What pills help you sleep longer



  • pittskaa
    pittskaa Posts: 319 Member
    i used to have terrrrrible insomnia and i took unisom. it works alright.
  • I have the same issue. I stay away from the Tylenol PM for the liver. What works best for me is benadryl. Additionally if you take some calcim and magnesium with the benadryl I think you will have a good sleep night!

    Good Luck!
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    Paracetamol and a couple of vodkas :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Diphenhydramine. Generic Benadryl. No sense paying extra to have a brand name attached to it, whether it's Benadry, Simply Sleep, or Z-quil. It's all the same stuff, but Diphenhydramine is about $4 for a bottle of 100 tablets or capsules. I get the tablets because I can just take half. Or if I need to dose my dog, he'd get half a pill.

    If I have aches and pains, I'll take a generic ibuprofin or acetametaphin with it. Same thing as Advil PM or Tylenol PM.

    As a bonus, I don't wake up all stuffy from allergies from my cats who apparently pluck their fur and shove hairs in my eyes and nose while I sleep. :grumble:
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Melatonin comes in a bunch of dosages you may have taken to much or to little.

    Exactly. I was taking the 5 mg to start and found out that was way too much. I now take a full or half tablet of 3 mg.

    Here is a link to check out: http://www.uk-muscle.co.uk/
  • Erica27511
    Erica27511 Posts: 490 Member
    Pills do not help me sleep longer, but I can tell you something that does help me get a good night sleep

    :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    Melatonin comes in a bunch of dosages you may have taken to much or to little.

    Exactly. I was taking the 5 mg to start and found out that was way too much. I now take a full or half tablet of 3 mg. And I'll occasionally throw in a Benedryl if I'm PMSing. :ohwell: (Can't sleep then.)
    Here is a link to check out: http://www.uk-muscle.co.uk/
  • A poster replied about melatonin and its dosage. While you may not be happy with melatonin, give your dosage a try for a week and see what happens. For me, I am fine at my current dosage and when I feel I need it, I take it for a week to get it in my system and to help get me on a schedule. After I am established, I stop taking it and will stay off of it until I know another issue has arisen to where I need it which is twice a year depending on my work demands.

    When looking at the dosage, trying moving to a lower dosage if you're still not happy with the results.
  • nyssa1231
    nyssa1231 Posts: 120 Member
    Melatonin + chamomile tea always does the trick for me!

    We were living in Spain for a while, and transitioning to being back in the U.S. was brutal sleepwise for me. I would fall asleep really easily, but then start waking up at about 2:30 or 3:00 a.m. This sucked when I started work! Hope this helps.
  • tikafly
    tikafly Posts: 184 Member
    Unisom tablets aka Unisom "Sleep Tabs" (not caplets as that's a different drug that doesn't work as well) if it's been several days without a restful sleep. The tablets are the only Unisom product that contains "doxylamine succinate." This is a more effective drug for me. I usually take half of the Unisom tablet to prevent morning grogginess.

    Or, sometimes I'll take Benadryl to help sleep (but it can have an opposite affect on some people).
  • Laurayinz
    Laurayinz Posts: 929 Member
    Unisom tablets aka Unisom "Sleep Tabs"
    I have the Target brand, seems to work pretty well. Now if I could just get the !@)*&)*&!# cat and other peeps in the house to stop waking me up before I'm ready! :angry: ear plugs are right next to them.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Perhaps you're over training?
  • Mistyblu08
    Mistyblu08 Posts: 580 Member
    The Alcohol Pill

    And the Sex Pill

    Joking aside, cut caffiene from your diet totally. DOn;t exercise late, don;t eat late, no tv in bed.

    this lol
    no really ...sex works...alcohol not so much at least not for long in fact they have proven that it makes it worse even though I sleep pretty well on my party nights lol the last three ideas are great ones!!! the coffee idea is also a great one anything with caffiene ...chocolate ...tea etc....I am still trying to change my habits where this is concerned!! love love love my coffee and chocolate lol
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member

    also helps with maximizing muscle absorption and helps with recovery from exercise
  • phoenix_59
    phoenix_59 Posts: 1,123
    I am on an anti-anxiety med...not because i have anxiety..but because i have a racing mind...and it never slows down..it does help with my sleep

    this^ I call it Ativan.....works like a charm!
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Gravol works wonders
  • smoorie22
    smoorie22 Posts: 1 Member
    doTERRA essential oils! 100% natural and you can use them topically, ingest OR diffuse into the air. For sleeping, I've used single oils: Lavender and Marjoram, and oil blends: Serenity and AromaTouch.
  • girlie100
    girlie100 Posts: 646 Member

    also helps with maximizing muscle absorption and helps with recovery from exercise

    this, doesn't help you fall asleep but helps get a deeper sleep. Can cause some crazy dreams though I take an hour before sleep and works well for me :)
  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 781 Member
    Bob Marley mellow mood tea is the BEST!!!
  • bazfitness
    bazfitness Posts: 275 Member
    Thanks all for the suggestions so far. Some I've tried already - mostly the non-pill related stuff.

    Some of the brands mentioned I mightn't be able to get here (Portugal) but maybe they have a counterpart. Well I've got a whole packet of Melatonin now, so guess the least I can do is vary the dosage. The tablet I have has just got 1.9 mgs - it also has some Vitamin Bs. If Melatonin doesn't work I'm going to go through all your suggestions and see what does work. Will report back if anything is effective.

    To the poster who mentioned sleep Apnia. I might see if I can get that checked out here.
    Thanks again and keep the suggestions coming please :smile: