Police, public safety, EMS, nurses.

What has been your biggest challenge working in the above professions?


  • lillmssy
    lillmssy Posts: 67
    Where do you want me to start??????
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,065 Member
    I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say, "Other people."
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    I should have qualified it much better. What has been your greatest obstacles with weight loss/maintenance and finding time for exercise with our chosen professions?
  • vabrewer33
    vabrewer33 Posts: 185
    I am a nurse which means I am on my feet all day long. My biggest challenge was finding motivation to take my hurting feet to the gym everyday after work. I work steady shifts so I don't have the problem with snacking that shift workers (especially night shift) has. But it is irritating to have overweight nurses lecturing people about health-the double standard is very annoying so I DID NOT want to be "that nurse" :)
  • JohnK580
    JohnK580 Posts: 55 Member
    The hours are very erratic. Being on call adds to that. Hard to plan.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I'm going to take a shot in the dark and say, "Other people."

    LOL - you can take that shot in bright daylight too!:laugh:
  • Paul_Hodge
    As an EMT, I think that the hardest thing was the schedule. It seemed like it was nearly impossible to eat healthy. Just finished a call, lets get dinner. So you head to the nearest grease pit, go to put that first bite in your mouth and there it is. The tones going off for the next call. It's very difficult to lose weight while working on an ambulance.
  • CottonCandyKisses
    CottonCandyKisses Posts: 246 Member
    I'm going to butt in as the spouse of a police officer. I know how hard it is for men and women in your chosen professions(police, public safety, EMS, nurses) to have a normal lifestyle, let alone a healthy one! I do all the cooking so I will cook/prep extra healthy things so he can bring extra and put it in the fridge at the PD or keep at the fridge at home. That way between calls he can grab things like :hard boiled eggs (peeled in a bag), grilled chicken breasts, grilled hamburger patties, washed/cut/sliced/prepped fruits&veggies, high fiber/protein granola bars, protein shakes, string cheese, almonds, and pre-portioned dinners in tupperwares. We have a treadmill in the basement and he has a mountain bike he likes to ride. I love my police officer=)
  • projectxreborn
    This is totally off topic (sorry) but I just wanted to say thank you for the jobs you do...I can guess it is a very thankless
    job dealing with the public but there are many of us who appreciate very much what you do. My 10 yr old son is alive
    because of quick thinking EMS that helped him.
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    Wow....this is a long list that I could possibly put down! Shift work is tough. I flip back and forth between a day and night schedule so my eating pattern is all over the place. Sometimes you only have a few minutes to sit down and eat a meal...if at all. Its tempting to grab a quick bad-for-you snack and go on with what you have to do. While I love my job ( I am a nurse in a level 3 NICU), it is stressful sometimes and it is tempting to try to comfort that stress with high calorie, high fat snacks.
  • JohnK580
    JohnK580 Posts: 55 Member
    Your role is a nurse is highly valued! As a law enforcement chaplain, I spend a good deal of time with ER and ICU nurses. (and NICU nurses at the children's hospital too!) You all are fantastic!
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    I'm a nurse and i'd say making sure I don't just eat whatever is easy because I have no time. I have to be careful to plan what I can eat quickly that isn't garbage.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Fitting in exercise before/after 12 hour shifts and of course, the dreaded night shifts. In truth, though, they aren't as bad as the 12 hours - I really struggle to do anything at all on these days.
  • amh1974
    amh1974 Posts: 79 Member
    My crappy schedule as a night shift medic, full-time school, single mother of 2 children are all things that mix up the picture. Let's not even start on the dumdums I deal with nightly.... All I can say is thank god I run by myself on a chase truck! Hear's to my 16 hour shift tonight! Yay me!!!
  • Eric7788
    12-8 is very difficult when it comes to dieting
  • RedMeeko
    RedMeeko Posts: 24 Member
    I work night shift, so pulling my butt out of bed to exercise before work is horrible.

    I've been taking my rest day for the week during a day I work because I can't force myself to work out on those days.
  • BrittanyLail
    BrittanyLail Posts: 40 Member
    It's hard to not snack on junk food sitting around...and it's also hard to go to the gym after working all day.
    But it boils down to how bad I want results. I'm the only one that can make the decisions.
  • mbajrami
    mbajrami Posts: 636 Member
    As a telecommunicator/jailer...it's definitely the sitting down all day. We usually stay so busy and are so shorthanded that we have to eat at our desks while we continue to work. Suuuucks. I move around as much as I can, but I can't just leave for anything more than a bathroom break.
  • biglew909
    biglew909 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm an RN on a Telemetry unit, and without a doubt the biggest issue I've had is managing the acute and unpredictable levels of stress at work, followed immediately by my inability to let "work" stay at work.
  • FabMrFox
    FabMrFox Posts: 259 Member
    <-- former Military Police. you start to look at everyone as a criminal of some sort.....everyone breaks the law to some degree and I still hate being lied to about it :) I'm no longer doing it becasue the constant schedule shifting around as well as long deployments realy suck for a marriage