


  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Any weight loss aid has been thoroughly killed for me by Dr Who ;)


    That said, there is a legit need for appetite suppressants with some people. I think that most people don't and that weight loss can be achieved through diet and exercise. So, try doing it the old fashioned way first and if it's not working or there are other factors at play, see your doctor.
  • subcult
    subcult Posts: 262 Member
    If I could afford that stuff I could afford a personal trainer.
  • paytonOMG
    paytonOMG Posts: 33 Member
    Or you could save your money and just eat less and exercise......

    That's what I've been doing. Thankssss -___-

    I was just looking for opinions. I'm trying to cut out caffeine, and its hard to find products that help give you energy. I didn't realize until I read more thoroughly that it is just an appetite suppressant. I am thoroughly commited to being more active and happy with myself. I've been working really hard on my "Lifestyle Change", but I am looking for something to help my burn during my workouts. Thanks everyone for your helpful opinions!

    Have you tried B12 supplements? I'm no Dr. but I've heard that can help. I've also never taken them myself, once I start working outt regularly 3-4 days a week I usually get natural energy. Worth a shot though, right?!
    (But please talk to a doc first, if you can...:))

    I take the disolving b12 daily, and since I started I've noticed a tremendous difference! It definitely gives you a natural energy boost, and happiness!