Eat more to Weight Less Suggestions for Shorties

I am new to all this. Looking for small girls eating more to weight less. MFP suggest 1200 calories a day to loose .4 pounds a week. Can we shorties afford to eat more to weight less? What are your stats?

Height 5'11
SW 118 lbs
CW 110 lbs
GW 105 lbs
Consume: 1200 calories + excercise calories
Weight Lifting 3 x a week & Zumba 3x a week.


  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Eat more VOLUME for your calories.

    more fruits instead of sweets, more green vegetables, more lean meats while not neglecting fats.
  • DaysFlyBy
    DaysFlyBy Posts: 243 Member
    Lift heavy so you gain muscle weight, the heavier you are the higher your TDEE, meaning you can eat more. That's my plan. I don't give a crap what the scale says as long as I'm losing inches and dropping jean sizes, kwim? If watching my weight go UP while my measurements and clothing sizes go DOWN, I'm a happy girl. So I guess maybe my plan is better summed up as Lift More to Weigh More to Eat More to Wear Smaller Sizes lol...aka Screw the Scale. ;)
  • southernGIRLgetsFIT
    southernGIRLgetsFIT Posts: 48 Member
    I assume you meant 5'1 instead of 5'11"?
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    Screw the scale. I have to get that through my stubborn head!
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    5'1 HW 165
    CW 146
    GW 136
    Calorie goal 1500-1600(still playing with this a bit, may go up more), I eat back my exercise calories.

    I lift heavy doing Stronglifts 5x5 3xs a week, and do 90min of cardio currently.
  • bump this:tongue:
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Height 5'3.75"
    SW 186 lbs
    LW 155 lbs
    CW 169 lbs (had a really bad summer)
    GW 150 lbs (19-21% bodyfat)
    Consume: 1600 calories + excercise calories
    Weight lifting (regularly), swimming, Insanity, yoga, martial arts, Zombies!Run walk/run, whatever strikes my fancy and gets me moving.

    edit to add: You have 5 pounds to go? You should be eating at close to maintenance plus MOST exercise calories. Your deficit should be 250 calories, or less, per day. The last few pounds take the longest.
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    Yeah, I was gonna say; 5'11" isn't considered a shorty in my book.

    I'm 5'2"
    Starting weight 132
    Current weight 125
    Goal weight 115-118

    I'm currently wearing a size 4, I just want to fit back in my 2s, so my focus isn't so much on my weight but the inches I gained. I have 3/4 of an inch to off my hips and about the same off my waist right now. That's what I'm after.

    My Calories:
    Keep them 1200-1400 (following low glycemic; lots of raw leafy greens, vegetables, fruits; low glycemic of course, lean meats, some nuts/seed and low fat cheeses in moderation)

    My Exercise:
    Run 3x per week (anywhere from 4-8 miles each time)
    Walk 3x per week (this is really just a bonus, I started walking with a neighbor who can't do a lot of exercise do to knee injury)
    Swim 2x per week (also with the neighbor above, I'm learning to swim)
    Weight training (usually circuit training with plyometrics; I'm currently doing the Tough Mudder Bootcamp) 3x per week

    I may or may not take a day off; it depends. If I'm feeling like I need a day off; I rest otherwise I take it easy one day as in my husband and I will go mountain biking or hiking. :)

    This has worked in the past for me (I lost 35 lbs in 6 months starting weight was 152 was about to move into a size 14/ending weight was 118 and size 2 - I kept it off for ~ 4 1/2 years; If I would have stuck to the plan more at the beginning I would have lost it quicker but I did not...oh and I was only doing 30 minutes of exercise per day 6 days per week when I lost the 35 lbs and the most I ever ran was 3 miles; but I also rollerbladed back then...I have no place to rollerblade here :( ...I was losing 2 lbs a week towards the end when I joined a challenge and really stuck to my plan).
  • krystina_letitia9
    krystina_letitia9 Posts: 697 Member
    Hey - I'm also 5'1" (or almost...). I started off at 151.4 and am currently 132.9. MFP set me to 1200 and even with eating my exercise cals, I wasn't losing (or losing very little). I did some playing around with cals (I calculated my TDEE and all that - I can't remember the number I was at the time, but I haven't recalculated it since I've lost and I've still been losing), and I've set myself up to 1480. I do my best to eat my exercise cals back - or at least the vast majority of them. My weight loss has been on a hiatus this summer, but that's my fault. I had a softball injury, and I got used to eating the exercise cals, so even without the exercise cals, I kept eating at about maintenance. The good news is that I maintained :happy: Now that I'm back at it, I'll be jumping on the scale again on September 1st!

    EDIT TO ADD: I mix my workouts up quite a bit. I workout a minumum of 3x a week, each workout between 30-60 minutes. I bike, run, walk, go to spinning classes, and play softball! In a few weeks, I plan on starting weight training as well.

    One more edit! (Sorry, I got a little hasty with the enter button!) My ultimate weight goal is between 110-120lbs... I've got a larger frame for a shorty, so I want to see how I look once I hit 120 and if I feel as though I can lose more, then I will. However, I want to have muscles on me and look healthy :happy:
  • sharoniballoni
    sharoniballoni Posts: 163 Member
    I'm 5'2. I weigh about 110 right now and trying to get back to 106. I was doing the 1200 net thing for a while with no results. Granted I splurged on the weekends, but that used to not affect me in the past.

    I just changed my goals. 1700 with exercise 5-6 days a week and upped my protein and fiber goals. It's only been a week, but hoping to see results. If not, I'll adjust again until I get it right!!!

    I chose 1700 based on a BMR/TDEE calculator online that said I could eat about 1900 calories due to the amount of exercise I do.

    Addendum: I should say that part of the reason for me to just choose one total goal without logging exercise is that when I was doing the 1200 + exercise calories, I was getting a little obsessed with the numbers and I didn't think it was emotionally healthy. I like taking a break from my HRM.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    SW 140
    CW 120......19% bf
    GW......I don't give a damn.

    I eat between 1500 and 2000 calories.

    I lift heavy and do cardio once in a while.
  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    Thank you all for your responses. I guess I was day dreaming when I typed 5"11. I am 4"11 tall.
  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    SW 140
    CW 120......19% bf
    GW......I don't give a damn.

    I eat between 1500 and 2000 calories.

    I lift heavy and do cardio once in a while.

    Wow! 1500 -2000 calories. I am assuming you eat your excercise calories, right? What calculator did you use? Do you mind sharing your workout schedule? Thanks!
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Height: 5'2".

    Starting weight: 126 lbs, 26% body fat.

    Goal weight: 112 lbs.

    Current weight: 98 lbs, 17.1% body fat (as at 7/25/12; I weigh and measure myself only on the last Wed of every month now).

    Calorie intake: 1500 calories NET and I eat almost all my exercise calories back because I love to eat.

    I lift 3x a week and bike outside on the other days.

    Food diary is public. :flowerforyou:
  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    Height 5'3.75"
    SW 186 lbs
    LW 155 lbs
    CW 169 lbs (had a really bad summer)
    GW 150 lbs (19-21% bodyfat)
    Consume: 1600 calories + excercise calories
    Weight lifting (regularly), swimming, Insanity, yoga, martial arts, Zombies!Run walk/run, whatever strikes my fancy and gets me moving.

    edit to add: You have 5 pounds to go? You should be eating at close to maintenance plus MOST exercise calories. Your deficit should be 250 calories, or less, per day. The last few pounds take the longest.

    So MFP puts me at 1390 for manteinance, I will only have about 190 cals to play with. But that will give me 0 deficti so, no more weight loss for me? All this is so confusing :/ I guess when you are short is hard to really have a calorie deficit and get all your nutrients.
  • Chikipiwi
    Chikipiwi Posts: 117 Member
    Height: 5'2".

    Starting weight: 126 lbs, 26% body fat.

    Goal weight: 112 lbs.

    Current weight: 98 lbs, 17.1% body fat (as at 7/25/12; I weigh and measure myself only on the last Wed of every month now).

    Calorie intake: 1500 calories NET and I eat almost all my exercise calories back because I love to eat.

    I lift 3x a week and bike outside on the other days.

    Food diary is public. :flowerforyou:

    Thanks I will take a look at your diary. I do want to gain muscle, but my plan was to loose the pounds first and then concentrate on muscle building. Last time I measure my fat % was at 21. My brain dont want to focus on anything else other that the scale right now. I do have to share that I went form size 2 to size 0, yay!
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks I will take a look at your diary. I do want to gain muscle, but my plan was to loose the pounds first and then concentrate on muscle building. Last time I measure my fat % was at 21. My brain dont want to focus on anything else other that the scale right now. I do have to share that I went form size 2 to size 0, yay!

    21% bodyfat is fabulous unless you're looking to have defined muscle... and the best way to do that is to lift heavy things to keep the muscle you have and help burn off the little remaining fat you have.

    FreeDieting ( using the Katch-McCardle formula (uses bodyfat percentage and is more accurate than MFPs Mifflen-StJeor) puts your maintenance at 1468 with no exercise. That gives you wiggle room.