Storing fresh fruits and veggies

tinad120 Posts: 267 Member
I want to incorporate more fresh (less processed) foods into my diet, but I find it so hard because they spoil so fast. I have a busy schedule and it's so hard to resist the temptation of easy, frozen foods. Especially when I have to throw away spoiled, fresh foods. It's like throwing money away!

I was wondering if anyone had any tips to keep fruits and veggies a little longer in the fridge? I only really like going to the grocery store 1x a week.


  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Take the plastic off ! Thats the first one because I've seen that so many times and it makes the fruit/veg sweat and rot.
    Don't store bananas with other stuff as they emit a pheromone that hastens ripening/decomposition
    Plan out what you're buying and when you're eating it so things that will go over quicker (such as fresh cherries) get eaten first whereas stuff like apples which keep well get eaten last.
    If you have a window box , sow some salad leaves so you'll get a constant supply of cut and come again salad leaves and look at doing fresh sprouts which doesn't take up much room x

    Best of luck x