Hi, just joined, anyone here from uk ?

Hi everyone,

I'm new to the site and trying to find my way around. Is there anyone on here from the UK ?


  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    Yup! i live in manchester city centre!

    Welcome to the site! good luck with your new food routine! There's loads of help on the forum if you need it!

    And above all, enjoy yourself!
  • Debbie107
    Hi, thanks for the welcome.

    Unfortunatly I'm not new to dieting. Ive probably just about tried every diet going. But due to recent ill health I'm finding weight loss very difficult.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone

    Debbie x
  • kazmor
    kazmor Posts: 18
    Hi Debbie, I only joined myself a few days ago and I'm still finding my way around the site. I'm just outside of Manchester as well. You'll find the site really useful and there seems to be lots of positive support. Do you have much to lose or is this just a change in lifestyle and needing a few words of encouragement? x
  • Debbie107
    I would like to lose about 1 & 1/2 stone. It would be nice to have on line friends to share the journey and encourage each other along the way. Dieting can be a lonley old world !

    Debbie x
  • evilras
    evilras Posts: 42
    it certainly can! i have a few friends signed up, and it helps that my girlfirend is signed up for the journey too!

    If nothing else it helps to moticate each other and tell each other off for eating badly!
  • kazmor
    kazmor Posts: 18
    Debbie,I'm with you on that long and sometimes lonely journey. Friends,family and partners are very supportive but when there not the ones who need to lose the weight it seems like a battle you have to fight on your own. I'm happy to be a "friend" and help you on the way as I myself need a few friends. Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. I've set myself a mini goal to lose 10lb by end of March,but longterm I'm looking to lose 70lb. Going to be a long journey for me.

    Karen x
  • Debbie107
    Thank you Karen. Unfortunatly its a journey that NEVER ends. I was close to my target 2 years ago, but took my eye off the ball and now I need to get back down again :sad:

    Having said that, Ive had a disasterous dieting day, so I will have to make a fresh start in the morning :ohwell:

    Hope everyone is doing well

    I'm off to babysit my grandchildren now, so I'll have to catch back up with you all tomorrow

    Be good :wink:
  • Jax47
    Jax47 Posts: 8
    Well hello Debbie

    You 'look' familiar:wink: Good luck hon

    Jax x
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Hello Debbie, I'm in Plymouth :happy:

    Good luck on your weight loss journey

    Jax x
  • Fran44
    Fran44 Posts: 8
    Hi Debs,

    Think you're familiar, must be one of the old booters lol! Good luck girl x:wink:
  • no1tam
    no1tam Posts: 3
    Hello all,

    My name is Tammy I am from London and only joined up today!
    I look forward to getting to know you all and going thru this journey together! :wink:

    Good Luck to us all!

    Tam x :flowerforyou:
  • Debbie107
    Thanks for all the replies ... :flowerforyou:

    Fran, I was a booter some time ago... but this is much better because its free !! :bigsmile:

    Hope your all having a great weekend :smile:
  • Ruby53
    Ruby53 Posts: 61 Member
    Hiya, I joined last week, I live in Cornwall but originally from Hampshire, its nice to see someone else with the same problems as me.

    Good luck maybe we could be friends?
  • siberiankiss
    North Wales here - I'm new too :)