Michigan and Missouri Crew



  • manetta33
    Ok I found the px90 program. The thing that I'm wondering is what items I need? I see a pull up bar and weights but what else? I really would like to try this. LMK Stephanie:glasses:
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    p90x is a program you can buy online. it is very hard to begin with but I think worth it. Some say that maybe you should start with a program "slim in 6". My sister did but she got bored with it. There is another program called "Insanity" that i have seen on tv. It looks great and looks like it will be awesome cardio. These are all the same company.

    For p90x you need a pull up bar and some weights. That is all. It is good for doing at home. You can set up a little spot in your basement. read about those other programs.

    They are nice becuase you can feel that you will do a specific program and be finished in 2-3 months
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I did my cardio and my weights. Good cardio on the elliptical 940 calories and upper body weights. I have a goal of getting to 207 for next week.

    I might try and go to nepal for some high altitude climbing. I think I can do 10 pounds a month for the next 3 months and get to 180. that would put me a perfect weight to carry a 50 pound pack for 2 weeks and walk over 80 miles and 10,000 feet of elevation.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Don't get that insanity. Its suppose to be as good as the p90x, but from what I've read it doesn't match up. Ya do not get discouraged if you do the p90x and quit early on . Its very demanding. The guy constantly says take breaks and your going to have to when you first start out. Man i'm stuck on trying to eat 2500 calories in a day. I changed my diet to maintain weight weekly and it calculated 2500 calories if i work out each day for 60 minutes. Its harder than hell to eat that many calories. I've been sticking with eatting meals every 2-3 hours if i can to keep that metabolism rolling, but for me to eat that many calories, it seems virtually impossble. We will see though i wrote down everything I ate today and have to put it in. I felt like i was eatting junk food to force my calories to go higher. I would still like to lose 6% more body fat but i'm worried i will drop actual weight if i continue to do the cardio the way i'm doing. I'm swapping workouts to 2 hour lift per day and 1 hr cardio for a little bit. Ill try longer cardio once a week I think.
  • manetta33
    Thanks for the help. I will think about it shortly. Sound like a great thing. I like getting my *kitten* kicked. It looks VERY intense. It will be hard at first but so is starting to work out again. The body going to hurt but in a great way. It will hurt to sit and to move. My legs are strong. They will adjust. I've always wanted to run and this will help in doing that. This is something Charlie and I can do together. So we will see. Thanks again!!:smile:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Its expensive. I'd say focus on getting the bum into a routine first and get use to setting time aside to work out. It also can be tweaky on your knees and ankles when you do plyometrics(jump exercises). I know if I roll my ankle in racquetball, i wont get near plyo for a while because it causes too much pain. Dont think that if you have p90x that a "manetta" will work out haha. WE are awfully stubborn so the first part is motivating us ;). You need to sell it to charlie and say how it will help his softball which is a fact that it will.
  • manetta33
    Well a guy at Charlies work was going to burn only 4 of the DVDs for me because he said the rest are nothing but talking. I told Charlie I want the whole thing. So we will see! He don't want me to buy it. He's worried that I won't use it!:sad:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    that guy at your work is nuts to say their only talking. I can't think of one cd where the dude is talking. The instructor is using buzzing through the routine where you feel like you can't recover. You like get a minute break per 4 exercises or 8 on some videos it seems. I still say stick yourself to a routine where you can dedicate a hour or a hour and a half each day to exercise. When you feel like you can do that than go for the p90x. Each video is 60 minutes and some have a ab ripper on it which is an additional 16 minutes. The yoga is 90 minutes long. P90 still kicks my *kitten* to the pt where i dread doing it, i just go to the gym twice haha. I think when i move back to michigan though ill bust a 90 day routine with ben and push myself. If you do get it just be rdy for one hurtful workout! Also if you just wanna sample it , youtube the p90x, i know the ab ripper is on youtube
  • manetta33
    Well Ben was so sweet to lend me the DVDs so I can get what I need. So I'm excited!!!:smile: I have lost 2 more pounds. Just now need to exercise. We are just chilling at home today. It's nice to have everyone home. Playing the Wii. :happy:
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    Hi everyone. i am glad we are all doing so well. good luck steph. i am down 2 more pounds and hit 207. My pants are to big and that is good. I am almost to the last hole on my belt yeah.

    The bad news is thta i messed up my shoulder and I think it is my rotator cuff which means surgery. I see the orthopod on Tuesday and then an MRI. It has been a problem for years and has effected my swimmming and lifting of heavy weights. it is now time to do something about it. i will not be able to train for the swim but that is ok. the last 2 tris i did not train for the swim. I can still do cardio.

    Well lets keep it up.
  • manetta33
    Yesterday not great day for eating. The boys wanted French Toast for dinner and well that's what I had. :grumble: Was a stupid decision on my part wasn't willing to cook something else for me. Lesson learned let Charlie make it for them on the weekend so I don't have the temptation in my face. Not going to stress about it. It's gone and over. New day. I hope every will be ok with you Ben. :wink: Charlie should be getting the DVDs back today so they should be mailed tomorrow. Will let you know when for sure. Thanks again.
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    The last few days I've hit a wall... Just feel less inclined to workout. I'm not sure if its stress from work or whatever, but I am feeling STUCK. I hate when I get into that feeling because it makes me not want to do anything. I skipped my morning workout so hopefully I get some stamina and work out after work, but we will see..
  • manetta33
    I with you Mike. Not with working out but my food cravings. Just wanting to snack and snack. I am staying away. Don't quit you will get through this!!!! We all will. Keep it up!! :glasses:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    I seriously cant focus. I ran for 20 minutes today on the treadmill and just gave up. I wasn't exhausted, i just lost my drive and focus. This state is the devil!
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Ok Ben:

    When I get back into Michigan we are doing insanity 60 day challenge. I just did their version of the plyometrics and it makes p90 a joke. You get less breaks and the shyt is harder. Be ready son!
  • manetta33
    Well my people I weighed in today 140 lbs. I can't believe it. I have lost 13lbs!!!!! :bigsmile: This website is awesome. I love the accountablity. If you lie it only hurts you. I couldn't have done what I have done without this. Thank you for telling me about this. Today I start p90x. So this should be interesting. I'm ready to get my azz kicked.:laugh:
  • triben
    triben Posts: 64 Member
    I am ready mike. Keep kicking it steph. Whats up with Kristen.

    I am at 207. goal of 202 by next monday. Just did 1 hour of cardio.

    Good news. No shoulder surgery for me. I will get an MRI next week to make sure. Prob. need an injection and then physical therapy for awhile.

    I am back on track. I am 12 pounds away from my lowest from earlier th year. I will get that and then beat it.

    Keep posting. I am going to try and get my buddy Greg to start posting on this forum. He started p90x today
  • manetta33
    Well Ben that's some awesome news. Yes p90x was hard!!!!!!!!!!!!:wink: But it's all good. I'm sore. It's a good sore. Got to do disc 2 today! People at volleyball noticed my weight loss. So that's cool. Charlie is slowing getting with it. He's scared of p90x. But I told him he starts now he can be done with the first 90 days. Just in time for softball. We all know how important that is! :laugh: He's going to be laid off for a month. What more does he need. He's not working that much OT. He was tired just watching me yesterday. He told me today he can't do some of the things I did yesterday. I think he'd be surprised. He's got to put in the effort. Maybe he'll started with me tomorrow. Everyone keep it up. Mike don't stop. Keep that azz moving!!!!!:happy:
  • manetta1
    manetta1 Posts: 138
    Nice Steph. Ya I'm kicking it in high gear. My body has done a crazy transformation. I took a picture of myself for the insanity 60 day challenge and my abs are rocking already. 4 packing rolling and my arms are bigger. Body just feels tone all the way through. I'm lighter than I am suppose to be but who cares. I'm not going to worry about weight loss till after my marathon. Seems like the 4 of us are doing really well. Overall the key is that we all have lost weight! We may not have hit our target goals, but weight loss in general is tough enough. Once you can accept that life style change though, I think its easy as hell. Hell my biggest problem now is EATTING food. Trying to eat 2500 calories is hard, i have to drink a huge protein shake everyday just to keep up with it. I've been quite lazy on the food diary exercise diary, but i think that's just because I have gotten so accustom to the calories I am burning and just knowing if I am overeating. I will get back on that part. Definately feel great. I'm really excited for the "BEFORE" and "after" picture of insanity. I really wish I took a picture of myself back when i was in Michigan stuffing my face with alcohol. That was rock bottom I suppose. I seen some old photos laying around and I'm huge. I mean a size 40 jean is like superman fat than to be able to slide into a 33 comfortably. I see a transformation and i'm almost obsessed by it haha. I'm attempting to force the remaining abs to come out hence the p90x/insanity/gym abs/run regiment as of late. Keep on task and remember, its a lifestyle change. Don't be a chump and just diet to get thin for a few months! MAN UP TEAM!
  • manetta33
    Today was disc 2 WOW I love it. But I love leg workouts. But sad thing could only half of it. Started getting dizzy and felt like I was going to black out. Ate breakfast late 1pm. So need more fuel. Plus I did to much yesterday. With volleyball and first day of p90x. Next time baby it's on like Donkey Kong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laugh: I'm not sure what tomorrow brings Charlie bring the disc home tonight. I'm seem to be getting mine slow.:grumble: I told him I started and don't want to stop so bring those discs home baby.:smile: