Need suggestions on how to stay motivated!

So I did pretty well all summer. I kept telling myself that it's summer and that there will be cookouts and parties and vacations but I held pretty steady. Suddenly I find myself completely unmotivated to eat right and when I am eating sorta ok I eat way too much. How does everyone here combat bad eating? What are you doing or saying to yourself in order to stay on track? I try to check in here as often as I can to remind myself that I need to focus on my target but lately it's not working and I've gained a few pounds which of course is distressing. I don't mind exercising so I have that going in my favor but I don't have time every day to exercise away all the crap I've eaten! HELP!!! I'll take any suggestions!


  • moreen2
    moreen2 Posts: 9
    I tell myself exercise is medication.
    I tell myself "bad" foods are poison.
    So exercise=medication.
    Excess or bad foods=poison

    Why would you forget to take a daily "medication" and certainly why would you deliberately eat "poison"
    For some reason this works for me.
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    I'm sorta in the same boat. Find a friend to help along the way, someone else who is trying to lose weight. That has helped me, someone to keep me accountable for my actions.
  • YvLess
    YvLess Posts: 8 Member
    There's many way to to stay motivated, but here what work for me. First i try to have small fitness challenge that keep me active and give me more calories on my diary. Second, i keep my active MFP friend motivated by giving them a good feedback. This way they follow my diary and exercice log regularly and give me comments. It's help knowing that we are not alone and that there's others having similar objective by our side! Good luck in your fitness journey!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you can't out train a bad diet. if you've lost your motivation to eat right, soon you'll lose your motivation to exercise. then that crap your eating will catch up to you. so you probably won't be logging that bad food because it'll make you feel like crap seeing that garbage on your food diary. then you won't be coming on MFP that often because you haven't been exercising or eating right, so why bother going on a fitness site? then a year from now you'll get "motivated" again because of what ever external source you saw recently, like an inspiring commercial or a friend that is doing a half-marathon, so you'll try and log back on to MFP but you've forgotten your user name and password, and you have to make a new account, meaning that you have to try and make some new friends on here because it's lonely with out friends to "motivate" you.

    so do you really want to make a new account??

    my advice to you is to find some internal source of motivation, and hold yourself accountable for your own actions and inactions, and reap the benefits, or suffer the consequences.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    ^ all of those things.
  • yo_andi
    yo_andi Posts: 2,178 Member
    you can't out train a bad diet. if you've lost your motivation to eat right, soon you'll lose your motivation to exercise. then that crap your eating will catch up to you. so you probably won't be logging that bad food because it'll make you feel like crap seeing that garbage on your food diary. then you won't be coming on MFP that often because you haven't been exercising or eating right, so why bother going on a fitness site? then a year from now you'll get "motivated" again because of what ever external source you saw recently, like an inspiring commercial or a friend that is doing a half-marathon, so you'll try and log back on to MFP but you've forgotten your user name and password, and you have to make a new account, meaning that you have to try and make some new friends on here because it's lonely with out friends to "motivate" you.

    so do you really want to make a new account??

    my advice to you is to find some internal source of motivation, and hold yourself accountable for your own actions and inactions, and reap the benefits, or suffer the consequences.

  • nonafit
    nonafit Posts: 582 Member
    I don't know ....for me I just want this so badly!!! I guess you will gravitate towards what you want really really bad.

    So that's that. I slack now and then but I cap the slack for that moment only and get back on track. Don't give excuse for that slacking and extend it to the whole day and the day after and after and after.

    I am into I signed up for couple of races ...spaced out nicely (except for September I went crazy with 4 runs) and set target for myself to achieve.

    I stay on course by reading up postings on MFP, runnersworld and That's enough to keep me focused at the moment (90% of the time). I roped my 9 yo to be on my team to stay fit and healthy. Every 1 walking lap of his, I have to make 2 running laps. So far so good. Anyway good luck to you.
  • Look at old pictures of yourself the way you were before you lost your weight, also try on clothes that look good on you. You will see how far you have come and that it is worth it. You can do it, and we all have our ups and downs so do not let it drag you down because you have made great progress. Keep up the good work!!
  • You're doing so well! Keep it up!
  • katefurneaux
    katefurneaux Posts: 2 Member
    Feeling very unmotivated too. Used MFP for about 4 months now and alghough I am seeing progress, I'm begining to slacken.
    Went though a bunch of old photos last night and compared it to a new one my husband took last night. Also ditched the scales spending too much time getting frustrated by the lack of constant change in the scales... get fed -up, eat... get fed up, look at scales sigh... etc...
    I've signed up for a half marathon and getting sponsorship, thus no pulling out!!
    Add me as my first friend if you like.. we can motivate each other!
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    a race can be a very good motivator too. find a race and prepare for it. and i'm not talking about "oh, i'll get in shape and then sign up for one." i mean put your money where your mouth is and sign up for a race today. go ahead. look for a spartan race or a warrior dash that is in your area in 6-8 months. start getting ready.
  • amykff
    amykff Posts: 80 Member
    i keep messing around with different healthy recipes trying to find ones that i really like!! im really starting to crave the healthier meals now so maybe that will help you too :smile:
  • MissNations
    MissNations Posts: 513 Member
    Look at old pictures of yourself the way you were before you lost your weight, also try on clothes that look good on you. You will see how far you have come and that it is worth it. You can do it, and we all have our ups and downs so do not let it drag you down because you have made great progress. Keep up the good work!!

    This ^^^ for sure. There are pics of me that make me shudder!