Does anyone else get made fun of?



  • MindyG150
    MindyG150 Posts: 1,296 Member
    Yea, but I just know that I can run down a hill after my 4 year old grandson and they are at home watching TV!
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
    :laugh: Tell them b!tches get stitches :laugh:

    Seriously, if you have asked them to lay off, you could always give them a dose of their own medicine. Ugh, fast food again? Do you know what that does to your fatty, bloated, salt riddled body? :frown:
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    Yes. Reminds me of something I saw earlier today:


    I'm a college student and a lot of people can be super judgmental about others who are trying to live a healthier lifestyle.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    I had a Fruit 2 Go in the fridge one time and my co-worker lamented about sugar in it. But he's kind of a nutter. But my co-workers don't normally comment on my food.

    For a while I was getting soup from a cafeteria down the hall, like, every single day. Those really thick soups too - beer cheese, creamy wild rice, German sausage chowder (basically anything nasty lol) and once the caf girl was training someone new. She said to the trainee "Oh this girl gets soup, like, every day. I swear she's on a broth diet."

    ...Yeah. Well if beer cheese is a broth diet then paint me green and call me Gumby. Also? Um, I'm right here. I can hear you.
  • docktorfokse
    docktorfokse Posts: 473 Member
    I got transferred to work at another restaurant in the chain where I work. During that time, my new manager would never shut up about what I was eating; it was ridiculous.

    If I brought in raw fruit or veggies to snack on, she'd be all "Eww, gross, healthy food!" If I brought in soup or a sandwich, she'd whine that I didn't share. She would bring in food and share it with us, but it was always along the lines of Chex Mix, M&Ms, or fun-size candy bars. I'm not gonna eat that, so it made sense to me to bring my own food since I'm not eating what everyone else is eating.

    Now that I'm back at my regular location, no one cares because we generally have better things to worry about than what someone else is eating. It honestly boggles my mind how concerned people get when someone else has different eating patterns. I guess they feel like your eating better is some sort of affront to them.
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    You know what I hate? When there's going to be an early morning meeting at work and they tell you beforehand that they'll provide breakfast, and instead of like muffins and fruit, it's donuts.
  • Yup. I work in an office of just women, the majority of whom are quite overweight (myself included). They are very unsupportive, its pretty sad. I take my lunch every day too. I'm in control of my calories this way, and it saves money. I just ignore them...if theyre very persistant I'll make a comment back like "Salads are great, you should try one sometime." Mean, yes, but they generally shut up after that.

    Awesome. And yes, they are jealous of your self-control and dedication. Keep it going, girl!
  • sircris
    sircris Posts: 6 Member
    I get this as well. I've come to the conclusion that these people are just envious of you. They're simply jealous of how you're able to control this aspect of your life. I feel as though most of these people (deep down) wouldn't want to see you succeed. Seriously, it's like... "Are you serious? Yes, I know I can eat a cheeseburger and still live... come on now." Very annoying indeed. Don't let the teasing mess with your dedication to a long healthy life. Keep doing you!
  • kimothy38
    kimothy38 Posts: 840 Member
    People try to sabotage your progress in order to validate their own lifestyle choices. I get comments on my healthy lunches and mostly I don't give a crap because I'm not being a goody goody, I actually enjoy eating salad. I have a colleague that thinks it's his right to comment on everyone's lunch and when I put kumara (sweet potato) on my salad he started on about that. WTF? I'm having a salad with a starch vege it's not deep fried or dipped in chocolate! Get a grip man. I giggled to myself when I saw him eating pastry for morning tea - hypocrite. Sometimes you have to politely tell them you don't appreciate the comments and hope it stops.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    No, it doesn't happen where I work now. Most people seem to eat home lunch, and most of those lunches look pretty healthy. People here tend to mind their own business.
    In the past I worked at an office where some of the women just had to comment on everyone's lunch because they were the self-appointed commentators. I remember once eating plain yogurt with some honey I put on it and having one of them say "Ewww! Who eats yogurt and honey?"

    As the others said those people in your office are probably jealous and threatened by your new eating habits. Ignore them. You're on the right path.
  • Comments like these are rude. It is nobodies buisness what others eat for lunch.
  • melissaw78
    melissaw78 Posts: 214 Member
    I am the only woman in the auto parts store where I work.

    4 of us bring in our home packed lunches, 2 do not.

    Of us 4, I am the only one who, to my knowledge, is working toward a weight goal. 2 of the men are heart attack survivors and very conciencious about what they eat. All 5 of us each believe it is something of a waste of money to eat out every single day.

    So, in this respect, I guess I am pretty lucky. The last time I worked with mostly women, I ate my lunch in my car, whether I packed it at home or not. (For most of the reasons others have stated!)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I had a Fruit 2 Go in the fridge one time and my co-worker lamented about sugar in it. But he's kind of a nutter. But my co-workers don't normally comment on my food.

    For a while I was getting soup from a cafeteria down the hall, like, every single day. Those really thick soups too - beer cheese, creamy wild rice, German sausage chowder (basically anything nasty lol) and once the caf girl was training someone new. She said to the trainee "Oh this girl gets soup, like, every day. I swear she's on a broth diet."

    ...Yeah. Well if beer cheese is a broth diet then paint me green and call me Gumby. Also? Um, I'm right here. I can hear you.

    Lol I'm sorry but I can understand where the girl is coming from. She shouldn't have said what she did but sometimes we will refer to customers by what they buy because we don't know their name. Its not meant to be mean, its just how we know our regulars.
  • tdr323
    tdr323 Posts: 1
    I have my boyfriend and 3 sons constantly making fun of me. "Thats gross" , "hows your rabbit food mom?"
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    I work by myself for the majority of my day, so I don't have to worry about people watching me eat.

    However, most of the ladies I work with are "trying" to lose weight. I occasionally get the compliment (which is sincere btw) that I'm looking good and they ask me what I do. When I tell them mainly changed my diet and start to explain it to them, they quickly lose interest and talk about the current fad diet they are going to try... At one point at least 4 women were taking the hgc drops (or w/e they're called) and got super defensive when I tried to point out how bad it is.
  • Aleluya17
    Aleluya17 Posts: 205 Member
    My husband refers to these type of people as "salad dodgers". Don't let them run you over because they want to feel okay about there life style choices.
  • epmck11
    epmck11 Posts: 159 Member
    Who cares? Say something smart *kitten* back to them. They're just teasing you. Why take it so personal? God people are so overly dramatic on these forums.
  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I get made fun of sometimes, but not in a mean-spirited way. They just want me to eat more so they'll feel better about the crap they're eating, imo. This has been going on for almost 10 years, so I don't really mind at this point.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    My coworkers caught me eating a donut and I heard one say "...When does he ever eat anything that isn't health?"

  • cappri
    cappri Posts: 1,089 Member
    I wouldn't say I get made fun of, but people do feel free to comment on what I'm eating for lunch all the time. They also make comments about my amazing willpower and how they couldn't do what I do or whatever. I've been on summer break, but it's almost time for school to start again and I'm not really looking forward to returning to eating in the lunch room.