I'm discouraged!

So today (Wednesdays) are my weigh in days for me. I'm 3 weeks into diet/exercise/no smoking! I was officially 4 lbs heavier than when i weighed 2 weeks ago. I went from a sedentary life to an active 6-7x a week 3mile or 60 minute walk/jog workout. A health enthusiast i work with says that is is muscle gain, but 4lbs of muscle? I eat between 1200-1500 calories daily, pay particular attention to proteins. And try to stay away from bad carbs. I'm not eating out as much as i used to and have cut back on sodas A LOT! I've had only 1 this week. I am trying to change my life for the better at the age of 35!


  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    maybe it's water weight plus muscle weight. you need to look at the positive here you have not smoked in 3 weeks! that is awesome, amazing, fabulous, fantastic and FREAK'N GREAT!
    So today (Wednesdays) are my weigh in days for me. I'm 3 weeks into diet/exercise/no smoking! I was officially 4 lbs heavier than when i weighed 2 weeks ago. I went from a sedentary life to an active 6-7x a week 3mile or 60 minute walk/jog workout. A health enthusiast i work with says that is is muscle gain, but 4lbs of muscle? I eat between 1200-1500 calories daily, pay particular attention to proteins. And try to stay away from bad carbs. I'm not eating out as much as i used to and have cut back on sodas A LOT! I've had only 1 this week. I am trying to change my life for the better at the age of 35!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Your health enthusiast friend is a moron and you're right - there is no way you can gain that much muscle (especially as a woman) in that short amount of time. What it might be though is water retention in your muscles. When you start or change up your activity level, the muscles get tiny tears (which is why you're sore) and those tissues retain water as part of the natural repair process. Think like how your ankle swells when you twist it - same concept, just not as obvious.

    Make sure you're tracking sodium on your food journal as a few days of high sodium can mess up a weigh in. And of course make sure you're drinking at least those 8 cups of water, if not more on your active days. I'm sure that weight will start coming off again once your body adjusts to the new routine.

    Good luck!

    p.s Congrats on your progress so far! Even with the gain, you are doing a fantastic job!
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    First of all, congrats on deciding to make healthier choices!

    Second, I wouldn't worry just yet. It's possible that you have gained some fat, yes, but most (if not all) of the increase on the scale is probably water. I can't see your diary, but are you watching your sodium? If you're eating too much salt, you could be retaining water. Increased muscle also increases your water & glycogen stores (but I don't know a ton about this. Ask an expert!)

    I weigh daily because I like watching the fluctuations, and I've noticed that I can add on a kilogram (2.2 lbs) in 24 hours, and lose it again in the next 24 hours! Small stuff like that is usually water.

    Also, try to keep your NET cals at or above your BMR so you don't starve your body. You might want to also check out Eat More To Weigh Less.
  • rubyautumn4
    rubyautumn4 Posts: 818 Member
    Don't be discouraged, you're doing amazingly well already! The scale isn't the whole story. From your post it sounds like you are making some big changes - you deserve a pat on the back. Stick with it!
  • imhungry2012
    imhungry2012 Posts: 240 Member
    Agree with the above, likely a combination of muscle and water weight. If you're clothes are starting to fit better you are on your way to your goal no matter what the scale says. Muscle burns more fat so the scale will naturally catch up with all your hard work! Keep it up!!
  • FitGirl329
    FitGirl329 Posts: 103 Member
    As a female who turned 37 a few weeks ago and posted a thread three weeks in, wondering WHY on earth I hadn't lost a pound, I can identify with this post a bit.

    First, unlocking your diary (assuming you've been TOTALLY honest with yourself in your diary) will help us help you a lot. It was a huge help with me. It helped me understand many things. I was embarrassed at first because I'd had a few cheat days or days I'd not logged at all. But I did it and I'm glad.

    Using the below thread was a big help in understanding what my caloric intake should be no matter if I work out or not. From this, I've determined I should be eating right about or below 1500 calories to lose. That's my TDEE-20%. I was eating less than that and not losing. I've since lost close to four pounds in two something weeks.


    Honestly, I'm not that concerned with the number on the scale as it's just a number. I want to get back into the pants in my closet that are too snug to fit into. I want my body to show results. I don't care if there's a gain on the scale if my body shrinks and looks awesome!

    I've also been keeping my macros at roughly a 40/30/30 ratio. When I eat 50% or more carbs, I'm hungrier. I also keep my fiber at 20% or more. It helps keep me fuller longer.

    I've been drinking a TON of water. I think this helps a TON. I also cut all artificial sugars and felt the bloat and sugar/sweets cravings go down almost immediately. It was crazy. I carry around this Thermos insulated water bottle. It's 26 ounces. I fill it up three times a day and then have another glass or two of water. So I'm easily getting 8-12 8 oz. glasses of water a day. I sip all day long.

    And this is going to sound crazy. But when I first started working out, I went FULL out right off the bat...Jillian Michaels and some high intensity cardio and weights, etc. I strained my right hamstring. So now I have to modify and do only pilates/yoga/barre workouts with light light light cardio like cycling thrown in ONLY if it feels good. My cardio is really only from the barre workouts and the cycling. And even then it's only moderate. I think this, 4-5 days a week with the diet, is what's working.

    I can see a difference in my abs and my legs/hips finally. My pants are starting to feel different.
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    Check your salt intake, it may be causing you to retain water. I know people will tell you NOT to do this but I do... I do weigh myself everyday so I can see variation in my weight from things like eating too much salt. Weighing myself first thing in the mornnig everyday is something that for me also helped not only recognize things like water variation, but it also lets me know that ok, yesterday was a bad day, take in that moment and then use it for good motivation during the day. You can let it depress you or you can use it to motivate you.

    I would also go out and find an inexpensive heart rate monitor (one with a chest strap) and use it when you walk. This will let you know if you are working in the right heart rate zone or if you're just taking in the scenery.

    I give you a HUGE standing ovation for not smoking for 3 weeks. That my dear, is worth so much alone! REMEBER THAT!!! I'm not a nicotine expert but it leaving your system plays a role in the high/lows of your metabolism. Nicotine is a metabolism booster and appetite supressant. Give your body time to adjust.

    Stick with it for your health! Friend me, I would love to keep tabs on you and know how you're doing.
  • Ivarivdnoe
    Ivarivdnoe Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you all very much for the encouragement! I have opened my diary for those who want to see! I would say my sodium intake for the past 2 weeks has been normal, between 1900-2900 mg/day and the max for a 1500 calorie diet is 2400 mg/day. Believe me I know I ate horrible before! I know this!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Well now you get to practice using willpower and determination because honey, 3 weeks into a new life, is not a very long time.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member

    Sorry, what was the rest? :laugh:
  • echandle12
    this is a marathon and not a sprint. Believe me I have had weeks i gain (this week) but lost 3 inches. stuff happens and the farther along you are in the journey you will realize this. I am going to have to say that you didn't gain 4 pounds of muscle in 2 weeks, but it would be bloat, water retention, TOM...a list of reasons to go up and down weekly, or even daily. Chin up and keep going.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    I would also recommend logging your measurements asap!! It really helped me (and continues to help) on days where I feel "fat" or if I'm not losing weight, if you see the inches dropping away.
  • emstethem
    emstethem Posts: 263 Member
    Your health enthusiast friend is a moron and you're right - there is no way you can gain that much muscle (especially as a woman) in that short amount of time. What it might be though is water retention in your muscles. When you start or change up your activity level, the muscles get tiny tears (which is why you're sore) and those tissues retain water as part of the natural repair process. Think like how your ankle swells when you twist it - same concept, just not as obvious.

    Make sure you're tracking sodium on your food journal as a few days of high sodium can mess up a weigh in. And of course make sure you're drinking at least those 8 cups of water, if not more on your active days. I'm sure that weight will start coming off again once your body adjusts to the new routine.

    Good luck!

    p.s Congrats on your progress so far! Even with the gain, you are doing a fantastic job!

    this! I agree with this! :)
  • elliemae207
  • laprincess1234
    I gained 15 pounds when I quit smoking and I couldn't udnerstand why because I was eating less and exercising more. My doctor told me that smoking robs your body of oxygen. Without oxygen your body doesn't function correctly and it burns more calories to function. Once you quit smoking, your body metabolism slows down and you return to your normal weight. I hate to tell you this but it takes about a year for the weight gain to stop. But hang in there. I have lost the 15 pounds and I am now going for another 15. Don't think about starting smoking again because it doesn't work going in the opposite direction. Go figure.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    I started weight training last week, gained 3 pounds and one night.. It disappeared! It's just water in the muscles for repair.
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Wow, you've been eating right, exercising and not smoking. That is awesome.
    Just think how much healthier you are becoming! And that is how you should be feeling.
    Your body will adjust. It just might need to take more time.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    It's very possible that it's water weight. I can gain 3 lbs overnight just from water retention after a high sodium meal (oh sushi, how I love you). When I started some simple strength training, I also had an overnight gain of 3 lbs. Both of these 'water gains' went away within a few days.

    Don't panic!
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I think maybe it's water retention. A number of factors come into play there. Regardless, I think you're doing great. It's not easy to make those decisions but you're doing it! Best of luck to you :smile:
  • caitlyn30
    caitlyn30 Posts: 207 Member
    could be sodium - you should track it. I gained 4 lbs by a bad day of sodium. I drank 10 glasses a water the next day and it was gone in a few days.
    drink.. drink..drink..:drinker: