22 years old needing support!

Hey! :) im 22 years old and and im about 97 kg (213 pounds) and 173 cm. i am going traveling later this year and i am planning on getting fit before i go! hopfully i can get down to about 80 kg before christmas, this would mean a full on program, but im unemployed so i have plenty of time to exercise and in the past i have usually lost weight quickly.
I am definitely looking into a change of lifestyle, not a diet.
So if anybody need support and is willing to give some out as well then feel free to add me! :D


  • Golfgirl16
    Golfgirl16 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi I'm 24 and just started this journey myself. I am about your weight, and also looking to lose a nice amount before I go on vacation. We're going on a cruise in Dec and I just want to feel great in a swimming suit. I have started eating very health, and having the food and exercise counter is very helpful! I've only been on about a week now so feel free to add me! Looking for all the support I can get:)