Stability Ball at Work - Calories Burned?



  • quickstep60
    I have used a stability ball at my desk since 2004.
    I have not lost my balance or had an accident or injury using it.
    I have had to replace a few because in the winter I use a space heater and they have rolled toward the space heater and it quickly melted a hole in the ball. I now use a ball that has some sand in it, it still rolls around but not away from my desk.
    I have better posture and balance. It has also reduced my back pain.
    Recently work has been slow, and during lunch time I practice balance sitting (no feet on the ground and no holding onto anything with my hands) I can balance for 5 minutes straight. I can really feel that in my core and my thighs.
    I recommend it to anyone who's company will allow the ball. I have a great, flexible company to work for, so it's no problem at all.
  • quickstep60
    I have used a stability ball at my desk since 2004.
    I have not lost my balance or had an accident or injury using it.
    I have had to replace a few because in the winter I use a space heater and they have rolled toward the space heater and it quickly melted a hole in the ball. I now use a ball that has some sand in it, it still rolls around but not away from my desk.
    I have better posture and balance. It has also reduced my back pain.
    Recently work has been slow, and during lunch time I practice balance sitting (no feet on the ground and no holding onto anything with my hands) I can balance for 5 minutes straight. I can really feel that in my core and my thighs.
    I recommend it to anyone who's company will allow the ball. I have a great, flexible company to work for, so it's no problem at all.
  • Autumnewald
    I have for 3 weeks now! And I love it!! I was having horrible shoulder and neck pain. I was having to take headache medicine everyday! I no longer have any of that pain! Also my posture has gotten soo much better!!
  • audieannie
    Ive been looking for the calorie count for a while myself, but to no avail... I've been using a ball at work for quite some time now and it REALLY helps when you get sleepy or start to get sore from sitting in a dumb chair. I have 2 diff sizes I use, but I like the bigger one better b/c I can reach my desk better :P

    MY brother in law has religiously sat on his ball at his work and no joke has lost INCHES off his waist---he's been working there about 2 months and I'm pretty sure he does no other type of working out. He really has inspired me to utilize mine more :)
  • Sprink65
    Sprink65 Posts: 1
    Calories Burned
    How many calories you actually burn while sitting on the ball depends on what you're doing. According to Harvard Health Publications, desk work burns about 106 calories per hour if you weigh 135 lbs., and about 156 calories per hour if you weigh 185 lbs. Apply the 6-percent increase for sitting on an exercise ball and you can expect to burn about 112 to 165 calories per hour during office work on the ball.

    Other Benefits
    The exercise ball's instability forces your core muscles to work constantly at keeping you stable. This might account for the extra calorie burn and offers you a chance to develop some abdominal tone with no extra effort

    Read more:
  • luisjdelariva
    luisjdelariva Posts: 2 Member
    I think its referring to people who replace their chairs and bounce/balance for an 8 hour work day, 3 miles for 8 hours of bouncing is not bad.
  • Redamber11
    I have a Body Media and last night while I watched TV for 1.5 hours I bounced instead of sitting on the couch. Sitting on the couch for 1.5 hours burned about 170 calories (from night before readings) while bouncing for 1.5 hours burned I will be bouncing along every night now. I am a female and weigh 140. Now I am considering getting one for work as well.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    No calorie burn benefit, just a strengthening in your core.
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Just sitting on the ball will not get your HR up to a point where you are burning any consideralbe extra calories. The point is that your core will be working all day long to keep you on that ball. It will strengthen your core which will make everyday things a lot easier and less prone to injury. Where a HR monitor is you want to see if you burn any extra calories.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    The benefit for wellness is truly in the fact it is better for you back and build up your core muscles. I've never heard of the benefit of burning more cals although I imagine you do but not enough to equate to exercise.
  • NZhellkat
    NZhellkat Posts: 355 Member
    Found this thread today as I was looking for the calorie burn achieved while sitting on an exercise ball. Some of the posts made me laugh. Oh how the times have changed.

    I wanted to know as a have been using one for over a month now. I have never logged it but was curious. It's nice to know that I am burning extra calories that will offset those times I am off with my food.

    This was an interesting read. Knew must of it too. This was good too.

    Edited to add another website.
  • fretta
    fretta Posts: 1
    I looked this up on the Livestrong website. I'm not sure how accurate this is but it showed to compare the stability ball workout (not just sitting on it all day) to Calisthenics (vigorous). I hope this is helpful.
  • rhondaschmitz
    rhondaschmitz Posts: 1 Member
    Calories Burned
    How many calories you actually burn while sitting on the ball depends on what you're doing. According to Harvard Health Publications, desk work burns about 106 calories per hour if you weigh 135 lbs., and about 156 calories per hour if you weigh 185 lbs. Apply the 6-percent increase for sitting on an exercise ball and you can expect to burn about 112 to 165 calories per hour during office work on the ball.

    Other Benefits
    The exercise ball's instability forces your core muscles to work constantly at keeping you stable. This might account for the extra calorie burn and offers you a chance to develop some abdominal tone with no extra effort

    Read more:
  • CassHallett
    CassHallett Posts: 14 Member
    I found this answer:

    Calories Burned
    How many calories you actually burn while sitting on the ball depends on what you're doing. According to Harvard Health Publications, desk work burns about 106 calories per hour if you weigh 135 pounds, and about 156 calories per hour if you weigh 185 pounds. Apply the 6-percent increase for sitting on an exercise ball and you can expect to burn about 112 to 165 calories per hour during office work on the ball.
  • BreeFurze
    BreeFurze Posts: 3 Member
    According to this article:

    "According to a 2008 study, performing clerical work at a desk while sitting on an exercise ball burns about four more calories an hour than the same activity in a chair, or roughly 30 extra calories in a typical workday."

    The article also talks about the postural benefits may not be as great as originally thought.

    I am sitting on my exercise ball as we speak. I'm not a huge fan, but I am a fidgeter and this squeaky thing is going to drive me bonkers!
  • MrsBailey149
    MrsBailey149 Posts: 248 Member
    I wouldn't feel it necessary to include that in your "calories burned". It can't be much of anything. I understand that it helps your core, but it's not like your pedaling a bike or anything. Focus on it building core muscle instead of it burning calories..if it does, great...bonus! Logging too many "calories burned" with things like sitting on a ball and light cleaning could lead to eating more than you should in an attempt to eat back the exercise calories. Recording exercise should be saved for intentional workouts like running, biking, walking, workout videos...etc.. in MY opinion.

    With that said....I think I might get one this weekend :) You can get one of those balls for about 7 bucks at Walmart. It will work until I get one of those cool ball chairs for like 100.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Several sites quote 350 calories for a typical work day. Not sure if that is on top of what you would have burned sitting in a chair for the same time. If that is the case you could burn off 3lbs a month from it. I'm agree about it being good for strengthening your core which is the main reason for using it as a chair in my mind. Not to mention you can bounce on it! :bigsmile:

    not sure I buy into that one

    350 = calories burned running ~ 3 miles

    no way sitting on a ball burns that much- I have one.

    I'd never count calories counted for sitting.
  • Julieann_MB
    Julieann_MB Posts: 2 Member
    I love my ball, I am 5'6' and have to use a 72cm ball to be tall enough to reach my desk. I count roughly 80 calories a day for an 8 hour day.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Let me make sure I have this correct. This is a zombie thread where people are trying to log calories......for sitting down all day?
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    bajajab wrote: »
    I love my ball, I am 5'6' and have to use a 72cm ball to be tall enough to reach my desk. I count roughly 80 calories a day for an 8 hour day.

    so living and breathing