Hitting a brick wall- and family isn't helping :(

Why does it seem when someone insults me or points out how much weight I have gained, instead of motivating me, it just makes me turn to food more? I am battling binge eating multiple times a day. I wish that my family would realize how much it is hurting me when they make nasty comments.

The worst thing is, I actually lost 10 pounds earlier this summer. I went from 200 to 190 in a few months! I wasn't logging in everyday, but I was trying to be more conscious of what I ate. I turned down every time my family wanted fast food and I ate a TON of veggies. No one noticed- I went down an entire pant size, and no one said anything. As a matter of fact, my husband expressed how annoying it was to have to make accommodations for my diet when it wasn't making a difference anyways. Since then I gained five pounds of it back. I am feeling really down now, and for the last two weeks have been eating mostly unhealthy junk. Honestly I feel like I should have gained 15 pounds with all the trash I am ingesting. I am ashamed of myself and I really want to get back on track but without support I don't know if I have the strength. I feel stupid and selfish asking for time to work out, away from home and our kid.

My younger sister and mother are both very negative and insulting as well, telling people how I need to lose weight commenting on my appetite whenever I see them. Yet, whenever we get together, the only thing anyone is willing to eat is something high calorie.

It just seems that weight loss takes so long to see results, and food is gratifying this second. I know it's a vicious cycle, but I just don't know how to stop it. Any advice for stopping a binge in it's tracks? Anyone else feel like they have hit a brick wall?


  • Kagaah
    Kagaah Posts: 8
    I have the exact same problem! As soon as I get upset about the amount of weight I've put on, I'll go and comfort eat and then hate myself later! I think you should ignore what anyone else says because you're doing it for yourself, not them, and you're doing it to please you, not them. Some people are just really insensitive and nasty, I've also had someone comment on how much weight I've gained and it's not nice. I really can't help you on how to stop binge eating though, I've got the same problem :(
  • purpleblaze
    huny go around the brick wall!
    take no notice what anyone else thinks....at the end of the day, they will only critisize in you the things they dont like about themselves! even us skinny people get called stupid names!! and i dont no how many times ive been told to eat a burger.....keep your thoughts positive, no one can make you feel anything you dont want to! :)
  • soontobeburns
    Im the same only reverse psychology helps me. Someome saying you need to lose weoght im like **** you and dont, yet saying you dont need to is more motivation, if that makes sense.

    It is also hard cos my fiance hates veg etc and would not eat half of what i cook but its hard cps i have £20 a week to feed us and cantafford to buy 2 meals.

    Hes happy with me as I am and would be happy for me to stay fat but its getting annoying telling him he needs to help me cos its for us so We can have a baby.

    My mum doesnt help buying chocolate and fatty food for me!!
  • mahlerosa
    Very difficult situation... You really need to tell them all to "F" off! Especially hubby He should be your rock.
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    I had similar problems and for me, the solution was hard. I had to cut some people out of my life and create strict boundaries from others. I have not seen my sister since April even though she has invited me. I rarely call my mom even though she was my closest person in my family. I only talk to my dad when I visit my mom. It was so hard to do that, but I found that surrounding myself with pnly supportive people, or even NO people when I couldn't find anyone supportive, was better for me than beng with people who don't support me.
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    Feel free to friend me if you want, I'll be an encouraging and postitve voice when we need one (even when you may not need it, it is still nice to hear). Good luck to you girl. There's no time table for you, just keep positive and keep doing little things to improve your health and you will get there. This isn't for anyone but you sweetie.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Sit down with them and have it out! Sometimes that's the best way to deal with things. Families are supposed to be supportive so maybe they need a reality check.
  • lnd2011
    lnd2011 Posts: 70 Member
    Don't mind what others think and your husband should be supporting you most of all and building your confidence. Its great that you had went down a whole pant size, Can you work out at home and involve the kids? I know we all do not have the room for that but a video a TV and let them do it with you as much as you can, Praise them for helping and before you know it the kids will be cheering you on. My kids see when I am ready to stop and they say things like come on Mom you can do it and your almost done don't give up. They even give me how much time I have left. I started out with the biggest loser videos and worked into the insanity. Don't get down on yourself believe in yourself and show others what you can do. Be proud of any accomplishments that you make even if it is only 1 lb its a loss and I will take it. Keep in contact with others to help support you through the tough times, when others are saying nasty things. Not everyone is like that. :wink:
  • Twomirrors
    Twomirrors Posts: 47 Member
    Your family and friends aren't very nice to you. Friend me. I'll be more encouraging than they are.

    Sounds like you're motivated to lose weight. What keeps me from bingeing is that I have to enter every bite of that binge into my phone as I'm stuffing the food in my face. I make it a rule: food in face, food in phone. That stops me from eating. =)

    Hang in there. We're all there for you!
  • gromblee
    Well.... I have been battling my weight for just over 6 mos. My wife is not very suportive of my diet so I'm pretty much on my own to shop and cook for myself. I have been working out at home doing P90X and just started my 3rd round. I tend to get more stubborn with my diet when people are negative but have to admit I have gained about 5 lbs back in the last month while I was on vacation. I do tend to over eat when not entering every bite into my Ipod.
  • sugboog29
    sugboog29 Posts: 630 Member
    Sorry for what you are going through. Remember why you are doing it and who you are doing it for....yourself. Getting yourself healthy and fit is more important than anything. You can vent here anytime.....now get back on that horse and ride...you can do it!
  • mcraven1212
    Unfortunately, not everyone will support you and share in your goal to lose weight. And even worse, sometimes, when you set out on this journey to lose the weight, family get jealous or threatened by your ability to gain control over your eating. It is difficult for them to see you exercise discipline over your eating and desire to be healthy. It is hard for them to see you do what they feel they cannot succeed at. The great news is that you have the desire to take care of yourself and work toward living a healthy life. Believe in yourself; have faith in yourself! Set your goals and don't let obstacles or excuses or others cloud your path! The doubters or nay sayers in your life will either join you or feel jealous and there is nothing you can do about either or those things so just stick to what you can control.......You! Much success!!
  • childofArtemis24
    Forget your family! Dude, if they are going to be jerks, then who needs them. I think that your husband and family of all ppl should be more understanding .Don't feel bad about going to the gym or where ever you go to exercise. If you are a stay at home mom, you Need You Time!!! Keep going girl, you can loose this weight. Maybe you should grab, some of our phone numbers and txt us. That way you have 24 hour support!