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Motivated Mommies!

ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
Hey everyone! I am a 23 yr old single mom to the world's most amazing little girl! (Yes, I am a just a little biased!!) Anyways, I've been on MFP for a while now, (fell off the wagon for a minute, but I recently jumped back on!) and I was just looking for a little "group" of my own!

I don't want to just barge in the middle of someone's group, so I was wondering if anyone else wanted to join me?


  • Hi =]
    Im a 20 yr old single mom lol. to a little boy and stress has been getting in the way of ..everything i guess lol. Im trying to get my motivation back so i would like to join you ^-^
  • Hi. I just joined MFP this week and would love a group for support. I am a mom to two kids, a boy whose 3 and a girl who is 21 months. I gained alot of weight when I was pregnant and would love to get back in shape. I would love to join your group.
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    I would LOVE to join you girls. I am 25 yr old and mommy of 4. I have 3 girls ages - 9, 2, and 11 months and my little guys is 5 years old. It's such a challenge to be a busy mommy and also try to do things like this for yourself. BUT it is do-able!! yay! Good luck ladies!

    Current weight - 158
    immediate Goal weight 155 by 1/31/10
    goal #2 - 149 by March 4th (my birthday wish)
  • Hi!

    I am 30 and I have one little boy who will be two on Feb. 4th :) I just rejoined MFP last week and would love a support group :)
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Yay! I am so excited ladies!! I find that when I share with other people and HAVE to be accountable for my actions, then I'm more successful. Which day would you all like to be our offical "weigh in"? I'm thinking Fridays or Mondays?

    Also with our weekly weigh in, I'd like to set weekly goals not related to a number. Ex: I will exercise 5 days this week for 30 mins each. I will drink my 8 glasses of water each week. I will NOT eat any sweets this week. ETC... You get the idea, setting a goal for something that you have trouble with, rather than setting a number.

    Feel free to share any tips and suggestions you have. Feel free to vent. Most importantly, feel free to boast about your success. And don't forget the little ones... feel free to share any cute/funny stories you have!!

    Weekly Goal 1: Just saying NO to sweets this week!! I love cooooookies, but they love my booty!!
    Weekly Goal 2: I will work out all week! I skipped Friday this past week. :o\

    SW: 280 (This was May 2008)
    Weight when I started MFP: 225 (June 2009)
    CW: 210

    Goal 1: 205 by Feb 1st
    Goal 2: 200 by Feb 20
  • Mondays or Fridays would be good for me for weigh ins.

    Goal1: Stay near my calories all week.
    Goal2: Drink 8 glasses of water a day. THis will be big challenge for me. I never drink enough!
  • Aeilm
    Aeilm Posts: 92
    I'm so excited too!! I just did 30 minutes of Cathe Fredrich's Kick, Punch, and Crunch. Woo that was a workout, but I feel wonderful!! I love the goal idea so here is mine:

    Goal #1 - Workout on Mon, Tue, Wed, and Fri for at least 30 minutes!! (off Thur, Sat, Sun)

    Goal #2 - DRINK WATER!!!
  • ok my goal is to stay near my calorie range. - which, i would like to add, i have accomplished today =D lol im really excited about that and will aim to do the same for tomorrow., and the rest of the week.
    my second goal is to do at least 5 days of working out. ive been having a hard time lately trying to find the time. sadly, i was not able to get it in today =/

    i have been weighing in on fridays, but any day will do for me, i dont really mind.

    sw (when i join mfp, 1 year ago) - 190.. i know, only 5 pounds i was able to keep off. im hoping to change that this year.
    current (this was this morning) - 185.6
    1st goal - (by the end of the month) - 177.6
  • :smile:
    I am so glad I found out about mfp yesterday!!! I Love it !
    and even more excited to find a support group of moms !

    First Goal-- I would like to get in 5 workout dvds this week.... and then play my WII FIT a few minutes EVERY DAY !

    Second Goal- I want to stay within my calories .... :smile: !

    Which day are you girls weighing in on?!?!...... maybe some of us can weigh the same day ?!!?!?

    Starting Weight-- 274
    Current WEight- 273.4

    1st Goal (by Feb. 1st) - 269

    So excited to make a change this year !
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome Amy! I love MFP! It's a great resource!

    I'm thinking weigh days should be on Friday's? How does that sound for everyone?

    I'm needing some new music for my workout..... do you ladies have any suggestions? I like it ALLLLL, so any and all suggestions are appreciated.

    Also, is anyone tracking their measurements as well as their weight? I just measured myself yesterday. My scale hasn't moved in like a week and I'm becoming very frustrated since I've been eating amazingly and working out. I'm hoping it's muscle replacing fat, but nonetheless it's super frustrating. I think tracking my measurements as well will help to keep me positive.
  • hopin2b-- Thanks so much ! I am loving it so much ! i do weight watcher points but actually the points coincide with the calories too ! so its great .... i do all my journalling here.... and tracking..... instead of wasting a bunch of trees !!!!

    I will weigh in tomorrow with you......

    I have to take my measurements on monday ! that will be one week ! and then im going to start measuring each month ! So they will be my january measurements ... ill wait till feb. to do more! I ALWAYS see a huge inch difference all over ..... each week ! esp. the weeks when the scale doesnt budge ! Your doing FABULOUS ! keep it up !
  • I did not do well this week. Both the kids got the flu Wednesday and Thursday so I did not work out and I didn't eat that great. I didn't eat horrible just not great. I only lost 1 pound from last Friday. I am going to start logging calories again today. I didn't do it all week and that is something I NEED to do.

    Goals for this week:
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day!
    Logging food everyday.
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Happy Friday ladies!! Woooo!

    Amanda - 1 down is still a loss! Great job!

    How's everyone else doing?

    I'm at about 207-208. I have one of the oldies scales with the dial, so I can't decifer if it's on the 7 or 8 mark. Either way, I'll take a 2 or 3 lbs loss!! And I will be investing in a digital scale this weekend!! LOL.

    I'm worried about this weekend!! My daughter will be with her father, and this is usually "MY" time where I go out with friends, eat out WAY too much, and consume WAY too much alcohol! I'm not worried about the eating out part, it's the alcohol part that makes me nervous. It hurts my heart to think of the calories I will be consuming. *sigh* I mostly want to go out to dance, so dancing is good right? LOL. Hopefully, I'll have enough will power to stop with 2, maybe 3 drinks, but knowing me, I like a goooooooood buzz and that won't happen. Must.......have.......will power!!
  • Amanda--- hey 1lbs is one less than last week RIGHT ?!?!? .... thats one less that you have to work on ... you did great ! :)

    Hopin2b- Hey girl ... great job -- i weighed this morning and the scale said i was down three lbs since Monday (thats when i started) so i officially have until monday for my offical ONE Week weigh in ! and ill post the stats as we know sometimes it could be less or more ! :) !!!! but ill take ANY LOSS ! I hope this weekend you can relax, kick back with your gal pals and definately have the willpwer to STOP at whatever your limit you set for yourself ! Alcohol is EXTREMELY filled with calories... i totally get that its your weekend to have fun ! but jus remember how far youve come :) !!!!! and that 2-3 lbs could turn into 5-6 after a healthy weekend ! :) so set a limit of 2 or three drinks per say ... and STICK TO IT ! YOU CAN DO IT !
  • srry im so late on weighing in..
    im down 2.2 pounds this week.
    i usually dont lose more than a pound a week or none at all so im really happy about this =]
  • I would also love to join this group. I am a mother of two children. my daughter is 5 and my son is 2. I just started mfp last tuesday. I will be doing my weigh in tomorrow and will let everyone know. My starting weight is 168.0 as of my start date.
    My first goal for the next week is to work out at least 5 days 1 hour a day
    My second goal is to drink lots of water. I am a soda addict.:frown:

    I am really excited to be able to talk to other mom's who know what it is like to have kids and try to be healthy. It is hard to do this when you have children that you have to take care of. But I have gotten my kids involved we got a wii fit and both my kids will jog with me and do the yoga. My son is really funny when he is trying to do yoga. :flowerforyou:
  • Okay, Im late but Im jumping in anyways! Im a Mommy of 4 beautiful boys, my youngest is 7 weeks tomorrow, and trying to get back into shape!! My scale is broken though so I will just post my goals until I get a new one!

    For the week of 1-17
    I will eat breakfast everyday as early as I can!
    I will go to bed early to make sure I get enough sleep
    I will drink my water on a daily basis!

    Nice to meet you girls and Im super excited to have some people to be accountable to!!
  • I have been on mfp for 2 weeks and I have lost 10 pounds. I have certainly cut back on my calories and attempting to excerise more. This is a first time for me...that is counting calories and I am amazed at some of the foods I was eating. I have always wondered how us moms that work all day and then come home to the house work and running after kids until your head hits the pillow...why is it so hard for us to lose weight. We go go go but still have to find time to stand in one spot and exercise. But learning on the calorie in-take on some of my favorite foods explains it all. Cutting out my sweet tea was one of the biggest helps. I am pushing myself every morning to reach my goals that have been long over due. 1) regain my self happiness 2) get back down to 155. My start weight was 190. Lets do this ladies... we are the only ones that can do this for ourselves
  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    Awesome job on the 2.2 lbs Jenn!! Yay!

    Welcome Aww, Allyson and Tootsmom!

    My weekend was a COMPLETE disaster. Yeah, that will power I needed? Didn't exist. Oh well, I can only strive to do better and be better next time. On a side note, my weekend was A LOT of fun. LOL. My calories were just wayyyyy over.

    Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!
  • :drinker: I did my first weigh in this morning and have lost 3 pounds. I am very excited. I had to throw out all the sweets in the house the brownies on the counter would call to me when I walked by. Don't worry about the bad week end hopin you can get back on track today and have a great week. We all just have to remember that yesterday is gone and there is nothing we can do about it so start fresh today. Hope everyone is doing well and keep up the good work everyone....:happy:

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