Questions about 30 Day Shred

For those of you who have done it, was it successful? Did you notice results?

Additionally, what do you need to do it? I mean, do you need free weights or anything of the nature?


  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    I love the 30 day shred for its quick intense workout. I have never done it 30 days in a row per say, but when I do use it I try to do it 3 days a week. It uses free weights and a 3 - 2 - 1 approach, 3 min of strength training, 2 min of cardio, and 1 min of abs. And there are 3 circuits.
  • queezle_sister
    queezle_sister Posts: 33 Member
    I just started the 30-day shred (I'm on day 3). I love how quick it is (~25 minutes), and I think it might work with my schedule even when my kids start school next week. Its also tough - I'm sore but in a very good way. It is also flexible - Jillian shows easier and harder versions of my of the moves.

    I'm going to try to do it 30 days in a row, and I'm 10% of the way there already!

    You DO need some dumb bells. In the video they use 5 lb weights, but I am super happy to have 2 lb and 3 lb dumb bells. For me, these makes it plenty intense. After the first workout, my arms felt like jelly and I could barely shampoo my hair!
    You could, alternatively, use canned goods if they fit well in your hands.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    Most people say to use 3 or 5lb weights during the free weight portion of the 30DS.

    I kickboxed with 10lb weights for a couple weeks and thought I was very strong...tried 5lb weights with Level 1 and definitely felt it!!

    Do be aware of tension on your lower body with the jumping rope, sometimes if my shins feel unpleasant I do single single legs instead of the double legs. But I got used it (or became stronger) as a couple days passed.
  • Today was day 1 for me...loved does go by fast....keep a towel nearby, you sweat!!!
  • I love it! I didn't do it exactly as recommended either. I did a few days of Level 1 and then a few days of Level 2 and then about 10 days of Level 3 and, then, it was vacation time so I stopped doing it daily. Now I just use it as part of the mix. Sometimes I do Level 2 and then go for a walk/run. Sometimes, if I'm really feeling the need to workout, I'll do Level 3 and then go right back into Level 2. That's the nice thing about it, you CAN figure ot what works for you. And, yes, it really truly only takes about 20 minutes. So, that's an absolute god-send for busy people.

    You need a floor matt. I think it's best if you wear your runners. And you'll need some weights. You could always use milk jugs or soup cans if you're on a budget. I started with 2 pounders because I'm not doing weights at all. But, I'm up to 5 pounders now (ocassionally switching down to 3 when I'm really fatigued).

    You might want to see if your library carries it. Some do. Then you could try it without the commitment. Good luck!
  • maroonmango211
    maroonmango211 Posts: 908 Member
    I finished day 30 (of working out I did not count sundays or my one sick day when I did not) and I lost 8lbs and I dunno how many inches, but quite a few, down a dress size and feeling great. I bought 3lb and 5lb weights for it, but if I had to go back I would have probably bought some 8lb as well for some of the moves later on. If you don't have carpet I would recommend a yoga mat as well. It is a great workout for its price and does a lot more than you would think possible in a 25 min work out. If you have any questions feel free to add me, I will be posting official measurements and pictures soon.
  • Samer1Q
    Samer1Q Posts: 19 Member
    I'm actually starting the 30 Day Shred for the 2nd time - and I've had mixed results. I never made it to level 3 last time because I lost motivation - it takes a lot of dedication to do something every day for a month and Jillian got really annoying. This time I'm taking 1 day off every week, as well as continuing my regular cardio exercises during the program. It also helps that I have a buddy!

    I immediately noticed an increase in my endurance and muscle strength even only a few days into the program. I had stopped losing weight consistently last time (since I was developing muscle) and it took me until after I quit to realize that I should have been measuring my progress in inches lost! So you might want to forget the scale.

    You do need hand weights - I use 3 lb and it's fine. But you might want to move to 5 lb if you want significant arm results.

    I hope this was helpful! Good luck!
  • I liked it but it gets boring after doing it. Level 2 really kicks your butt! I used 3-5 lbs weights. I never made it to level 3 because I joined a boot camp that is pretty much level 2-3 in comparison to Jillian but in 45 minutes vs. 20.

    I'd say it is challenging but I am not so good with work out videos. You most def need to incorporate something else besides this into a fitness program. I would suggest running, walking or bike riding with this 20 minute work out.