Does anyone else weight in every day?



  • debyjo1
    debyjo1 Posts: 6
    I only weigh in once a week. The same day of the week, the same time. Monday, 4:30 am buck naked. I don't weigh every day because daily weight fluxuates and it is worrisome when the scale goes up. Occassionaly I will weigh mid week.:smile:
  • FAPhoto
    FAPhoto Posts: 1
    I like the daily feedback of weighing myself every day. It really helps me. I can also see that "thing" I shouldn't have eaten. It is a good reminder to do better.
  • aaeros
    aaeros Posts: 157
    Yes and I probably shouldn't, but I do. We have a white board in the bathroom to keep track. Typically if I am up I don't record it unless it has been more than 3 days. However if I'm down, I write it down every time! =P
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    I weigh in everyday. It is just a tool and if the tool works use it. I realize what I have eaten even 3 days ago may not show up until the 4th day so it is just a tool. Exercise DVD's also a tool I use them less :laugh: I also have running shoes I use them most everyday but just a tool. This is not a race it is a life journey. Use what helps you.
  • Jane_brown
    I did it years ago and found out it was a good thing to do. If I see myself going up, I can stop it in its tracks rather than wait to weigh once a week or longer and then be in trouble. I don't stress out about a change of a pound or two but it keeps me on track. I remind myself that I want to lose four pounds or more a month.
  • doug4018
    doug4018 Posts: 130
    I personally do weigh daily, but if you've got weight to lose it can be very hard mentally. I do it, because I want to understand how what I eat affects my weight loss and daily weights. I go into it, knowing there will be ups and downs, but over all if you're doing things right, it will go down (assuming weight loss is the goal).

    I've been doing it for 6 months, and it is still hard to see the number go up, but as long as you're prepared for it, and know that a gain 1 day doesn't necessarily mean you're gaining fat back, and send you into an oreo filled binge (not that i've ever done that) then you'll be OK, just learn from it.
  • ScarletFyre
    ScarletFyre Posts: 754 Member
    I do, reluctantly - i use Wii Fit, and it has to weigh in first thing...I am trying to teach myself to ignore anything it says unless it's my weekly weigh in day though. I agree with those that say it will drive you nuts - i find i'll see a .4 increase and i'll get upset and discouraged...
    It's my only complaint about Wii Fit. That and i dont think it's quite intense enough of a work out to be my ONLY work out
  • dougalcampbell
    I weigh every day. But I know that water-weight fluctuations make comparing two consecutive days pretty pointless. I just like having as much data as possible. So even though I don't worry if Tuesday's weight is higher than Monday's, I start to look more closely at my food diary if Wednesday and Thursday are also bad. I've seen a pretty strong correlation between my sodium intake and "spikes" in my weight, for instance.Go out for Mexican food and eat a bunch of chips and salsa? I expect my weight to spike, even if my overall calories were way less than my daily limit.

    So, as long as it doesn't stress you out, feel free to weigh daily. Just don't try comparing readings that are less than several days apart.
  • hmarts78
    I agree 100%. I use to daily, but drove myself absolutely CRAZY! As long as I feel good, eat healthy, hit the gym at least 5 days a week and my clothes still fit, I'm good! I jump on the scale about once a week now.
  • Michelle_Nicole
    Michelle_Nicole Posts: 95 Member
    I find myself doing it this time around but don't let the numbers bother me. I like watching it go down. Instead of stressing about it for a week, i have just made it part of my morning routine...(i weigh in naked after using the bathroom in the am). I have been told in the past it isn't healthy to do so, but if it causes me to relax vs stress for a week, it should be alright correct?

    I have the same morning routine! It doesn't really stress me out but kind of sets the tone for the day. if I see I went up a few lbs from the day before I know I will want to drink more water and not have too much junk that day. It also motivates me more during my workouts knowing that before my daily workout I was at a certain weight and if I push harder it might go down! I know some people say not to do it and it stresses you out too much but in my past every time I stopped weighing in each day I would put the weight back on. If I have an "I feel chubby" day and dont weigh in I start to ignore the scale and before I know it I pack on 20 lbs.
  • Cyndist1
    Cyndist1 Posts: 21
    I weigh every day. It works for me, too. I know that weight will fluctuate and I am fine with that. What I don't like is when I go to the Dr and of course their scale weighs you in at a higher number.
  • ZombieSlayer
    ZombieSlayer Posts: 369 Member
    I weigh in everyday too and it works for me. I know if I ate heavy the day before or ate a lot of salt that is the reason for the gain and don't let it bother me. If it goes up day after day then it makes me realize I need to do better. When I start avoiding the scale then I know I have fallen off track and am not weighing because I know the # is going to be bad.

    This. Weighing every morning (and often evening) doesn't stress me out. I find it interesting. But when I stop checking... I know there's a problem; my routine has fallen apart and this is a symptom. (see 12 lb gain over the summer. Yikes!).
  • cheesypeas71
    Yep and I will continue to do so because it motivates me and that's that. I won't stop doing it just because other people don't or they think it is crazy to do it. Each to their own. I am not losing other people's weight...I am losing mine and I will do what suits me. I don't worry about the fluctuations though because I am female and just staring at a wall can add a pound on during the day lol
  • dougalcampbell
    Speaking of the Hacker's Diet, I use that trending method on my own personal weight tracking:

    As I said there, as long as my scale weight stays below the trend weight, it means I'm still on a weight-loss track, even when the scale says I went up some.
  • jackflak
    jackflak Posts: 153 Member
    I do. And I will admit that sometimes, it does depress me a little to see that my number hasn't moved or even gone up. But I deal with it-I think about what I ate/drank last night, and just bring it during my work out. I also weigh myself before and after I work out. Let's me know how much water weight I lost-how much I need to be reingesting to keep myself hydrated. I work out in my garage-p90x, p90x2, insanity, treadmill, etc-so during the summer(spoken now), i sweat like a race horse and need to make sure I take it back in. Plus, it's cool to see how much I loose everytime. I know it's not a measure of the intensity of the work out or actual weigh lost, but it does make me feel good. And I do like feeling good!
  • skinnyone2012
    skinnyone2012 Posts: 85 Member
    I weigh every morning. It is part of my morning routien. It is one of the tools I use to visually keep me on track.
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Speaking of the Hacker's Diet, I use that trending method on my own personal weight tracking:

    Same here.

    I am a data addict. To me having a daily weight point is every bit as important as counting my calories. You need to know trends to reconcile data. Just like balancing your checkbook, it really is helpful to have a running calculation of your metabolism. That way you know exactly what calorie goals will cause what changes, and you can spot changes to your metabolism easy.

    It works great for loss, great for maintenence, and great for bulking.
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    Step away from the scale. It is very hard to do. I was addicted to my scale and it caused me nothing but stress! I gave it up for a month and let me just say that after 2 weeks it did not bother me not having it. I find that the scale may tell me that I have not lost any weight but when I look in the mirror and my clothes are too big and the inches are falling off I know I am succeeding! Dont get me wrong, I still have my own pity parties on occasion when things are not moving as fast as I would like them to but that is being human. I feel good, am starting to look good, and truely believe the scale lies and is the enemy!!
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I do it everyday. That way I know if I had a bad day and I can fix it immediately. Also you get to know how different foods your eating effect you. A small gain I can deal with quickly. But if I waited a week and had a big gain I would likely quit like I did so many times before. For me daily is the only way to go.
  • garayjoh
    garayjoh Posts: 24 Member
    Once a week, I learned my lesson, a watched kettle never boils. (Did I get the expression right)?