Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred!!! NEED ADVICE

So i've decided to start up cardio again, i did insanity for one month then stopped because it basically wreaked havoc on my knees :( so, i figured doing 30 day shred, 20 mins a day 3x a week would be a good way to wean me back into cardio. anyways, as i don't have a HRM i can't calculate exact calories lost. i mean, this workout gets me sweaty and gets my heart pumping fast, so i know i'm burning calories. what i don't know is how many =\ when i put 20 mins into circuit training, general under cardiovascular workout, it says i've burned 214 calories. the thing is, i feel like i've burned more than that...but i don't really know what to do. any advice? or, any good places to purchase a decent HRM that won't charge me out the butt?? lol thanks!!


  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    I am 5'2", 168 pounds... according to my BodyMedia Fit I burned about 282 calories the last time I did 30 Day Shred. My BMR is a little bit higher than those listed on the online calculators if that factors into anything....
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    thanks so much for the input, is BodyMedia a website?
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    Body Media Fit is a device you wear on your arm, they use something similar in Biggest Loser. I have had mine for almost a week, I love it. You can check them out at www.bodymedia.com
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    oh cool. so it's like a HRM then? i just looked it up, can it be plugged in with mfp? or would i have to manually input it? lol if that makes sense..
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    It is different than a HRM because it doesn't monitor your heart rate... here is some info from their site... also it does not link with MFP, you would have to either log your food in MFP and transfer the totals over or log in the BMF site. (their food database does kind of suck.... i have been entering in all my own stuff so it saves it for my own database). I have lost 1.2 pounds since last Friday wearing this - I have been stuck in a plateau for 2 months not losing anything!

    How BodyMedia FIT Works
    Just tracking steps isn't enough.
    To lose weight, it's important to have an accurate picture of your calorie burn. Using four sophisticated sensors, the Armband captures over 5,000 data points per minute — from heat and sweat to steps and calories burned — every minute of every day. If you take a walk, most body monitors (ours included) show a level of calorie burn. Take that same walk up Mt. McKinley or any incline and we'll show you a higher calorie burn. BodyMedia FIT captures that important difference because our sensors measure more variables and give you the most accurate calorie burn.*

    Data doesn't mean squat unless you can use it.
    BodyMedia FIT makes it easy. Just plug the unit into your computer's USB port each day to automatically upload info. Then simply log the food you ate via your computer or mobile device, and our exclusive Activity Manager** tool gives you a running report of progress toward your goals. This including steps taken, time spent in moderate and vigorous activity, nutritional analysis and sleep efficiency, as well as any personal bests. And with the Bluetooth®-enabled LINK Armband, you can get near real-time updates of your stats with the BodyMedia FIT App.
  • heather_huggins
    heather_huggins Posts: 194 Member
    awesome thanks!!