The Biggest Loser - Star Magazine artice.. Aha moment!

mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
Today I read an article in Star magazine, on the cover it had the 3rd place runner up - Kai from Season 3 of the Biggest Loser. So I was quick to read the article because I recently saw season 3, and I wanted to hear about her successes since the show.
What I read was startling. I recently started watching the show and admired the dedication of the contestants and their amazing weight loss transformations, not realizing as most of us watching, the dramatic things they went through on the Ranch.. (I posted an excerpt of the article for the Star Magazine website below) .

My reason for this post is because after watching Season 3 of the Biggest Loser, I was EXTRA motivated to start my health an fitness journey and go at it HARD. With the expectations of quick weight loss, (not 20 lbs a week, but maybe 3-5 or so), after all the contestants on the Biggest Loser were losing up to 20lbs in a week on the what's 3-5 lbs for me?

As I began the journey, I realized that it was going to require HARD work, and I was up for the challenge, because I expected to see results that reflected my calorie counting and 6 day workouts. The first week on the scale, I expected to see larger weight loss because of the water weight. But my second week, I expected to see close to the same weight loss. I must admit, I weighed myself 2 days early (because I was curious), to only find a loss of .5 lbs. It was a shock at first because I thought, I'm doing almost everything I did the week before, the only difference was this week I joined MFP, so I am actually keeping track of my calories. So last week it was 5lbs.. this week 2 days short, it's looking like a 1/2 lb?

So with all of that said I realized that I WILL NOT be discouraged,after all it is a loss and I am CERTAINLY grateful for that ! But my AHA moment came a few hours later after reading the article, and realizing the same TV show that I was becoming obsessed with the contestants massive weight loss results, was just that ...a SHOW. I will continue to stick with my 2lb a week weight loss maximums with the realization that nothing in life comes easy.. as you will read below.

Cheers to you and your Healthy weight loss goals!:flowerforyou:


Contestants on NBC's The Biggest Loser undergo amazing transformations -- some shedding over 200lbs! -- but Star has uncovered the many layers of deception and dangerous behavior at work behind the scenes. Even the show’s trainer Jillian Michaels admits all is not as it seems.

Intentional dehydration? Manipulated filming schedules? Diuretics? “Oh absolutely!” Jillian tells Star in our Jan. 25 issue on sale now. “There is a lot of game playing that goes on. The Biggest Loser is a game show. It is what it is.”

Jillian is just one of the people who reveals shocking and dangerous reality behind one of America’s favorite shows. Insiders are left wondering: How long before tragedy strikes?

One example is contestant Kai Hibbard. Standing before a cheering studio audience in a skintight black cocktail dress -- after dropping 118lbs. -- she looked like she was living a fairy tale. But just three weeks later, the cameras weren’t rolling as she lay shaking on her bathroom floor. Her immune system was shot. She was covered in bruises and losing her hair. And she’d gained back 31 lbs. simply from drinking water. Kai’s brutal experience is, unfortunately, all too typical of many contestants who risk their lives — with the producers’ implicit OK -- to get their weight down for the cameras. In the run-up to the Season One finale, winner Ryan Benson started urinating blood.

“They want the dramatic results. They want America to be amazed,” Kai, 31, tells Star. “We are all looking for that help, that magic, and The Biggest Loser looks like magic when people are losing 20 lbs. in a week. Why would they change that? They won’t until someone gets really sick.”

Pick up the new issue of Star today for the complete story, including details about the brutally intense workouts, restricted diets, intentional dehydration and how the one-week weight loss
totals “aren’t totally real,” according to Jillian.


  • kawade80
    It really is scary what they go throug for that show. I want to lose my weight in a healthy way.
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    WOW!!!!!!!!!! That is crazy!!! I'm in awe after reading this. This is just another reminder that weight lost won't happen over night, we didn't gain all of our weight over night & we shouldn't expect to lose it all in 1 night.
    Slow & Steady is the way to go!
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    Wow, that's really should be illegal. Most of the people who are on that show have enough health problems to begin with & then they are put through that physical torture. But unfortunately I'm sure these people sign all types of waivers & contracts so none of the producers or others involved are not held liable. I kind of figured when that show came out that there had to be more to it behind the scenes. Ya know what they say...when things are too good to be true, they usually are...
  • biffy107
    Wow!!!I will get the mag. Thank YOUUU for the eye open info.
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    wow...ive always wondered about that. i know they say they work out 6 hrs a day...thats crazy. did anyone see the show (i forget what ch it was on) it was called - confessions of a reality show loser and they were showing Eric.....i wanna say season 3 but i dont remember. he was the winner. he looked really good but hes gained it all back and hes gonna be back at this seasons finale to see what hes lost, again. it was a good show. remeber how last season on the 1st day they had to run a mile and tracy looked like she was gonna die?? now why do they do that? and then this season they had to ride the bike for like 26 miles or something. these are people who dont exercise at all and then they have to do this? i think that is too risky. it seems like every season they try to do something bigger and better for ratings, but sooner or later something bad is gna happen. i think ppl would watch it anyways even if they started out slower.....
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member
    wow...ive always wondered about that. i know they say they work out 6 hrs a day...thats crazy. did anyone see the show (i forget what ch it was on) it was called - confessions of a reality show loser and they were showing Eric.....i wanna say season 3 but i dont remember. he was the winner. he looked really good but hes gained it all back and hes gonna be back at this seasons finale to see what hes lost, again. it was a good show. remeber how last season on the 1st day they had to run a mile and tracy looked like she was gonna die?? now why do they do that? and then this season they had to ride the bike for like 26 miles or something. these are people who dont exercise at all and then they have to do this? i think that is too risky. it seems like every season they try to do something bigger and better for ratings, but sooner or later something bad is gna happen. i think ppl would watch it anyways even if they started out slower.....

    Interesting enough, I did watch that show it was the winner of season 3 - Eric from NY.. He gained back somewhere like 150lb of what he lost or something like that. He mentioned that he felt he didn't get the support he needed to move forward after all the fame was gone.. So sad.. I hope this is an eye opener for all (including myself) that slow and steady wins the race..
  • biffy107
    Eric gained it all back ,but he works infront of food all day. What about all the people that have kept it off!!!! The ones who aren t taking 6 pills a day anymore. You cannot say they arent better for doing it. Someone who weighs 5 hundred and some pounds it is only amount of time before they fall over walking down the sidewalk or somthing. I was more interested in the tricks they play.