Looking for Pregnant MFP buddies



  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Congratulations everyone! Just found out that I'm pregnant and due somewhere around early to mid February 2013. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but I plan on staying active, eating sensibly, and upping my water intake. I have read a few places that you need to up your calories to 250 to 300 a day during the second and third trimester. MFP has me on 1500 calories for my current weight and weight loss goals. Should I go back to eating 2000 calories a day or should I stick to the 1500?

    I'm due February 25, 2013. I stopped being active mid-first trimester. I was just too exhausted. I was barely making it to work on time! I'm starting to feel better now and am working out again. You should change MFP to maintenance and then add the 250 to 300 calories on top of that.
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,728 Member
    Also, you should join the Oh baby, baby group here on MFP to meet other pregnant MFPers.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm also due in December. Add me! :smile:
    I've continued martial arts through most of my pregnancies. I think staying physically active makes an easier labor and delivery.
  • I would like to say congrats and you only gain 12 pounds good for you. Hopefully I don't go overboard. And don't gain so much.
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    Hey there,

    I just found out my husband and I are expecting our first child, due in March. We've known for a month, and are still trying to keep it very quiet. (For all you MFPers who know me in real life who happen to see this, though I doubt any will, unless it shows on your news feed!!!!)

    Since getting pregnant, I've lost 6kg (13lb), and although I stopped trying to lose weight, my aversions to food has meant I've been slowly losing a little more. I'm not small, weight wise. (Height-wise, yes.) So it's not like I'm underweight. But I am checking in with the doctor this week to find our due date and to check how I can healthily maintain or even gain the expected amounts for a pregnancy.
    Hubby and I were both little babies, and MIL was even kept in the hospital for the last trimester, as hubby decided he would like to be born at 6 months, so I do want to make sure the baby gets enough!!!!

    We're both really healthy, and quite into eating well - hubby is a chef, and nutrition is his thing. Lol.

    I don't want to gain masses, as it's our first pregnancy, and I'm still young enough that I should be out getting some fresh air with our dogs on a daily basis. =) But I also know it's not good for the baby to keep losing. So hopefully that magic 12 week mark will prove food to be a better friend!!! (I haven't had morning sickness, but food is just not the most enticing. ;) Except for hot chips, cheeseburgers, cranberries and lemons. Of which I really need to limit the first two!!!!!
  • NZblue
    NZblue Posts: 147 Member
    ^^^ That and my new ability to sleep right through until lunchtime, most days!!!!!

    I work nights from 5pm until 11pm, Monday to Friday, and I study full time extramural. =) So no, no workplace naps or anything. Just this uncanny ability to sleep for 12 hours straight, after having been a 6am riser for years!
  • sissidevore
    sissidevore Posts: 151 Member
    add me i am pregnant! and i need the support!
  • I'm pregnant too. I'm 6 weeks along and have so far kept the weight gain to zilch, but am trying really hard to keep it that way. I have over 100 pounds to lose, so I don't think it'll be a problem to aim for maintaining the whole time. Anyone else in the same boat? Message me! or Add me! :)
  • mamakeke22
    mamakeke22 Posts: 95 Member
    Just found out im pregnant going to try to maintain my weight as long as possble and not gain to much since im already 200 pounds. feel free to add me
  • rabbit__food
    rabbit__food Posts: 163 Member
    Pregnant with baby #1 & due in March. Add me if you'd like :-)

    (I have real pictures of myself on my page; just not set as my default)
  • martinabaer
    martinabaer Posts: 13 Member
    I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my second (due Dec 1, 2012) and have gained about 17 lbs. I started MFP a few years back to help me lose weight after my first pregnancy and lost over 40 lbs, but was still overweight. I'm 5'6" and got down just under 180 lbs from a 220 starting point. Today I weighed in just over 200 lbs - a number I SWORE I'd never see again! So here I am, back on MFP and making a committment to try eating healthier to help keep my gain as low as possible over the remaining weeks! Feel free to add me as a friend! I need all the support I can get! :-)
  • dknowsbest
    dknowsbest Posts: 27 Member
    I'm 26 weeks pregnant with my second (due Dec 1, 2012) and have gained about 17 lbs. I started MFP a few years back to help me lose weight after my first pregnancy and lost over 40 lbs, but was still overweight. I'm 5'6" and got down just under 180 lbs from a 220 starting point. Today I weighed in just over 200 lbs - a number I SWORE I'd never see again! So here I am, back on MFP and making a committment to try eating healthier to help keep my gain as low as possible over the remaining weeks! Feel free to add me as a friend! I need all the support I can get! :-)

    martinabaer - i'm due December 5th :) at my last appointment i was up 15lbs and i was 22 weeks. i'm in the 200's and it was such a hard thing for me to deal with at first because i was literally 6lbs away from 199 before going on vacation for a month and i maintained that then started to slip then found out i was pregnant. 180 was my next goal weight, so the gaining that goes along with pregnancy has kind of messed my train of thought up when it comes to planning things for myself. i'm putting those goals on hold until after i give birth and then i'll be picking right back up :)
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    the gaining that goes along with pregnancy has kind of messed my train of thought up when it comes to planning things for myself. i'm putting those goals on hold until after i give birth and then i'll be picking right back up :)

    dknowsbest, what kept my weight gain low during my first pregnancy was the thought the I need to eat healthy for my baby. That chocolate is bad *for the baby*, for instance. Food aversions and the so many restrictions (ham because of the preservatives, cheese from non-pasteurized milk - and so on) made me really watch what I ate. Plus, I tried not to eat too late at night (do you have heartburn?).

    You should allow yourself to gain - trust me, once you have a baby to care for, you'll have less time for snacks or munching. Plus, breastfeeding alone will help you lose a lot of what you gain now. As long as you gain within limits.

    I do not believe that pregnant women should give in to their cravings just because they are pregnant. I strongly believe that they should eat for two, but in terms of *quality* and not in terms of quantity. This time, it's not just about our health, it's about that of a person we bring into this world. :wink:

    My two penny.

    Good luck :flowerforyou: and enjoy this precious time in a woman's life.
  • ali_kat4
    ali_kat4 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm due January 1st 2013. (22 weeks pregnant today).

    I joined MFP in January and dropped 10 of the 20lbs I had gained after quitting smoking the January before (10 was my goal for a healthy BMI). Then in April, my husband and I found out we were expecting.

    So far I have gained exactly 10 pounds (which according to charts is in my healthy range!!!). Until a few weeks ago my eating was super super healthy. Then all of a sudden, my husband started getting ice cream and chocolate bar cravings (He has a wicked sweet tooth). Needless to say, my will power, which is normally pretty strong, has gone away. I've been trying to get back on track but would love to have more pregnant friends on here as inspiration.
  • gigigee
    gigigee Posts: 26 Member
    Hello all,
    I am 31 weeks pregnant with #2 and have gained 18 lbs. Thank you for helpful tips on how to edit MFP (They REALLY need to add a pregnancy function!). I gained 30 lbs with #1, which seemed good at the time, but after delivery the last 10 lbs. took a full year to lose! So this time, I'm hoping for only 25lb. weight gain (in healthy range of 25-35). I do remember how the weight really packed on at the end so I need to be mindful of this.

    Please add me to group, and am interested in any other tips during this time.
  • Hello everyone I'm due feb 7th and refuse to gain a ton of weight could use some mfp friends please add me
  • togobug
    togobug Posts: 48 Member
    Bump! I added some people but so far only one of two are active users of mfp so please add me if your actually into it!
  • hi everyone, had my baby on the 8th nov. hes now four weeks old :)

    only 2 weeks to go until i can start exercising (had a c-section)

    cant wait! bring on the weight loss x