Getting tired after ten minutes

I have been tryn to work out. My friend gave me a DVD.

After ten minutes I just give up. Doesnt feel like its working. Isnt fun, and I just get wore out.

I wait tables all day. I just wanna lose this baby fat.

Can someone tell me what im doin wrong?



  • honestly- you have to just do it- I started doing Turbofire workout DVD's- and it felt like death. I was exhausted fter 10 mins like you. my leg muscles quivered, they felt like lead bricks- I did that first 30 minute DVD in a total of 55 minutes b/c I had to pause the DVD to rest.
    I'm now on week 5 and can make it fully through a 55 minute DVD of high intensity aerobic exercise- I'm tired, I'm fatigued, I feel like poop- but less so than when I began. I no longer feel like death is coming but I still have to tell myself- I CAN DO THIS!! DO not stop- keep going, make it to the end of that set and then the next, and the next- before you know it- you're done.

    Do these at a time that is more likely to be successful at- if you have more energy in the morning do it then- whenever works for you. Make working out- non-negotiable- you are doing it for yourself and yourself only- it is "You" time. Even if I do not feel the most energetic or "into" it- I still go through the motions b/c after it is all said and done, a workout done crappy is still better than sitting on the couch.

    Also- the DVD your friend gave you, may not be your "Soulmate" workout. Zumba I do b/c it is the popular workout today, but I'm not thrilled with it. It's kinda boring. Turbofire, however- I love. I find the workouts and choreography interesting to me and I like that the program changes it up daily. It's a personal thing! Best of luck with whatever road you choose to follow!!
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    You just have to work up to it. Eventually you will be able to finish that bad boy! Don't give up, you can do it!
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    I have a brain injury and I had the same problem so I literally started with 5 minutes and when I could do that comfortable I would go up to 10 minutes ... or 6 minutes , 7 minutes, 8 minutes .. whatever.

    The point is is just did what I could do but the minute I could do more, I pushed and did it. Today I can walk 8 miles and not even think about it. Or I can do the treadmill for 30 minutes on a 4.0 inlcine.

    I had to work slow, sometimes go back to square one and start over, but I kept trying. One day it will get easier. You just have to do something every day until it does.

    You might want to consider yoga as it helped me stretch my body and focus so I was later able to work out more easily. Getting a trainer helped alot too becuase I didn't waste my time, effort and energy doing things that wouldn't help in the long run.
  • dmh0204
    dmh0204 Posts: 81
    What you're doing wrong? You're giving up. Don't give up.

    If you really can only do 10 minutes today, promise yourself you are going to do 11 minutes tomorrow.

    But work out videos might not be your thing, and that is fair. I know it hard to get out of the house to work out with a new baby--I have 2 under 3--but you might find real life classes (rather than videos) to be more motivating. Or maybe you like competition, and you could take up tennis. Maybe you like competing against yourself, and you can take up running. It doesn't matter what you do. Just do something. And do it for longer than 10 minutes. And don't give up.

    The best and easiest way to start is sticking your baby in a stroller and going for a walk. If there is inclement weather, go walk around the mall. No excuses.
  • kayrowell
    kayrowell Posts: 4 Member
    a workout done crappy is still better than sitting on the couch.

    Thank you for your post! You really got me motivated to push play. I am also experiencing the tireness after 10mins also. Doing something is better than doing nothing, I will keep pushing play. Thank you again!!!!!!!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    What you're doing wrong? You're giving up. Don't give up.

    If you really can only do 10 minutes today, promise yourself you are going to do 11 minutes tomorrow.

    ^This. Things take time!!! I waited tables, rebuilt a fraternity, finished college (with an hour commute) and still competed/placed in a natural bodybuilding competition. All I'm driving at is that it can be done. If you really have your heart in it you will follow through.

    By the way... are you eating enough to keep up with all your activity?
  • Nightdust
    Nightdust Posts: 171 Member
    Sometimes you just have to find what works for you right now and then later work on the more challenging stuff.
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    Keep on going! Don't give up! Better your time every day! If it's 10 minutes today, do 11 minutes tomorrow and 12 minutes the following day! It will get easier!
    Eat well! Don't starve!
    You got this!
  • Getting tired after ten minutes is your body's natural response to having to work harder. This has always been a threshold for me too. However a fitness buddy pointed out the science behind it - oxygen depletion (which is just one reason). As you work harder, more oxygen is being used by your body - you are breathing harder! - and when your brain recognises this it says 'Hey cut that out! I'm not comfortable, you better stop!'. So all these guys who are saying 'just push through it' are right. Trick yourself by saying , OK just two more minutes, or slow down for 30 seconds, then say OK just two more minutes. Once you've done that a couple times. you will be busting on through!
  • davidep21
    davidep21 Posts: 52 Member
    If you dont like that DVD and workout try borrowing different workout videos from friends, You can also find DVD fitness videos at the Goodwells/thrift stores really cheap...Netflix (if you have it) has several fitness, cardio, pilates and yoga video's as for bored and tired you just have to push through and get it done...if working out was fun easy and fun in the beginning we all would be skinny
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow: our life is the creation of our mind.

    e.g. If you want it, do it.
  • serentity78
    serentity78 Posts: 89 Member
    I have always struggled to work out doing much the same so I decided to do 30ds which is an intense 20min workout and I honestly just forced myself! It does get easier. I was so sore at first wanted to quit everyday but just pushed through....some start slower and thats fine and work up but decide on a time and commit to it.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    I would say what you are doing wrong is quitting.
    There could be things contributing to lack of energy, maybe you are not getting enough sleep, or not eating the right food, or doing the wrong workout for you, but most likely you just need to push through. If it was easy it wouldn't work.
    Good luck :)
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Dont quit! (and it helps to find something you ENJOY doing)...

    I didnt enjoy it at first, but i started out walking slowly on my elliptical, 5 minutes and i was DYING! 45 days later, im RUNNING and doing HIIT 3 times a week and my total workout is 30-45 minutes per day, plus im starting stregnth training starting yesterday!

    Like others have mentioned, you have to just DO IT. and if you want it bad enough, you will!
  • Jester522
    Jester522 Posts: 392
    Getting tired after ten minutes is your body's natural response to having to work harder. This has always been a threshold for me too. However a fitness buddy pointed out the science behind it - oxygen depletion (which is just one reason). As you work harder, more oxygen is being used by your body - you are breathing harder! - and when your brain recognises this it says 'Hey cut that out! I'm not comfortable, you better stop!'. So all these guys who are saying 'just push through it' are right. Trick yourself by saying , OK just two more minutes, or slow down for 30 seconds, then say OK just two more minutes. Once you've done that a couple times. you will be busting on through!

    The only way your body will adapt is to push it beyond comfort. I usually draw the correlation to strength/conditioning and training to failure. Hypertrophy is best stimulated when the person continues repetitions until physically unable to perform the next rep. Fatigue is the body's response to oxygen depletion and increase build up of lactic acid in the cells. This occurs because oxygen depletion shuts down the Kreb's Cycle (cellular aerobic respiration) and we rely on glycolysis outside the mitochondria (anaerobic respiration) which is infinitely less efficient. So how does the body adapt? Improve cardiovascular output, stimulate erythropoiesis for more red cells, concentrate muscle cells with more mitochondria, and increase stores of ATP and creatine phosphate.

    Take 8-10g BCAA's prior to your workout. These amino acids will help buffer the increased tryptophan metabolites from causing imbalance across the blood brain barrier which brings that feeling of fatigue and tire. Not only extending your workout but aiding in recovery post-workout.
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    My friend let me borrow some brazilian butt work out once and after 10 minutes i was ready to roll over and die!!! I was not fit enough to do that workout video, but I did try a couple times after and eventually gave up... A few weeks later I ordered Jillian Michael's 30 day shred because it's very popular on MFP and as it turns out I was able to do the first level with a few breaks in between without dying! I definitely recommend it because It's only a 20 minute workout with different levels.