I can't even do a push-up



  • jwapal
    jwapal Posts: 16 Member
    What a great idea to try it on the stairs first! I just tried it and I think I can do that, at least until I can do a real one :) thanks!
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    I used to follow a push up app on android...it was called 100 Push Ups. It seemed like it was working but I got rid of it because I wasnt doing it as much. You might want to give it a try :)

    I have that app, and the one for sit ups and pull ups. It is helpful! Of course, I haven't used mine in at least a month : (

    That was exactly my problem! lol
  • remisenforme
    remisenforme Posts: 180 Member
    I can barely do a push-up but I've been trying to just do one, then one more. I'm hoping within a few weeks I'll be able to do at least a few and then keep building!
  • lane823
    lane823 Posts: 41
    I literally cannot do a push up. My elbows are "double jointed" and they bend outwards instead of by my side. My husband said that if we are ever desperate for money, I could join a freak show!
  • I saw your thread title on the side of my page and thought OH I MUST REPLY!

    Because I could not do a single sit up for years until a few weeks ago. 8 years ago, after I had my daughter, my stomach muscles separated like many moms do, and I have not made a significant effort since then to fix it and two more babies later, they were much weaker. I could not even lift my back off the ground, couldn't lift my back off the ground an inch if my child's life depended on it!!! I am serious! I tried! My husband tried to help me do a sit up many times, could never do one. 20 days after starting the 30 day shred, I could do them! I was so amazed! I had no idea, when she said we were doing sit ups, I said to myself I can't do those...but I might as well attempt it and maybe one day I will be able to do one. And I thought I was about to struggle and I went straight up and this is so ridiculous but I shed a few tears of happiness lol. I was so proud of myself. All the ab work that we did in the first two levels got me to that point without me even realizing it. Now I can do about 12 in a row. I have done many work outs, but did not keep anything regularly going, I think that is what made all the difference. Also, as far as push ups, I could only do one or two at first, maybe 3 on a good day. But today, for the first time on day 27, I did all of them! So just do whatever you can, keep trying, don't give up, it will happen!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    We have a group for learning to do push-ups, and increasing our arm, core and back strength through our pushups. It's been going on for about six weeks, but people are still joining us. Check us out at:

    The program we're using is:

    It's a well-thought out program, and I love the iPhone app. It is supposed to be a six-week program, but you set your won pace, and move on to the next day or next level when you are ready.

    If you can't do enough standard pushups, try knee pushups, until you can get strong enough to progress to standard.

    Don't be afraid to do Week 1 Day 1 over and over until you feel you can progress. YOU set your own goals!

    The program works! When I started, I was able to do six pushups. After six weeks, I can now do over 80, split into five sets. And, in less than a month, I'll be able to do 100 continuous push-ups! Not bad for a 58-year-old gramma, who hadn't done much of anything physically active since her teens!

    You can do it on your own, or, if you want some encouragement, join our group!
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    You are my hero! What are you doing to ge there?
    I just try to do one everyday and if I suceed, then I added another one.

    Perfect. There are a lot of women on MFP and elsewhere who are very excited about "The New Rules of Lifting for Women : Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess." If you haven't already read it, you may want to give it a read. You, too, may find it inspiring, providing you with a terrific goal to chase.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    When I first tried, I could not do a single pushup. I did modified pushups from my knees until I built up some upper body strength, then I started trying regular...1...3...5...10...
    You'll be amazed at how quickly you can build your strength if you keep at it consistently.
    It took me a couple months, but I eventually got up to 3 sets of 45 regular pushups.

    Upper body strength is a *good* thing. Comes in very handy. :smile:
  • APawli1224
    APawli1224 Posts: 80 Member
    I cant do push up either... It is due to the arthritis in my wrists I am at 269 and they just cant hold that much without killing.. Its hard to even plank.. I do my push ups off the wall.. I used to be very close to the wall I am making progress off of it though :).. Good luck girly!
  • Dawnnan
    Dawnnan Posts: 32 Member
    When I first started doing them I could only do 5 at one time.. I just (2 days ago) was able to do 24 at 1 time. I did that 4 times in one day(16 hours) for a grand total of 96. After I realized this I did push myself and get the other 4 in to do 100 IN ONE DAY>

    Don't give up! Add one a week, or every couple of weeks.!!!!
  • I remember in high school when we had to do that stupid fitness testing we had to do a minimum of 20 pushups, i could do 1.5 lol so my dad pushed me every morning to do 1 more than the day before, by the time fitness testing came i could do 15, still not 20 but i felt good and didnt care what my teacher thought.
    Not sure how many i can do now (not many) but there is this other work out at one of my classes where we sit infront of out step bords and have to lift ourselves up and down... (bad discription) but when I started i couldnt do one, 2 months later I can now do 16-20 but thats pushing it.

    Good luck, I believe you will be able to do not 1 but multiple push ups in no time <3
  • Spartan_Maker
    Spartan_Maker Posts: 683 Member
    A good way to increase your push up numbers if you don't do them very often would be starting just pushing your body against the wall repetitively up to what you can handle. If that is too easy for you, then you can do knee down push ups. The slower you do the push up the more will target your stabilizer muscles, also increasing muscle coordination. Doing fast push ups will assist you with endurance. Push ups work out multiple muscles of your body such as your chest, back, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. Remember, always try to eat healthy and never give up!

    In my view, this is very good advice.
  • cardenalera
    cardenalera Posts: 18 Member
    Well, one more to the pile, I can't do a single one of those.. I am doing at least 3 reps of a 15 secod plank on a daily basis, and I can hold it now, so soon I'll be trying the push-up.

    My bf is following the one hundred push ups plan with the Drop and Give Me Twenty! app for android and it's really good, he could do a few at the end of the year and now he can pull at least ten without effort.. You should try it.

    I personally do the program for the two hundred squats, and I like that is gradual and according to what you can do at the end of every week. One thing at a time right?

    One day we will do it! :wink:
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I can get about 15-20 in. I used to not be able to do any. Clocking in at nearly 400lbs will do that to ya. Haha
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I used to follow a push up app on android...it was called 100 Push Ups. It seemed like it was working but I got rid of it because I wasnt doing it as much. You might want to give it a try :)

    I have that app, and the one for sit ups and pull ups. It is helpful! Of course, I haven't used mine in at least a month : (

    That was exactly my problem! lol

    I bet we're not alone...could probably start a group with those that have the app or similar ones that don't use it. LOL!
    ....hmmm, maybe I'll bust some out just to break the rut!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I couldn't do them till I started doing the 30 day shred, it was my 2nd go through of it before I could do real pushup's now I'm up to 60 real push ups. Just keep working at it.
  • A good way to increase your push up numbers if you don't do them very often would be starting just pushing your body against the wall repetitively up to what you can handle. If that is too easy for you, then you can do knee down push ups. The slower you do the push up the more will target your stabilizer muscles, also increasing muscle coordination. Doing fast push ups will assist you with endurance. Push ups work out multiple muscles of your body such as your chest, back, triceps, biceps, and shoulders. Remember, always try to eat healthy and never give up!

    In my view, this is very good advice.

    Agreed. If you aren't good at them focus on form rather than quantity.
    I physically can only do knee push ups but I have great form and can do all the variations. My fav is pyramids. They hurt but they are fantastic.
    I use my derby knee pads to support and cushions my knees, lift my lower legs off the floor to make a 90 degree angle with my thighs, cross my ankles and roll on my knees.

    Wall push ups are great to build up to or when you have injuries. I do them in the shower most nights. Ya know, just for something to do lol. I don't count them though.
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    Push ups are such a fundamental workout that everyone should be doing. They work the whole body in a single motion. If you cannot do a 'standard' pushup, kneel and use just upper body strength. This reduces the resistance by more than 50%. Before you know it you'll be placing your feet on the dinning room table and doing 50 inverted pushups like me and watching your wife yell because your feet are on the table. :D

    Practice. If you do 5 kneeling pushups a day ONLY 5 in a week you'll be doing 1-2 normal pushups with them. Trust me, than 5, 10, 20, 50.
  • Even when I was in the best shape of my life I was never able to do a pushup, and the best shape I was in, was amazing shape let me tell you lol
  • AlphamaleBAMF
    AlphamaleBAMF Posts: 373 Member
    I remember when I was a kid I could do 100 pushups without even breaking a sweat. I honestly think I was so physically fit I destroyed my metabolism at an early age and my body adapted to that level of exercise combined with a poverty level diet, and that now I have to get heaps of exercise and run a large calorie deficit just to be normal.

    This thread, combined with some alcohol, has inspired me to try and do some pushups right now. I will update you on my progress!