Why am I so lazy?



  • Homer3D
    Homer3D Posts: 318
    I do think it is easier to work out when you have someone to work out with, but you need to find motivation in yourself.

    For me it was my dad. Not that he directly got me to work out but because he was the opposite. High blood pressure runs in my family and about 6/7 years ago due to a lack of exercise and poor diet, my dad's kidneys started to fail and then went on dialysis 3 years ago. In late 2007, I went in for a routine doctors appointment and he noticed my BP was high as well and that if I didn't get it under control my kidneys might fail as well when I got older (knowing the family history). Vowing that I would never go on dialysis, I changed my eating habits and exercised more. I went from a guy that would get winded going up the stairs to completing a half marathon. Every year I check my BP and get my kidney functions checked. Doctors are very happy to tell me that if I keep this up, I will NEVER go on dialysis.

    I understand that working long hours can hinder your motivation, but if you have 30-60 minutes of free time to watch TV, be on the computer, etc...you have time for a quick 30 minute jog or bike ride. And I work anywhere from 10-16 hour days (longest day I worked was 23 straight hours).
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    The more you do it, the easier it get.

    One day you will have to stop choosing what you want right now of instead of what you really want.
  • Rachelle_Ohh
    Rachelle_Ohh Posts: 146 Member
    Honestly, do it as SOON as you get up in the morning, have everything set out for you and just DO IT! It was the only way I could get myself to go 6 days a week (I take Saturday off b/c I have too much work and my internship duties that day and you need at least one rest day).

    I view my rest day like a cheat meal/day.....go through the other 6 days like a champ and moderately go off on the 7th.

    What also helped me was investing in a fancy gym membership (one with a spa and awesome rewards). I figured, instead of going shopping on payday, get my body right and deserve my nice clothes/makeup/etc. Plus, it's so nice, it makes me want to work out everyday, all day! :P

    It really works!!!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I was the same way. Then I got sick and when I wanted to move and do things I couldn't. That was a really sucky feeling. Turns out I'm hypoglycemic and I have a sleep disorder. The ONLY way to fix either was with diet and exercise. The first time was the hardest. I wanted someone to go with me because of my own poor self image and insecurities. I went the first time and kind of hid in the corner. Each time it got easier and easier still. Now I feel weird when I miss a workout. Sometimes, you just gotta do it. Make a plan, tell others your plan, and get it done. Set it on your schedule and mark your calendar. It will get easier I swear.

    Oh, and I bribe myself. sometimes it's a new book or time to read or time to myself or something else I really want. And I pay for a gym membership too. I'm am far more cheap than I am lazy. If I'm paying for I make sure I go. LOL.
  • jenillawafer
    jenillawafer Posts: 426 Member
    As much as I hate it, I exercise early in the morning. That's after working 12:30p.m-10:30p.m 5 days a week. I limit myself to four days per week so I don't get burnt out though. Try to get to bed a bit earlier, so you're well rested! You've got to want to do it for yourself.
  • savnicolee
    savnicolee Posts: 7 Member
    You just have to kind of slap yourself in the face with some reality, or look at pictures of your goal body, or ANYTHING that reminds you of why you're doing anything in the first place. Because once you get over the motivation slump, you won't even think twice about it. And it is so worth all the trouble to get to that point. Every day it gets easier. You just have to push yourself in the beginning, and don't give up :)
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    You can have excuses or results. Never both.

    You are only what you TELL yourself you are! Stop telling yourself that you're tired and lazy, and start telling yourself that you're strong, capable, resilient, and amazing!!! You'll never change your body until you change your MIND.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    A lot people workout first thing in the morning, so that nothing 'comes up' to prevent/discourage them. Sounds like you might benefit from that -- if you don't schedule your workout, you are more likely to blow it off.
    Or you can make rules. Mine is I must work out a minimum of 2 days to take a recovery day, and I can't take 2 recovery days off in a row. Or if you are really finding it difficult to get yourself to work out, then perhaps you need to change the workout -- like bicyling instead of aerobics, or C25K instead of 30DS, etc. Some people do better when working out with a partner, or on a team because they feel obligated to show up. Ultimately you have to make the choice -- "Working out is tough. Being out of shape is tough. Pick your tough"
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Walk in place while you watch TV. It doesn't interfere with the show at all.
  • wrinju
    wrinju Posts: 93 Member
    "Fit or Fat?"

    I love this!
  • hollyNhollywood
    hollyNhollywood Posts: 426 Member
    Sounds like you don't want it badly enough yet. You're not at that motivation level. For the first time in about 7 years, I finally have it again. Sure I've had bursts of motivation along the way, but they never stuck around long enough. My profile quote explains it quite well -- "Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."

    Why don't you exercise in the morning? I find it's easier to do first thing in the morning.
    I work West Coast hours from home (I now live on the East Coast). So I am sitting on my sofa working from noon-ish til at least 9pm but sometimes as late as 1am or 2am (looong work days sometimes)
    So there's no way I'm motivated to hop up off this couch that late at night and do my exercises. Instead I get up early every morning, walk my dog, make a nice healthy breakfast, and I do my exercise before showering/getting ready for the day. I get it out of the way and keeps me motivated to eat healthy (and get another dog walk in later on during my dinner break)
  • Go1096
    Go1096 Posts: 83 Member
    I am lazy and impatient. I will look in the mirror and hate myself, belittle myself, and yell at myself. Then I would go back to doing what I do. Eat whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. Then I would look at my reflection in the mirror and cry. I'd look at old pictures of myself and cry. I to this day have to talk myself into working out. But I keep looking in the mirror in disgust and that makes me want to go work out. I have been this overweight for most of my adult life and have looked in the mirror and blamed everything and everyone else for being as big as I am. It's in the genes, my husband made me fat, I have health issues that make me fat. etc.
    Really believed it too. So with those excuses I had no reason to change my eating habits. When I'd diet, I would lose some weight then give up because it was taking too long. This time though, something clicked. I don't know but I just want to be healthy, I want to look good, I want to wake up and not dread each day. I want to show my daughter that it's important for her to be healthy too.
    I want to not be in pain anymore. I don't want the cancer to come back. I just want to be healthy and what motivates me are the results. When I eat junk I feel awful and guilty. Hope you find your groove. Once you do, it gets easier to get up and exercise.
    Try exercising during commercials. :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I agree with the suggestions to either work out in the morning or do something during every commercial break. And don't use your DVR's ability to fast forward as an excuse to skip them. LOL!

    You have to want it and you have to do it. There is no in between.

    I'm pretty lazy too but I also like to eat and that means I have to move my *kitten* and burn some calories so I can eat more. Find your motivation and stick with it!