HELP! fast, easy, healthy recipe ideas

mwoodee Posts: 6 Member
Hi all,
I am needing some help with recipe ideas, I work full time and go to school full time so I need meals that are easy to make, low calorie and can go in a lunch box, suggestions for breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks would be greatly appreciated!


  • corinneselene
    corinneselene Posts: 306 Member
    Check out the recipe I just posted for Chicken spring rolls with spicy mayo. Its quick, healthy, and easy to travel with- no need to heat!
  • AbbeyTaylor87
    AbbeyTaylor87 Posts: 5 Member
    Low calorie snack for a sweet tooth - Fat free sponge cake (can be made into muffins instead, which equals a smaller portion and therefore less calories per portion):

    2 Eggs (weigh approximately 3-4oz)
    Self Raising Flour (same in quantity as the eggs weigh)
    Caster Sugar (same in quantity that the eggs weigh)

    Whisk eggs and sugar in a bowl until thick and creamy. Using an electric hand whisk is advisable as this can take up to 10 mins, even with an electric mixer.

    Fold in the flour. (add a small amount of flavoured essence if you wish once flour is folded in).

    Either spoon into muffin cases, or pour into a loaf tin (the base of the loaf tin should be lined with parchment/baking paper).

    Cook at gas mark 4 for around 30 mins (check after 20 mins if making muffins). These are fat free so are best consumed within 24 hours. If there aren't many people in the household, I would advise halving the mixture so you're not tempted to eat it all =)