When others laugh in your face :(

So yesterday i was talking with my sister and a few friends and i was explaining to them that i really want to start losing weight be fore Valentines day ( might be getting married by then ) and how i would love to drop about 15-20 pounds by then. Im not expecting for my body to just melt the fat off right away but i have lost alot of weight in the past and knows how my body is when it comes to gaining and losing weight.. and when i put 100% into losing weight my body tends to drop it pretty fast.. So i was explaining them my goals, workouts and eating plan and they all just laughed in my face and told me to stop thinking in the clouds. I understand a lot of people don't think 20 lbs is do able in about a month but im not them i know my body and instead of them just saying good luck and we will support you they all just laughed and made me really upset to where i was crying half the night... Why do people (family) can't ever be supportive?????
Sorry for venting im just really hurt by the way they acted


  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    The best advice I have.... Do it and show them!! They will probably sit there with their mouth dropped open...
    Just do it!! Good luck!!
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I think having realistic goals is important and unless you have a lot to lose 20lbs in a month is not achievable, especially if you intend to lose it in a healthy way that can be maintained. However, mocking your goals is inconsiderate and rude. Don't let it upset you. Instead take it as motivation to lead a healthier life! Good luck!
  • ebkins7
    ebkins7 Posts: 427 Member
    Wow! That's scary that people whom you consider your friends would treat you like that! Real friends wouldn't do that. And if it hurt you that deeply, which apparently it did, I think you should bring it to their attention. Let them know that it hurt your feelings when they did that. Noone has the right to treat anyone with disrespect. Everyone has value and is of great worth!

    If you don't get the support you need from your friends and family at home, come on here and I'll help keep you motivated.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    I don't think they should have laughed in your face, they should have told you that, unless you are obese, loosing more than 2 pounds per week is not good for your body and may put you in starvation mode. On top of that loosing weight should not be a short term goal but rather a change to a healthy life style where one of the benefits is loosing weight. Good luck on the weight loss and congratulations.
  • ldmama71730
    That is horrible. That was something that they should have just kept to themselves. So what if 20lbs seems unrealistic to them. You have a goal and a starting point which is more than most people. Just do what you need to do (in a healthy way)!!!!
  • porterbaby38
    porterbaby38 Posts: 1,401
    i know you can do it, i have confidence in you. i'm sorry though they hurt your feelings. they should be more supportive and be there for you. will you have friends here on mfp. good luck and hang in there.
  • ericaquin
    ericaquin Posts: 68 Member
    Like kandyjo said, just prove them wrong! I am not going to sit here and tell you that losing 20lbs in a month is realistic/not realistic or healhty/not healthy because you don't need to hear that right now. I would not bring it up again to them and just do what you need to do. Good luck and stick to your plan.
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Wow. I'm so sorry to hear about this. Friends certainly shouldn't be behaving that way at all. They need to be supportive of a goal like this - something that will help you be happy and healthy. It's one thing if you wanted to...say...protest something on the street corner. They might not agree with your stance. But what's not to agree when you're only trying to better yourself?

    I'm not sure if your goal is realistic or healthy - others are much more knowledgable than I in that area. But I say go for it. Be healthy and most of all happy - because that really is the best revenge!
  • metalpalace
    People laugh in the face of positive ambitions because they are afraid you will confirm in their eyes what they have always feared; that they are failures. On a positive note you may inspire some of them to finally make their dreams a reality. On a negative note once you succeed some of them won't be inspired but instead they will retreat into self loathing because you did something great and they did not.
  • OneMission
    OneMission Posts: 160 Member
    So yesterday i was talking with my sister and a few friends and i was explaining to them that i really want to start losing weight be fore Valentines day ( might be getting married by then ) and how i would love to drop about 15-20 pounds by then. Im not expecting for my body to just melt the fat off right away but i have lost alot of weight in the past and knows how my body is when it comes to gaining and losing weight.. and when i put 100% into losing weight my body tends to drop it pretty fast.. So i was explaining them my goals, workouts and eating plan and they all just laughed in my face and told me to stop thinking in the clouds. I understand a lot of people don't think 20 lbs is do able in about a month but im not them i know my body and instead of them just saying good luck and we will support you they all just laughed and made me really upset to where i was crying half the night... Why do people (family) can't ever be supportive?????
    Sorry for venting im just really hurt by the way they acted

    I don't even know you and I believe in you!!!
    Put your mind to it and try your hardest (but just remember to do it the healthy way)...see if you can prove them wrong.
    Even if it is less than your goal, each pound counts :happy:
    Best wishes on your mission :drinker:
    :flowerforyou: Teresa
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Thanks everyone!!! It was so hurt full when you have friends and family telling you that you can't do something and when people say i can't do something it puts me in over drive and i want to prove to them they are wrong....I know 20 lbs is alot but im going to see how close i can get to it and show them how wrong it was for them to laugh at me...
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Go for it girl. In fact I might just join you and shoot for the stars. haha

    What is your workout plan? I'm curently enjoying Extremly Ripped by Jeri Love. And as for my diet plan I'm just eating lots of veggies and fruits. Just a bit of bread and pasta with some lean meat. And I'm drinking lots of tea.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member

    Im doing walking every day for about 30-45 mintues, Biggest loser cardio max dvd and starting a pilates dvd and also doing wii when im bored :)
    For right now im doing phase 1 of the south beach which is lean meats, Veggies, No carbs, sugar or flour. I drink about 70 oz of water and no soda. I stick to fat free cheese's , low sodium beans if i get them in a can. I set my sodium to 1500 mg a day and 1200 calories a day.
  • golddogs
    golddogs Posts: 42 Member
    I believe you can do it or at least come close! They will be so jealous when they see how good you look. You have a lot of friends here when you feel like you need support. Good luck:smile:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member

    Im doing walking every day for about 30-45 mintues, Biggest loser cardio max dvd and starting a pilates dvd and also doing wii when im bored :)
    For right now im doing phase 1 of the south beach which is lean meats, Veggies, No carbs, sugar or flour. I drink about 70 oz of water and no soda. I stick to fat free cheese's , low sodium beans if i get them in a can. I set my sodium to 1500 mg a day and 1200 calories a day.

    Sounds like a good plan! Good luck!
  • allyson2212
    The best advice I have is to let it roll off your back and do what YOU know is possible! Dont let someone else get in the way of achieving your goals unless you want an easy way out! Its easy for them to doubt you because it takes very little effort to be a jerk. But its HARD to get healthy and stay that way. You can do it!!!
  • vanessadawn
    You shouldn't let it get to you, and I'm not sure but I doubt they meant to hurt you. They may have been trying to get you to loosen up and stop stressing about it. Sometimes you can concentrate too much on losing weight fast that it isn't beneficial to your body. And that can worry people so they like to brush it off with jokes. not sure if this is the case, but be careful if you are that emotional about it you may need to not put so much stress on yourself.