready to get back on the diet wagon. Exercise is not really an issue - I'm a keen runner and I regularly go to the gym. But I like food. A LOT!

Plus, I've been waging war against The Belly for years and I always seem to lose then re-gain the same 7-10lb. How do I break the cycle? Any words of wisdom (espially from other/former yo-yo-ers) would be much appreciated!

Sarah x


  • Disclaimer: I am not as arrogant as this sounds. I hope I can convey the point without sounding like a jerk.

    My words of wisdom for success: "Be selfish". You are the one who looks in the mirror. You are the one who laces the shoes. You are the one who puts food into your mouth...you are responsible for it all. Therefore, try to adapt the selfish mindset that you are doing this for YOU and you alone.

    Draw your motivation from yourself and not other folks on here. Intentionally, or not, they will usually let you down and you will wind up discouraged. Once you are "selfish", you will then be free to offer support to others. "I will help you reach YOUR goals, but I refuse to sacrifice MINE in the process".

    When you embrace the thought of "being selfish", you cherish the results more. Remember our teenage years? You always took the best care for the items YOU bought for yourself. There was a tangible value to that purchase. You remembered how many hours you worked to buy that. Same with your goals. Being selfish attaches that tangible result where you can tie together effort with results.

    I hope this made sense. The term "selfish" is not the type of selfish where you refuse to give someone help. It is the "selfish" where you rely more on you.

    As for the food Sarah, I am with you on that. Reeses Peanut Butter Cups are still my weakness. But, I have not purchased one in 4 months. My trick? I say, out loud, "No, I cannot have you". Somehow it silences my craving very quickly......and gets you strange looks.....But hey, you are doing it for you right?
  • Saree1902
    Saree1902 Posts: 611 Member
    Thanks a lot - I'd never thought of looking it from that angle!
  • Keep us posted. I know you can do it!