30 Day Shred - 1 or 2 questions ... :-)

I'm thinking of getting this but just need to know a couple of thing before I do:

1) What 'equiptment' will I need?
2) Do I need alot of space to move around?
3) Is there an Eating Plan or Diet that needs to be followed too?
4) Is it the same routine every day for each level?
5) How long is each routine? Is it 20 mins?
6) How should I log it on MFP, as Cardio?

I'm pretty sure i'm going to buy this, so just want to be sure of what I'm getting into lol.
Thanks in advance :-)


  • Moxylein
    Moxylein Posts: 52
    1) nothing, except a yoga mat, if you want to workout on hard floors
    2) not more than a meter or two
    3) idk
    4) yes, every level is the same each day. You do level 1 for 10 days, then move on to the next.
    5) it is 20 min plus warm up and cool down, so you will be doing it 27 min roughly
    6) I would log it as circuit training, even though it would be more accurate if you had a HRM and create an own excercise

    Also, you don't have to buy it, it's on youtube
  • LindseySprake
    LindseySprake Posts: 333 Member
    Ooo yes I have a HRM!! It's on youtube? Oh cool :-) even better. Thanks!
  • xxpinkcandyxx
    xxpinkcandyxx Posts: 29 Member
    1) Hand weights but I guess you could improvise and a towel or yoga mat if you would prefer.
    2) enough so that you can lie out on the floor and put your arms out to the side without hitting anything.
    3) Just eat healthily and drink plenty of water ( i personally stuck to 1200 calories a day and whatever I ate had to be healthy) so just do what works for you.
    4) Its supposed to be 10 days on each level. There are 3 levels. But it does say do it at your pace.
    5) it works out to be around half an hour with the warm ups and downs and the talking.
    6) not sure as I never did, whoops:ohwell:
  • Moxylein
    Moxylein Posts: 52
    oh, yes, I forgot about the hand weights, you're right! But if you don't have some you can use water bottles. Most people can't bear more than 3 lbs when starting 30DS anyway