what did you eat like before MFP?



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    My biggest vice was too much cheese. I had no idea sandwich cheese had so many calories. Then, of course, there is my wine habit. Can't say I've conquered that, but I'm much more aware of calories per glass.
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I ate pretty much the same as now (excpet for the protein powder)...just in much, much greater quantities. LOL
  • scottg1024
    scottg1024 Posts: 224
    I would order two drinks at a drive thru to try and make the person handing the order to me think it wasn't all for me - even though it was.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    20 piece chicken nuggets and a lot of juice.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Chips and soda...all the time!!! Then it was a lot of fast food, with co workers...running to Jack in the box and having a few tacos, and fries, and burgers. It was bad!! Oh and then there's alcohol...I would drink a lot of fruity, mixed drinks a couple times a week, margaritas by the pitchers.
  • Asil02
    Asil02 Posts: 261
    I had horrible eating habits before MFP. I ate a lot of take out, processed food, simple carbs, and high calorie drinks (you can read that as a Grande White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks). I think finding out I have diabetes actually saved my life!
  • MLgarcia3
    MLgarcia3 Posts: 503
    I cringe/drool when I think of how I used to eat... I just didn't know any better and ate what I wanted. I had a high metabolism until I hit 24.. Then I started packing on the pounds... Then got pregnant...
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I really eat the same foods now as I did before, just smaller portions and less throughout the day.
  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    Processed foods & more fast food/eating out. Now my motto is if it comes in a can or a box it's not for me and I despise McDonald's and several other fast food eateries. I notice I spend a lot more time in the kitchen but it's so worth it!!

    Same here!!!! I spend at least 10-12 hours a week cooking now! I love it!
  • dward2011
    dward2011 Posts: 416 Member
    I ate the same then as I do now. MFP has helped me stay motivated to increase my exercising habits/frequency. I started with 2-3 days max of exercise, and am now active every day.
  • heygurlheyyyy
    heygurlheyyyy Posts: 84 Member
    I definitely had sticker shock. I joined MFP after I had already started making small changes to my diet, but I still was apparently clueless. It took me a few weeks to really process it and start to make more meaningful changes, but OMG I must have been eating 2500-3000 calories a day on the regular. Surprisingly, I'm not even hungry eating around 1500 now.... so it's not like I needed those extra calories to fuel my body.
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    So the only thing that has changed for me is portion sizes. I still eat what I want, just not as much as I was. Its really eye opening once you start logging, and to know that I used to eat double that or even more...
  • MandaPaigeSparkles88
    MandaPaigeSparkles88 Posts: 1,289 Member
    Oh my gosh where do I even begin, for breakfast typically I would have 2 biscuits and grave egg bacon lunch like 2 cheese sandwiches and a big plate full of chips, never drank water drank regular or diet sodas. I don't even want to know or guess at how many calories I was eating each and every day. I loved food I have cut back quite a bit on food. I don't even want to think about what disgusting things I put in my mouth that I know were bad for me and I just kept on doing it anyways.
  • heytherestephy
    heytherestephy Posts: 356 Member
    Poutine, burgers from a really awesome burger place in town, Poutine, Poutine, Desserts (CHEESECAKE OMG).

    But the funny thing is/was, I preferred healthy options. It was just my snacking that was the issue.
  • angiemartin78
    angiemartin78 Posts: 475 Member
    I ate out a lot!! Lunch EVERY day during the week and probably dinner out at least 5 times a week...I know, I know freaking terrible right!? And, when I did cook it was always something out of a bag or box...SMH. Thus explaining my massive weight gain over the past couple of years!

    I have learned so much :smile:
  • kaajay
    kaajay Posts: 62 Member
    I pretty much ate the same I do now but in bigger quantities. Cheese and dairy products were outrageous. It truly ticked me off finding out how much just a measly slice of cheese counts against daily goals. Also I threw out the remaining 1/4 of a take-home pizza because I couldn't believe one measly slice was 290 calories.

    MFP helped me be more conscious of what I put in my mouth and stomach.
  • shani251
    shani251 Posts: 145 Member
    alcohol and lots of after dinner snacking!!!! i was always pretty good about making wise choices during the day. but after a beer or a glass of wine (or 3) it was munchie-city. :) and as we all know, you can ruin a perfect day after 7 pm.

    This was me - i'd eat well until about 5, and then came the barrage of vodka and juice drinks, then followed by whatever munchies we had in the house. every night - gosh i'm glad we don't do that anymore!
  • alicia0416
    alicia0416 Posts: 274 Member
    Fast food EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!!! And not "healthy fast food" Burgers Fries... OH fries lol... I could have eaten a burger everyday for the rest of my life lol... SO GLAD I DON'T DO THAT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • raven3lise
    raven3lise Posts: 107 Member
    basically everything I still eat
    minus the milky way bars
    and the twix bars
    and the steak
    and the large sized bk meals
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    It is kind of strange to think about now.

    Breakfast: Toast with peanut butter usually, or some kind of cereal (at work)...and coffee-always.

    Lunch: A sandwich, crackers and cheese or peanut butter, a piece of fruit-maybe a granola bar.

    Dinner: (This is where I got in trouble) Anything that sounds good....a few slices of pizza, lasagna, tacos...if we were going out for trivia or something then a cheeseburger and fries and beer.

    Biggest change I've made in the past two months is to limit my alcohol intake. I've become more portion-aware...I was drinking a BIG glass of red wine in the evening which I have since cut back to half a glass....

    Going out and alcohol are two things I've changed. Still enjoying both, but making smarter choices.

    I've also started doing snacks between breakfast and lunch and before my workout...