Trouble beating yourself up if you have a bad meal/day?

The salad place I was going to go to for lunch today was closed, so I went to the only other place nearby - a bagel place. Not nearly as healthy! I tried to pick the best options I could but still ended up with a pretty hefty meal, and now all I can think about is how I had such a bad day, even though I had a protein bar for breakfast and Greek Yogurt for a snack! Anybody else have this problem of beating yourself up if you make a bad choice every once in awhile? Or any tips to help yourself stop?


  • myfitnessval
    myfitnessval Posts: 687 Member
    YUP. LIKE ALL THE TIME. lol i'm getting better at getting over it though. you have to think in terms like this. everything in moderation. if this is truly a lifestyle change for you (and not just some crash diet where you'll gain anything back when you go back to "normal" eating) then you need to be able to work in those occasional unhealthy meals into an already healthy diet. can you honestly say you'll NEVER eat bad food ever again? no. everything in life needs balance. good and bad. this is the bad part. so balance it with some good. maybe eat better the rest of the day, make sure you're active today. dont beat yourself up over being completely human and enjoying the convenience of a delicious bagel once in a while, in the end that one bagel or whatever wont completely ruin it. trust me, i've cheated the entire way for the past 90 days and i'm about to hit 25 lbs lost. lol and i'm totally okay with the fact that i have a bad meal or day here and there, it keeps me sane. i hope this helps at all. <3 tomorrow is always a new day.
  • ars1300
    ars1300 Posts: 159 Member
    I find it much easier if you don't dwell out it and try to do better the next day! Just move on no point in stressing your self over what is already done and you can't change!
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I do that too. It helps to look back at another day in my food diary when I did really well, hit my goals, and all that. Also, the bad days inspire me to exercise - adding more exercise or just doing it when I might not have otherwise and that kind of turns the bad food days into a positive.
  • glamdiva11
    glamdiva11 Posts: 13 Member
    Most definitely ! I just posted something of this caliber to my profile. What a coincidence?? Well, just like the chica above said; moderation, balance, and activity.
  • angie3371
    Totally been there more than once, don't beat yourself when it happens (and it will happen again) just continue on to the next day and tell yourself your worth it!! try staying positive even on the bad days and keep pushing :happy:
  • meghanp92
    Very true everybody! I just have to keep in mind that I am a real human being, and I don't live in a bubble where I can plan every meal and be expected to NEVER mess up. I'm going to be put in situations where I don't have amazing options, it's just about doing what you can to make it a lifestyle! I don't want this to become something I give up on, and if I don't give in every once in awhile and have those indulgent moments I know I will fall off the wagon. Here's to everything in moderation!
  • slogan119
    Like a recovering alcoholic, you have to take one meal at a time. Once in a while you'll go off the rails, but you just climb back on and limit the damage to that one meal every once in a while. And plan for something to come up every-so-often, just so you don't eat healthy and get sick of it. Everyone deserves cake or ice cream, we just don't need it every day.
  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    One meal at a time, one day at a time... Don't stress yourself out over one bad day or bad lunch - it will just make you want to stress eat. I've had more than my fair share of bad days, but I look at the big picture, and make it my goal to meet macros for the week, even if I had a day where I blew them all over the place.