Getting married... Got ALOT of weight to lose



  • Skysthelimit25
    The date is sep.16
  • jeffsohn
    Don't think of it as a diet, think of it as a life style change, long term (Monthly), mid term (weekly), and short term (daily) goals. They will stack together to be monthly and yearly accomplishments. If you think daily or even smaller than that it won't be so overwhelming. If you take care of the little decisions the whole thing will just fall into place. It won't be easy, just reach for it whether it be a change in one food item to a better one, or standing when you can, or walking 10 min instead of riding. Keep increasing your game small steps at a time.

    You will make it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Look in my friends list. There are at least 5 women who have lost well over 100 pounds, and kept it off for 1-3 years (so far!)

    Tamtastic, tamishante, name a few. 137, 150 and over 100 pounds. AND they kept it Satellitecrush runs marathons. Their lives are changed forever!

    You can so do this!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Also, I want to tell you this..........when you start to lose, even the first 10 pounds or so, you will start to feel so good about yourself. Confidence and motivation start to well up.

    I know you can lose the 100, but what if you 'only' lose 50 or 60? You will FEEL so healthy, the weight will mean nothing.

    Good luck!
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372
    Yes, you can do it! But any amount you lose is a huge victory.

    I lost about 80 pounds in a year, but the weight loss really slowed down around then and I had 100 to lose.

    100 pounds in a year is going to be pretty tough, so keep up with it and be proud of yourself for no matter what you lose!