
I was wondering, I am 22 years old so drinking is almost unavoidable in my life so is it bad to have a drink a few days a week if it's within my calorie limit?


  • heliumheels
    heliumheels Posts: 241 Member
    I try to just behave during the week. I feel like I deserve a couple of glasses of wine or beer on the weekends!
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Nope. But when I really, really over due it (something about the first drink making it easier to get the second/third/fourth) I will see like 4lbs up on the scale. It usually goes away within the week but it was alarming the first time.
  • brodi3man
    brodi3man Posts: 61 Member
    Wine or hard liquor.
    Hard liquor is higher in calories per ounce than wine, and is often mixed with soda, which increases the calorie count. If you’re going to drink liquor, use calorie-free mixers like diet soda or diet tonic water. One shot glass or mixed drink will contain about 1.5 ounces of hard liquor.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    i was the best shape of my life in college and i drank about 40-50 busch lights weekly
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    It depends on how aggressive your goal is. Alcohol slows your metabolism down, so if you drink several times a week you're going to lose weight a lot slower. Also, a serving of beer is probably gonna hurt you more than a serving of liquor because of the calories and the carbs...
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    i think it's fine - i used to drink almost everyday and that's one of the many reasons i got HUGE, but now i let myself have a couple of nice glasses of wine after sauna on thursdays and it makes me happy. I definitely budget for the calories though, so proceed with caution.
    the added benefit, is that you won't need as many drinks to get a buzz if you don't drink often? you could look at it that way? 2 glasses and i'm pretty gone....LOL!
  • Karen98100
    Absolutely not. Depriving yourself is not the way to go, just enjoy some things in moderation.
  • Bertucci123
    Bertucci123 Posts: 4 Member
    I adjusted my more margarita's (700-1000 calories) to coke zero and rum or whiskey ( 79-120 calories). :smile:
  • racerscottw227
    I never found an instance where drinking was unavoidable. But if you take into account the calories from the alcohol and still end up in an acceptable calorie range, then go for it.

    Personally if I'm going to drink, I'm going to drink beer, and none of those crappy light beers either. I want something full flavored: Guinness, Sierra Nevada, Dogfish Head, almost any pale ale or IPA. But if I do drink, I'm torturing myself the next day to work off all of those calories.
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    I am very sociable and enjoy a drink.

    I have axed wine all together and got very familiar with vodka! Mixing it with a no calorie soda a single vodka and diet coke costs me 52 calories! You only live once - factor it into your calories and enjoy.....the more you deny yourself the more you will fall off the healthy eating wagon!!!!!
  • talkytina9
    talkytina9 Posts: 22 Member
    Just stick with doing shots..there is only 69 calories in one shot of Tequila..and being that is won't be slammin' one might with a beer..or a mixed drink..

    There is also so many light beers and other beverages out there..and I have been told but I haven't tried them yet..there is this new skinny girl alcohol brand..that is lighter on the calories..I guess they have
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Its really pretty simple
    If you HAVE to drink thats a problem you should address if you want to have a drink or so occasionally and your calories allow it fine knowing that you will retain some fluids be a little heavier the next day and probably not feel 100% if you exercise the next morning
    I eventually gave it up since I found the downside more than the upside and really dont miss it at all any more
    but it wont trash your program just be smart about what when and how much
  • leslielrd12
    leslielrd12 Posts: 115 Member
    I honestly don't worry about my alcohol too much. I may record it if I have a beer with dinner, but if I'm going out with my friends I usually dont't. That being said, I usually vodka soda or vodka crystal lite and I gave up the margaritas. I waitress on the weekends for an extremely busy diner, but I dont' record those calories burned either. I figure it usually ends up being a wash
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    i was the best shape of my life in college and i drank about 40-50 busch lights weekly

    Hey me too.... but then I realized after they wore off (graduation) that I wasn't. :drinker:
  • careyannal
    careyannal Posts: 161
    Its really pretty simple
    If you HAVE to drink thats a problem you should address if you want to have a drink or so occasionally and your calories allow it fine knowing that you will retain some fluids be a little heavier the next day and probably not feel 100% if you exercise the next morning
    I eventually gave it up since I found the downside more than the upside and really dont miss it at all any more
    but it wont trash your program just be smart about what when and how much

    She's 22!! I don't think she was saying she HAS to, just she WANTS to, as I am sure most people do when they're that age. I know I did and calorie content never crossed my mind (I was not overweight by any stretch of the imagination)

    My advice would be to enjoy this time of your life and if that includes drinking so be it. Since you are on the right track by even being concerned about the caloric content of what you are drinking, use that information to make wiser choices ie: lite beer or using diet as a mixer.

    But anyone that is telling you to give it up completely when you are college age probably isn't being realistic or remembering their youth correctly.

    :drinker: :smokin:
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    No matter how old you are, it's pretty unavoidable I think. I have learned to completely stay away from it during the week. I allow myself to have some with friends or my husband on the weekend but I still try to keep it within my calorie limit.
  • buttahz
    buttahz Posts: 3 Member
    Its fine if it fits your macros. When you say a few a week im hoping your thinking the range from 2-3. one beer is about 250 calories, so if your on a calorie deficit its hard to stay under budget. The worst thing is losing the macro nutrients you need for energy, muscle building from protein, and even micro nutrients loss because beer and alcohol take up so many calories and they are empty as we all know.

    But if your not to worried about what your macro nutrients are and it fits your macros and hitting your calorie goals, then why not.
  • trdepalo
    trdepalo Posts: 106
    It's not that I have to its that meeting friends for a drink is a cheeper way to socialize than going to dinner, and you can't meet someone for a drink and not have a drink you know, so I end up having one drink maybe three times a week (and on days I do it I cut out my afternoon snack to budget the calories correctly). so apart from slowing down my metabolism which is unfortunate and keeping it within my calorie limit it shouldn't really be a problem is the general impression I'm getting, correct?
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I believe articles on cardiovascular health say up to 2 drinks/day ("official" servings, which may mean 1 beer or glass of wine is 2 servings) is actually beneficial.
  • geordiegirl27
    geordiegirl27 Posts: 307 Member
    Moderation is the key a lot of the bad press with drinking is the reduced willpower leaving you reaching for a pizza. Try to have the odd day off if you can to give you liver time to repair.

    I find myself having a wine/beer just to up my net calories - its a hard life ;-)