P90x, Insanity, Turbo Fire, 30DS, ?

lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
Hey guys. I am female, 5'9, and currently 169lbs, and WAY out of shape.

I am looking for something that I can do in my hotel room after a 12 hour work day without a lot of equipment. I will be on my extended business trip for 5 months and want to come back at or below my goal of 22%BF. Whichever work out videos I use will be interspersed with gym workouts which will focus on heavy weights. I have 30DS and enjoyed the first day. Not sure what else I should get to take with me on my trip.

What have you tried? What worked and what didn't? If you have done multiple programs, what was your favorite? Did you stick with one or mix and match?



  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
  • Looking forward to these answers!

    Good luck!
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    I've done P90X and Insanity...30DS, too. If you're looking for something with little to no equipment I would suggeset Insanity. You need zero equipment. It's all cardio and resistance moves using your own body weight. It's pretty intense, but you can modify the moves and I know that for me, I noticed a huge improvement after only 1 week. It's a 60 day program, but you could easily repeat month one to give you your 12 weeks. :D
    Good luck!
  • Maasmondy
    Maasmondy Posts: 54 Member
    Woops, read that wrong. I thought you said you were gone 12 weeks, but looks like it's 5 months. Then you can just repeat the whole program over once you finish once. Also, the workouts are 30mins-60 mins depending on the day.
  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    I am doing 30 DS.... I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already lost QUITE a bit..... I tried to post some pics, but couldn't get them to go.... I will try again. I recommend 30DS to start off with. Jillian is tough but I breezed through it... started at 162 pounds and in 3 months (the last month has been a BIG DIFFERENCE) I have lost 22 pounds..... 8 just in the last month... I LOVE IT!!!!!
  • casnic25
    casnic25 Posts: 81
    I have done Insanity, Turbo fire, 30 day shred, and Jillian Michaels yoga. I like to switch exercises, so I don't become bored. I like all the videos and they all have their own benefits. 30 day shred is great for toning and it can ease you into doing things like Insanity. Turbo fire is a great cardio workout and is fun. insanity really is insane, but if you really want to get yourself toned fast......Insanity is the exercise. I love.......love....Jillian Michaels yoga. I have never tried P90x, but have seen some wonderful results from others on here that have used it.

    If your working 12 hour shifts, you might want to try 30 day shred on those days and maybe throw in Jillian Michaels yoga. I can send you some links if you want to try some of these for free and see how you like it.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Do P90X. Buy resistance bands and a few different weight sizes and you'll be set. It's the way to go!
  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Loved 30DS but then I tried TurboFire.....which kicked my *kitten* to start with. It's a lot of fun and it's a well thought out schedule. I do get easily bored, so I intersperse jogging and swimming, as you plan to do with the gym. I've heard a lot of people say about insanity "I'd recommend it, but I'd never do it again" so that's going on my list after I finish TF in 6 weeks!!

    P90X I've seen some amazing results for, never tried it though.

    Only thing I'd say for a hotel room (or any room above another) is: TurboFire does require "bouncing" as my husband puts it, so you might want to think about whether it'll impact people below you!
  • k8lyn_235
    k8lyn_235 Posts: 507 Member
    i've only done the 30DS and i'm currently on week 4 of insanity.

    i think it depends on your fitness level and what you want out of a workout.

    personally, i hate 30DS. it's the same exercise for 10 days in a row, then it changes a little for the next 10, and so on. of course, i was too bored with it to even finish it, so i can't attest to the results. however, it may be a good starting point since it is a decent workout and i think easy for a beginner to follow.

    i haven't finished insanity yet, but i'm almost done with my first month and i've only missed two days. i like it because it kicks my butt! i still can't get through an entire workout without a couple breaks and i'm always sweating buckets with each one. it's a different workout every day, so i really like that - i get bored and give up when there is no variety. however, if you are a newbie to the workout world, i would advise possibly trying this after you have increased your level of fitness because it is a very intense workout.

    good luck!
  • roduk
    roduk Posts: 43 Member
    ive done p90x and insanity. i also have p90 for my gfriend. you say youre out of shape. if thats so then id steer clear of p90x for a bit, it includes alot of strength exercises for a home video. there are alot of pull-ups and the program ramps up quite quickly so unless you can alrady bang out five deadhang overhand pullups and stick with p90 which gives you the platform for p90x. it can be demotivating having to sub an exercise and not do as tony is doing.
    insanity is great, it gets your heart rate up and is more focussed on cardio, you'll sweat! try this before p90x id say. sorry i havent tried the others.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    If you are out of shape, I would stick with 30DS or some of Jillian's other workouts, until your fitness level improves.
  • jennj81
    jennj81 Posts: 5
    I've done P90X and Insanity...30DS, too. If you're looking for something with little to no equipment I would suggeset Insanity. You need zero equipment. It's all cardio and resistance moves using your own body weight. It's pretty intense, but you can modify the moves and I know that for me, I noticed a huge improvement after only 1 week. It's a 60 day program, but you could easily repeat month one to give you your 12 weeks. :D
    Good luck!

    I also work away and do insanity in my hotel room. Its noy ideal with the jumping around but it doesnt require equipment and gets you sweating like no other!
    You can definitely feel the difference and even if you have to stop now and again, you can feel yourself getting stronger which is always a bonus.

    Good luck!
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 516 Member
    30 DS would be easy to do in a hotel room (Heck when I went on vacation, I took it with me and did it) And if you are a starter, this might be a good place to start. It's fairly cheap (around 8 or 9 bucks in the stores) and it packs a punch! I agree with others that it does get boring after a while, so you may want to look at another DVD set to rotate in. I have done a number of Jillian Michaels DVD's, all are good. I am currently doing Turbo Fire (great Cardo workout and a lot of fun, but A LOT of jumping. Not sure how that will work in a hotel room)
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I suppose that I could do the turbo fire, then go downstairs, knock on the door of the room under me and ask them... That won't be akward at ALL. I honestly didn't consider that... I have decent sized muscles, but I am pretty positive that I coudn't one pullup let alone five. I would like to get there though. I can definitely see why 30DS would get repetitive so I wouldn't want to do that one consistantly. Thank you for your opinions!
  • Beely7
    Beely7 Posts: 5
    I've 30ds and Insanity. But I think Insanity is too long - 1h 45min is too much for me. I have the turbofire dvds, and they're pretty tough, and take less time than Insanity, and are women oriented. It's my next program after I finish Jillian Michaels Body Revolution, wich btw is pretty good for begginers, because of the increasing difficult, and lighter start.
  • marijasmin
    marijasmin Posts: 160 Member
    When I was travelling a lot I bought a pair of water contain weights, kept in a waterproof bag. These are filled from the tap in your hotel room. I also ripped a couple of programmes to my iPad. But now there are apps and most hotels have wifi for downloading but often not in rooms. Also used an exercise band taking three moderates to mix and match. Liked to do a mixture. Protein powder a must too, but don't let it look as if it's anything suspect going through customs. Don't forget the value of fire escape stairs for going up and down and calf stretches, plus the rails are great for stretches.

    If on sky I used sky fitness, but now I have a sling box so I can access from home any program I can currently do. Unfortunately many hotel pools are too small to do serious swimming. Can often pay as you go in local gyms too, and often worth a monthly membership. Check for vouchers on line before you go too as there are often freebies and discounts. Travel in trainers, take essentials such as costume, swim hat ( have used shower cap before) and pool shoes. Trainers are needed too, often leave essentials at hotel or client to save transporting back and forward.

    If you are a seasoned traveller then I apologise if I am covering stuff you already know or is obvious, but felt I would cover it as I used to spend up to 6 months a year travelling. Have survived without luggage too.

    Use hotel towels but take your own wash cloth, wipes or flannel. In Africa I use nit shampoo as a body wash to eliminate body lice and tics on travel and gym hygiene is suspect. I don't shower in strange gyms but in my room. Don't walk around in bare feet Even in your hotel room, there are nasty versions of innocent infections in multiple used facilities or swim in unknown water. Also take own needles and syringe kit in case of injury. If running outside a personal alarm is a must in some districts plus a cash load card rather than a credit card. Safety first, don't do anything unsafe but local staff may have guest passes if they join a gym. Most hotels have plasters etc and emergency numbers. Don't forget travel insurance and from uk a European health card. Athletes foot cream is often hard to get in some locations as is allergy lotions for bites. Tweezers for stings and nail files for broken toe nails. Ask for a downstairs room close to reception and not at the end of a corridor if you are a gal, not next to a lift or stairs, I don't smoke so i also always ask for a non smokers room, they are cleaner especially if getting close to the carpet. Check that the window locks shut, I have had monkeys in my room before now. Shake shoes in case insects get into them in tropical climates. Hang sports gear up if reusing as attracts cockroaches if dirty. Hygiene important too if weather very hot and limited clothing in case. Can exercise in room in pjs.

    Have also bought cans or water bottles to use as weights. Of course a power adapter, been caught out by that one before....

    Have fun and enjoy your trips.

  • Squidgeypaws007
    Squidgeypaws007 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I suppose that I could do the turbo fire, then go downstairs, knock on the door of the room under me and ask them... That won't be akward at ALL.

    Heh, yeah explaining to my landlord who lives in a house attached to our flat about the rhythmic banging that happened for around an hour every day was interesting :bigsmile: lol
  • I've done 30DS and Insanity. Both have their benefits, but I wouldn't recommend Insanity for anyone starting out, especially after 12 hour days - it's just not realistic. 30ds is a good starting video and not too long. I mixed up the videos, doing mostly level 2 and 3. Once you've done that for a month, then maybe you'll be hungry enough for Insanity. Again, I mix up Insanity and incorporate it into my workouts (don't follow the 60 day plan) and love it. Also, I live on the 2nd floor of a complex and sometimes have to modify Insanity because of all of the jumping - so this is something to take into consideration while travelling.
  • fizzletto
    fizzletto Posts: 252 Member
    I would recommend 30DS. It's a great workout for someone who is really out of shape because although it is very intense, it's not impossible, and the fact that you work out in 20-minute bursts with absolutely no rest throughout that period means that your body changes and gets stronger very quickly.

    It would take up a whole month if you did the recommended plan: level 1 for 10 days, level 2 for 10 days, level 3 for 10 days. Of course, you're only supposed to move on to the next level when you feel your body is completely used to the previous level and ready to move on, so it might even take you longer.

    It's had some fantastic results, and its a lot of fun too. I'm on day 6 and already I can feel that my body is MUCH stronger than it was at the start.

    Edit: Forgot to mention, please do not try Insanity yet. It is definitely not a good idea for someone who is out of shape. It is one of the toughest workouts out there, and leaves even very fit people puffing and panting and in pain. So please don't attempt it yet, it might not be safe for your weak body. I'm certainly not trying it yet!
  • amberlongsine
    amberlongsine Posts: 215 Member
    Im currently doing 30ds and LOVE IT.