New here & started Couch to 5k too!

Hi all,

I joined 10 days ago having finally reached the point where I am ready to change! My head was not in a good place before and my emotions were ruling my eating. No more of that.:smile: I got the app for my phone and love how easy it is to keep track, I feel encouraged and in control.

I've also started doing the Couch to 5k jogging. I did it before but then gave up in the winter (too cold, too rainy, too icy - too many excuses lol) and never got back into it. I'm loving jogging again and have even been doing a little yoga on the Wii fit on my alternate days or if its too hot to run.

I'm currently on holiday from work as I'm a teaching assistant, so I'm hoping I still have the enthusiasm when I'm back at work! I hope my fitness will have improved by then so I will have some energy left at the end of the day.



  • mrsains
    mrsains Posts: 104 Member
    Welcome! I've heard great things about the C25K program, good luck with it! Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some support :smile:
  • Hello! I myself am new here. I am in a similar situation.. I was not ready emotionally to lose weight before, but I am now and so excited! Good luck to you!
  • danessa1
    danessa1 Posts: 31 Member
    I finished Couch to 5K a few weeks ago. It was a great way for me, a nonrunner before, to get started runinng. I've found I really enjoy it and I'm looking forward to signing up for my first 5K. Stick with it.
  • I am new here too.. I have been doing the couch to 5k for a little while and I completing week 8 tonight.. woohoo.. You can do it. If it is too cold/hot outside then jog inside even if you have to jog in place :)
    good luck:smile:
  • priyac1987
    priyac1987 Posts: 115 Member
    Im doing c25k aswell.. but still not sure how to log it on mfp. What do you guys log it as?
  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    Welcome! I'm finally getting back into MFP & c25k too! The two combined really seem to keep me motivated.
  • fitnhealthymama2
    fitnhealthymama2 Posts: 33 Member
    Im doing c25k aswell.. but still not sure how to log it on mfp. What do you guys log it as?

    I wear a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) to track my calories, then I added an exercise that I use every time I do the c25k - "c25k calories calculated with HRM"
    I adjust the time & calories based on what my HRM says.

  • reisha
    reisha Posts: 4 Member
    I've been on MFP for about 2 weeks now & I started C25K right after that. I just finished Day 1 of Week 2 yesterday. It was tough but I finished it. My brother is helping me tremendously! He's been doing MFP & C25K for awhile now so he's a big help to me.
  • alycat06
    alycat06 Posts: 75
    I started C25K last week and love it! I've always wanted to run but never knew "how" to do it properly. It's absolutely freeing to put in my earbuds and take off. I wish you the best on your journey! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    I joined 10 days ago having finally reached the point where I am ready to change! My head was not in a good place before and my emotions were ruling my eating.

    I can fully relate! I think you need to be ready for this mentally and emotionally before you can really commit. Congratulations on getting started!

    I'm also in week 2, I've been logging for 13 days and am very glad I found this place. There's a lot of great support here, which is wonderful.

    Now, can someone tell me what this Couch to 5k is all about?
  • Now, can someone tell me what this Couch to 5k is all about?

    Couch to 5k is a running program for beginners. Basically you do the program three days a week, and it gives you intervals to slowly bring you up to being able to run/jog a full 5k! If you have an app on your phone or whatever you can use it while running/listening to music and it gives you the prompts for when to walk/run so you don't have to keep track of it yourself. It's really handy.

    Op, I'm in a similar place. I'm just coming back and I think I've finally got my head in the right place too. I think I'm gonna be starting C25k soon as well! I just have to get a doctor to take a look at my ankles, as they were giving me trouble last time I tried it. Best of luck to you! :smile:
  • checof
    checof Posts: 114
    Couch to 5k is a running program for beginners. Basically you do the program three days a week, and it gives you intervals to slowly bring you up to being able to run/jog a full 5k! If you have an app on your phone or whatever you can use it while running/listening to music and it gives you the prompts for when to walk/run so you don't have to keep track of it yourself. It's really handy.

    Thanks, Stephy. That sounds pretty awesome. One of my goals is to become a runner, and I'm defintely a beginner, and clueless at that. This app sounds like it could be incredibly useful. I also have >70 lbs to lose, wishing you good luck on your journey! ^^
  • Lisame11
    Lisame11 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi all, thank you for all your lovely replies, I feel really welcome!

    Couch to 5k is a series of free podcasts you can download from NHS website in the uk, which literally take you from sitting on the sofa not exercising, to being able to run a distance of 5k. The podcasts have music and are narrated by a woman who I find encouraging without being annoying which really helps, so you know when to start and stop running, how much longer you have to go, etc.

    Week 1 starts with 5 mins brisk walk, then jog for 60 second and walk for 90 seconds. You do a total of 8 x 1 minute jogging, then 5 minutes walk again at the end. Its a good way to start. Even jogging for 1 minute to start with is difficult if (like me) you haven't done any exercise in ages, but starting that small makes it a manageable way to run for 8 minutes and walk briskly for about 20 minutes without feeling its too hard and getting defeated before you really get going.

    Personally I enjoy the time to myself, and every time I do a podcast I feel a great sense of achievement. I also remind myself that every time I exercise its another step closer to my goal!
  • summaryzn
    summaryzn Posts: 113 Member
    iust finished C25K about 10 days ago and while i dont love running im excited that (while IM still slow) I can go for a full 30 mins. Always thought that would NEVER happen., Also love how it makes me feel afterward, like I got a real full body workout. Would love to add new c25k friends and follow each other's progress. Glad your back to MFP. it took me while to get back in to the swing of things but I find this site eo tbe an awesome support central and excellent place to bounce ideas off others in the trenches... WELCOME!
  • orangebreeze
    orangebreeze Posts: 15 Member
    Welcome. Your story looks very similar to mine, even similar start weight. I have been doing c25k and I am now on week 5 day 3 and I love it!! Feel free to add me :)
  • I have just started the C25K as well, yesterday was day 2 of week 1. I had started the program a few years ago and didn't stick with it, but I am hopeful to stick it out this time!
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    I'm on week 2 of C25K and really enjoy it! I've been on MFP for almost 4 mos now and have lost 22 lbs. Anyone feel free to add me! :flowerforyou:
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    I've looked at the C25K and thought it looked good. Reading your comments has made me decide to give it a go... I'll now have to get one of my teenagers to sort out the downloading for me! MA:smile: