what are some low cal but SATIATING foods?

looking for some new low cal satiating foods :)
anyone have suggestions?


  • momof2winsplus
    momof2winsplus Posts: 137 Member
    carrots dipped in hummus. Yum!
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    Greek Yogurt. I LIVE on the single serving sizes. I mix a bit of granola or Kashi go lean in it. My usual go to breakfast keeps me full until lunch.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Low fat cottage cheese, handful of nuts with dark chocolate, jamba juice frozen yogurt bars, granola bars, oranges, popcorn without the butter/oil, chicken breast, can of tuna, I could go on & on
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Egg whites. Maybe a low fat cheese? Dairy is really good for that kind of stuff.
  • RawVeganFlirt
    RawVeganFlirt Posts: 189 Member
    popcorn with stevia or chili powder
  • Sharra_Blackfire
    Malt o meal. One bowl of that stuff and I'm stuffed for half the day
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    I've been stuffed on no calories the last two days.

    Tonight I had a sweet potato stir fry with bok choy, cashews, and spiced tofu (145 calories).

    Last night I had Jamie Oliver's winter cole slaw made with beets, cabbage, and carrots (50 calories) and a pork chop. I was still full this morning. The coleslaw was wonderful with roast beef and kefir cheese on flatbread for lunch.

    It's the hard to digest but very bulky veggies that are really filling. And anything with cashews.
  • home4sale2
    Joined a couple of weeks ago, lost 2, 18 to go :).

    I have noticed that if I just eat a fruit, it doesn't really work for me but if I follow it with a glass of water or something, it has a filling effect. I like vegetables and hummus as well, beats peanut butter or Ranch dressing.
  • melbatoast917
    melbatoast917 Posts: 370 Member
    Greek yogurt with milled flax seed
    1% cottage cheese
    Hummus with Kim's bagel chips
    Air popped popcorn with chili pepper or wasabi powder
    Cereal w/ unsweetened almond milk
  • ThatMrs99
    Carrots with hummus...Yes! One of my faves :)