Good Bye Scales & Numbers - How Do You Feel?

Ultimately, they're all just 'numbers' - the scale, measuring tape, percentages, dress size labels/tags... the only thing that matters is how you feel. Do you feel healthier? Do you feel lighter? Do you feel more energetic? Do clothes fit better? Do you feel comfortable in your own skin? If you answered no to any of these then keep going until you do... and if you answered yes to any of these, then keep up your healthy and active lifestyle so you can always feel this good!

I just have to keep reminding myself of my own advice! This can be so hard sometimes! But, this makes a lot of sense in my mind and I thought maybe I should remind people that this is the most important thing - how you feel. Not the number on the scale, etc.



  • mirandamayhem
    For me, for now, measuring helps me stay on track. Not weighing helped me gain back the weight I'd lost. But for me, I think I will always weigh at least once a week now. It keeps me accountable.
    But you are right, the most important thing is how we feel.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    By no means do I say we stop using the scales and measuring tapes completely, but I know I sometimes get caught up in the numbers around me and I don't really stop and think about how I feel as a person inside -out. Accountability is important otherwise programs like this wouldn't exist and help so many people reach their goals. But rather than have a goal thats a specific number it's important to stop and smell the roses every once and while and see your achievements and how far you've come rather than dwell on the fact you haven't lost any weight that week you know :)
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    I feel great, and maybe the MFP can add a tracker for our mood or "feel"… those numbers are now my friends as they help me continue to feel great.

    Even if I am dealing with other "people" at work or family or friends, it is easier without feeling physically dragged down by the weight. I had no idea how much carrying around an extra 41 pounds literally held me back. thanks for the reminder ash190489!