Trying to get back up...

I had three amazing weeks of exercise and eating well. I lost 3 pounds and was feeling great about myself. I had a cheat day on Sunday (which is pretty common for me and I'm ok with that). But then I slept terribly Sunday night and didn't go to work Monday. Instead I spent the day munching on everything I could get my hands on. Ice cream, cookies, cake, fruit bars, you name it, I ate it. I told myself I would start over Tuesday. I told myself my body was just exhausted and crying for energy (refined sugars) from lack of sleep. Well Monday night comes and I still didn't sleep! No exercise on Tuesday either, just dragging myself through the day. I ate very well during the day while I was at work, but then as soon as I came home it was like the binge switch turned on. That's three days of crappy eating and no exercise. I want to break the trend but it's so hard to get out of bed when I've only had three hours of incredibly unsatisfying and restless sleep. I'm telling myself right now that tomorrow will be the day I finally get out of bed and give myself a good kick in the *kitten*.


  • lilylover2012
    lilylover2012 Posts: 39 Member
    I've been there before but the thing is that maybe you should stop waiting for "tomorrow" and start today. Instead of grabbing a soda the next time you go into the kitchen, get a glass of water. Instead of grabbing another snack, try to distract yourself with something else. Trust me, I know it's hard!! You probably FEEL hungry but in reality, you just want to eat. I struggled with that for about two weeks straight but once I got over my addiction (and it was an addiction for me), I felt a lot better because I could still eat what I wanted for my meals within reason and if I portioned them correctly. I took a step back and really saw how many extra calories I was putting into myself with sodas and snacks all day long and it was mindblowing that I could even eat that much in one day.

    The next time you go to the grocery store, I pick up diet sodas and flavored waters and look for 90 and 100 calorie snacks to have to help manage the calorie intake. They're still good, I promise, and they have all kinds of things out there. Just take it meal by meal and it'll get easier once you get into it again. It's so hard to start again once you stop but I know you can do it! Maybe go take a walk right now, just for a few minutes or turn on the music and dance around for a couple of songs. There are lots of fun things you can do to get in small workouts and every little bit counts!
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I am sorry you're having such a rough time. I know it can be frustrating. Have you considered going to the doctor to talk about the problems you're having sleeping? You can't go back and unscramble egss so to speak but you can always start again even if it is just a little at a time. Feel free to add me to your friend list.
    Good luck,
    Doni :flowerforyou:
  • becki101_4
    becki101_4 Posts: 47 Member
    Two days in and I feel much better already! I went for a gruelling run this morning and the adrenaline afterwards made me feel amazing! I'm going for another run tomorrow, and again Saturday morning if it's not raining outside. My boyfriend is working all day Saturday so I'll be home alone. Normally I would cheat like crazy and stuff my face on days like this, but I'm going to pick up some books from the library and clean the house in an attempt to get my mind off of food. Here's hoping!