OMG MY KNEE!!!!!!! :( help!

So today during week 4 Ripped in 30 I went to do jump jacks with legs raises and my right knee
made an incredibly WEIRD CRAZY UNUSUAL sound!!!!
It wasn't a crack it sounded like something torn (like someone scrunched a piece of paper)
It was crazy.
It hurts so much!
Anybody have an idea what it could be?
I'm icing it now and will purchase some Deep Heat cream tomorrow!
Advice would be amazing!!!
Thank you (:


  • alexandrahusk
    alexandrahusk Posts: 12 Member
    I just recently did the same thing to my knee while dancing. :/
    I hate to be the one to tell you this, but it was about a month and a half before my knee was almost back to normal and I'm still not 100% back! I had to take a week off work to rest and ice my knee (doctor's orders) and then once I started back to work I had a brace that I wore almost constantly. I was just starting my TurboFire program so I had to modify almost every exercise so my knee wouldn't hurt and iced my knee after every workout and sometimes while I was sitting at work. I've slowly (VERY SLOWLY) gotten my strength back but just this week started really adding jumping back into my workouts. It has now been about 2 months since I injured it. Be careful! Take it slow!
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I tore my cartilage around 10yrs ago doing similar jumps. So much pain I had to go to the hospital. Go and get it checked as soon as possible just in case it is something like that and you end up doing longer term damage to your knee.

    I feel your pain!

    Take care.
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member

    Please don't keep doing things on your knee until you see a doctor there are many things in your knee and the surrounding areas you could have torn. Putting off a doctor visit could make this worse.
  • pambaron5
    Did something similar with 30 Day Shred! Motrin, Icy Hot and ice for about a week and a half. I've modified the workout a little til I can build up some strength.
  • Pinknspooky
    Pinknspooky Posts: 34 Member
    I am currently sat here in a knee brace having bust mine two weeks ago doing C25K - prognosis is at least a month before I can do anything other than basic walking and swimming and they bloody hurt if I push it.

    Rest it, take anti-inflamatory painkillers and get it checked out - chances are it is just muscular but you need to get it checked and then follow doctors orders before building back slowly to where you were :flowerforyou:
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Thanks for advice guys! Unfortunately I don't have an income ATM so no doctors for me!
    I'll see if I can exercise tomorrow, won't push myself too hard though!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Thanks for advice guys! Unfortunately I don't have an income ATM so no doctors for me!
    I'll see if I can exercise tomorrow, won't push myself too hard though!

    do they have free clinics or something nearby? people go to the doctor/hospital all the time without having an income. no one can refuse you care.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Thanks for advice guys! Unfortunately I don't have an income ATM so no doctors for me!
    I'll see if I can exercise tomorrow, won't push myself too hard though!

    I wouldn't exercise if I were you. If anything, just do upper body workouts. The last thing you want to do is risk making it worse! Just rest, rest, rest! When it don't hurt any more, rest it some more, THEN try working it. If you try something soon, there's a good chance you'll do more damage, which will set you way back.

    Been there, done that. Ouch....
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Thanks for advice guys! Unfortunately I don't have an income ATM so no doctors for me!
    I'll see if I can exercise tomorrow, won't push myself too hard though!

    It's your body but PLEASE really think about this.

    I tore my knee playing rugby 8 years ago and because I didn't rest it properly I have SERIOUS DAMAGE that will never be repaired now. I have to wear knee supports most days and doing something like shopping for a few hours leaves me on crutches for days. As for exercises that include jumping....forget it!!! I appreciate that I'm from the UK and therefore have an NHS service which means medial care is free but if you truely cannot see a doctor then as a minimum do not use it for any kind of exercise for a while.

    As I said its your body but be warned that you are gambling with your future and your ability for it to be able to repair itself...... good luck.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,264 Member
    Go to the doctor and stay off of it until you do so. If you at all can't see any doctor (even a walk in clinic), then stay off of it for awhile just to be safe. Your knee is NOT something to mess with! Do NOT exercise tomorrow! I have had enough knee issues over my life to know. You do not want to even risk additional damage!
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    Just be careful. Use heat and ice- i think you're supposed to heat it before and ice it later (but that may be backwards). Anything that hurts in the slightest you shouldn't do. Knee injuries are no fun- I've dealt with one for over 10 years now. One surgery down, and I don't want another so I deal with it because the pain is nothing like it used to be. Just don't push yourself. Use a brace, and rest, ice, compress, and elevate..with a little heat, too :)
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I ripped my cartilidge playing soccer. Knee pain is tricky. If you don't have the funds for a doc, don't exercise. Rest is the only thing thats really going to help it heal if it's not really messed up. Do upper body, go for walks or swim, something low impact or your just going to keep irritating it and make it worse. Once your done, RICE! and Tylenol!
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    Like someone said before RICE.
    Rest, Ice Compression, Elevation.

    Where EXACTLY does it hurt? on the outside side? inside side? behind your knee? knee cap area?

    From the little bit of info it does sound like it could be a meniscus tear. You need to rest it, don't do anything that hurts. I know it's hard, but you will end up messing up your other knee, or your ankles / hips by trying to exercise and compensating for that knee, and you'll be worse off then you are now.

    note: i'm not a doctor or anything, just done pretty much every possible injury you can to my knees.
  • camelothosting
    camelothosting Posts: 60 Member
    Wy Wife had something similar only she stepped on a bad piece of concrete and wound up tearing her meniscus.
  • pambaron5
    Thanks for advice guys! Unfortunately I don't have an income ATM so no doctors for me!
    I'll see if I can exercise tomorrow, won't push myself too hard though!

    Do some upper body exercises til it feels better. You don't want to injure it further so you'll be forced to go to the drs! I try to avoid it myself due to an out of control co-pay! Ice, Icy Hot and Motrin!
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    It's hard to describe where it EXACTLY hurts, but it's sometimes below my knee cap (and behind it)
    Sometimes it hurts above the knee cap to but that could be because the same day something 'torn' and smashed it on the coffee table!! :/
    I'll take your advice and rest until Monday (feel like a major fatty and a big let down) :(:(:(
    Hopefully it'll be heaps better by then with lots of icing of the knee! :/:(
  • pambaron5
    It's hard to describe where it EXACTLY hurts, but it's sometimes below my knee cap (and behind it)
    Sometimes it hurts above the knee cap to but that could be because the same day something 'torn' and smashed it on the coffee table!! :/
    I'll take your advice and rest until Monday (feel like a major fatty and a big let down) :(:(:(
    Hopefully it'll be heaps better by then with lots of icing of the knee! :/:(

    It will heal and then you can continue. I had to face facts when I hurt myself that part of it was coming to terms with my age, the weight I had gained and that I hadn't done any form of exercise in a while so naturally I was not going to jump back into an exercise program like I was 20! Take these things into consideration especially when it comes to your knees. They support alot and you need them! Be nice to them and in time the weight will come off.